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Hair Advice for Our Newbies

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Category: African American Hair
Forum Name: African American Hair
Forum Description: Devoted to the special needs of African Americans.
Printed Date: January 13 2025 at 5:56am

Topic: Hair Advice for Our Newbies
Posted By: Honeydoo
Subject: Hair Advice for Our Newbies
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 11:34am

I thought it would be nice to have a thread for all the new members that come here in search for hair tips. We can pass on the hair advice we received that has helped us achieve (and to continue to achieve) healthier hair.

My learning process was slow, but once I saw results, I was hooked and thristy to learn more. My hair benefitted from it. First, let me tell you what my hair was like, BEFORE I began taking good care of it:

As a child my hair was always healthy and shiny and even through high school, even though I used 'grease' on my scalp, washed my hair every two weeks, and never really moisturized it. (I thought moisture was oiling my hair) But I started to hot comb it when it was relaxed and curl it on occasion. The salons I went to were not very informative on hair care and just went when my hair began to look bad only to repeat the same destructive process. Then two years ago it was starting to feel like straw and coming out in clumps. (If you could have seen pictures, you would cry for me.) Then I decided to do some research and take care of my hair better. I had to make the brave decision to cut my hair even. I went to the salon and balled like a baby because my hair was sooo damaged it had to be cut up to 1 inch in the back and up to my ear in the front so I had a bob. I had never had my hair shorter than shoulder length so it was quite a shock. But this hair dresser helped me out alot and gave me good info to start with. I got alot of compliments about the cut too. So this is the hair advice I live on now:

1. I try to avoid products with mineral oil and petroleum. If I can't fully avoid it, Ill find a product that has this as one of the last ingredients.

2. I keep my ends protected at all times. When I do wear my hair out, I make sure I'm wearing a hair friendly top and I keep it well moisturized.

3. Moisture, Moisture, Moisture!!! Different from hair oil and mandatory for healthy hair. I moisturize my hair a couple times a day.

4. No Hot Comb on relaxed hair. A big NO NO!! I learned this the hard way. (My mom still does it!)

5. Make sure to use protein in your hair once in a while. While moisture is good, you also need to strengthen your hair. A good protein treatment or protein conditioner is good to use once a month or every 2 weeks. (Some use it more but remember to use a moisturizing conditioner afterwards. Protein has the tendency to make your hair hard.)

6. Drink more water, less of the sweet stuff. I never was a soda drinker (or 'pop'depending on where you are from), but water is tons better for not only your hair but your whole body. Adding more fresh fruits and veggies helps too, not too mention beans, eggs, and whole grains.

7. Exercise. It gets the blood circulating all over. And you might as well look as good as your hair!!

8. Trim your hair on a as-needed basis. Some trim every 8 weeks like clockwork, but if my ends are still in tact, I keep them protected and hold off until they do need them.

9.Less heat, more washing. I've found that if I rollerset my hair and sit under a dryer, I have less breakage. But if you can avoid heat all together your hair will thank you for it. I also wash 2 times a week now and my scalp feels alot better.

10. Comb from the ends to the roots for less breakage.

These are a few tips that were passed on to me when I first started getting my hair together. I hope it helps all of you the way it has helped me. Sorry this is so long but I wanted to share all of this with everyone. Happy Hair!!!






pw: bombay

Posted By: diamondprincess
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 11:53am
I would like to add:

**Use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner.
**Cover your hair with a silk or satin bonnet/scarf at night.
A good leave-in is always good.
**Scalp massage to get the blood flowing.
**Find a good regimen and stick to it.


Posted By: cmesweet
Date Posted: March 23 2005 at 8:20am

Ok when I was younger a stylist burned my hair with a hotcomb, it had to get cut.  My mom hot combed my hair so much that it started to break off and turn read at the ends, my ends were split almost up to my roots. I didn't know how to take care of my natural hair (in highschool at this time) So i went and got a hair cut, an angled bob and a perm.  I changed to like 5 different stylists and eventually I learned how to do my own hair.  I started wearing buns and keeping my hair moisturized, and lots of braids and ponytails. I would only go to the hair dresser for special styles, but she never made them look like the book so I started doing that too.

When I got to college, hard water made my hair break off what was once down my back was now at my shoulders. It took me a year to find a shampoo and conditioner that made my hair feel great.  I contineud to wear cornrows every week and a half or pontytails because my hair grew:), didn't use heat, sometimes i wet my hair and scrunched it....

College, I tried to transition before but I did not have the support. I would get a perm once every 6 months and trim at least 1 time a month. I decided 2 years later from the last transition that I will transition again, I didn't like the history our people went thru with the relax and so I started growing it out. After 4 months of working with 2 textures I just cut it off. I had about 2 inches but ended up with 1 cause I had to cut the scab hair. I have now been natural for 10 months, I have to deal with negative people cause they can't see the beauty in everyone especially their own people, but that is THEIR PROBLEM NOT MINE. My friends really are supportive, my sister say sly remarks, but o well.

I learned...

*eat right and your body through healthy hair and skin will show it.

* Less heat is better for the hair, especially direct heat.

*comb from ends to roots

* comb when wet, newgrowth or natural hair.  (I always combed my relaxed hair only when wet and styled when wet too).

*try to stay away from clothes that clings to hair, especially velcro or snap ons, other attachmes aren't good.

*some of the best products are right in your kitchen!

* Be happy with what you have now, you can be your own support system.

BC May 9, 2004

Posted By: Namika
Date Posted: March 23 2005 at 1:30pm
These are very good information and advices.. keep them coming everyone.. we need to learn more from all of you

Posted By: Honeydoo
Date Posted: March 23 2005 at 5:26pm

* Be happy with what you have now, you can be your own support system.

Thats a very good point Cmesweet. I know what you mean by getting remarks about your hair. I haven't been natural since I was little but I've always admired those who did have natural hair. I wish some people would see the beauty in all types. (We need to put an end to the term 'good hair' in A-A societies because I think it really puts a negative label to hair that isn't straight, shiny, and bouncy. All hair is good. it's a part of us.)

pw: bombay

Posted By: cmesweet
Date Posted: March 23 2005 at 8:27pm

I guess i should add, at the time i got my angel bob cut with a relaxer, i had all kind of people upset with me. People at church that had never spoken to me my whole life saying crap.  But we have to remember at the end it was my hair, just like it is YOUR hair. Only u know your hair most and i rather cut it to let it grow back healthy than to try to hold on to unhealthy hair, that was asking to get off my head.

Point of the story, its about making yourself happy, your hair is yours, you own it, u can't please everyone. So you  have to back yourself up.

BC May 9, 2004

Posted By: vickyd
Date Posted: March 23 2005 at 9:03pm
Great info everybody -- actually some of this advice is not just good for loving our hair and the various forms it comes in, but also loving ourselves.

"And this too shall pass."

Posted By: carameldiva
Date Posted: March 23 2005 at 9:38pm

Find a good shampoo, a good conditioner, a good deep conditioner, a good leave-in and a good moisturizer(find out whether you hair likes oil or butters).

Shampoo and Deep Condition Weekly.

Condition washes are great for naturals.

Baggie Method- I moisturize at nite and put the thin, plastic cap over my entire head. You can also put a baggie over your ponytail and then cover it with a phony pony or phony bun.

Drink lots of water and take vitamins at least a good hair, skin and nails one as well as a good multivitamin at a minimum.

I only use heat when i deep condition.

that's about it- hope this helps someone out.

Me and you, your cousin and your momma too rollin on da strip on bow's

Posted By: cebnn
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 10:52am

Here's a few things I learned from a book called  The Black Woman's Guide to Beautiful Hair.


Start by rinsing your scalp, making small openings or parts in your hair, so the water can rinse through. Focus on the crown, nape, behind your ears, and your hairline. Never dump shampoo onto your head. Instead pour it into your hands, and rub them together, spreading the shampoo down your fingers. Make small parts and openings in your hair and apply the shampoo to your scalp. Then slide or rubb your fingers through the hair alloiwing the shampoo to move tward the strand ends. Never massage on top of your hair, slide your fingers from under your hair directly on your scalp. This will prevent matting, tangles, and damage to the hair shaft. Use the pads of your fingers to massage your scalp


Towl-dry your hair before applying conditioner, to allow the conditioner to attact to the hair surface.  Make openings and parts in your hair, then apply conditioner with your fingers so that you can place the conditioner on the hair closest to your scalp. Next, apply the conditioner to the ends of your hair. Then apply to the entire strand. If the hair has tangles, apply extra conditioner directly to the tangled areas, then use your forfinger and thumb to massage the tangles away. Do Not Comb conditioner through, this will cause too much strain on your strangs. Allow the conditioner to work first.  Depenging on the condition of your hair, you can now rinse the conditioner out throughlt, or deep condition.

Deep Conditioning:

In order to have true deep reconditioning of damaged strands you must have maximum penetration of your conditiooner into the cuticle layers of your hair strands. To achieve this it is recommended that you use a deep penetrating, protein-and-moisture rich conditioner in order to stabilize the hair strands.  Use the conditioning method above, instead of rinsing cover your head in a thin plastic cap (i think seran wrap works just as good) and sit under a warm dryer for fifteen minutes (set the dryer to medium). Come out from the dryer, remove the plastic cap, and carefully apply more conditioner to the hairline, the ends, and to any short, weak spots as well as any weak or thinning areas. Cover with the cap as before and sit back under the dryer for ten more minutes. Come out and again apply the conditoner to any weak spots (hairline, thinning spots ect.) Cover with the cap and sit back under the dryer for another 10 minutes. For a total of 35 minutes. Finally rinse your hair in lukewarm water for ateleast sixty seconds.

Leave in Conditioner:

A leave-in will add elasticity to your strands  by placing a positive buildup on the hairshaft. After you rinse the conditioner, towl-blott in a squeezing motion to remoce excess water. Spray on the leave-in taking care to get inside any new-growth and the hairclosest to the scalp and the ends. If there are any tangles use your thumb and forefinger to massage the leave in directly into the tangled area. Next, finger comb through your hair. Do Not comb before tangles are removed, and comb from the bottom up.

Thers is so much more information in this book. but I thought I would just share this stuff.

Fotki updated on 10/28 address in profile

Posted By: Passionsb
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 5:04pm

Hey you guys. I am new to this site. I have been searching for a good place to purchase wigs via the internet if possible. I have had microbraids in my hair for approximately 8 months now, and I am ready to take them out. I need something to do with my hair post-braids though. I am wanting to wear some stylish, cute wigs. I have been unsuccessful in my quest. I am only 24, and want a younger-person's wig. Does anyone have any suggestions or helpful tips for me. They will be greatly appreciated.


Posted By: IndigoRed
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 9:52pm
Hey Ladies - You all give such good advice.Thx .  

Conditioning my hair during my shower also helped me. Before I go in the shower I would put a moisturizer on my hair paying special attention to the ends and hairline. My shower cap acts like a heating cap because of the steam from the shower. I found this to be a quick and easy way of getting a little extra from my moisturizer.

Posted By: FiestyFem
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 5:06pm

Hi guys

I'm new here,I just joined today,and I'm so glad I did because I'm on a mission!My hair is shoulder length right now,but sometime in the near future,I'd like to have thick,long bra-strap length hair,or maybe longer.But there are many factors that have contributed to my length.I recently got it cut(which has been the 4th time I've had it chopped off since 7th grade.I'm a highschool junior.)Anywho,the reason for this length I think is because of inconsistency.

All throughout elementary school,my mother used heat on my tresses EVERYDAY.There was not a morning that passed when she didn't do it.The ironic thing about it is that she went to school for cosmetology,so I thought she knew better,obviously not.But then when I entered middle school,my hair started to improve,grow,thicker and thicker.This was a result of me getting my hair done at a popular salon in a near mall.My hair was beautiful!I had no complaints.Then upon entering junior high,I had to get it cut,and I threw a fit!But then I had to realize that after all the stress my hair had went through,that was the smartest thing to do.My hair was once again,healthy.Then I enter highschool in the 9th grade,and I had to get it cut again!Same process.Now I'm in the 11th grade,and I recently had my hair cut,and through this process my mother really angered me!She had relaxed my hair,then instead of using a WIDE tooth comb,she used a small one,and combed from the top to the bottom which is a no no!My hair had grown so much,and then I look at this comb,and there were just clumps of hair.I wanted to .All of this occured because of lack of knowledge.Not trimming consistently when my hair needs it,not washing it when it needed to be washed,and using the wrong products for my hair all contributed to my damaged crown and glory.

Some tips that I've learned are:

Love your hair,be patient,and try not to be rough with it.

Drink plenty of water!Drink it until you get sick of it.I know this is annoying but eventually your hair will thank you.

Moisture,Moisture,and more Moisture.As women of color,our hair tends to be drier,so using the correct poos/conditioners will definitely benefit the hair.

NEVER clog your precious pores up with grease,oil,or any other pomades.

Use wide tooth combs instead of the small tooth ones,and NEVER brush hair while it's wet.

Comb from the bottom up.

Never sleep without a satin/silk pillow case or scarf.

And most importantly TRIM!I don't care how long your hair is.Eventually your hair will just split up the hair shaft and you'll be back to round one.

Vitamins don't hurt either!(Biotin,Flaxseed,B-complex etc.)

Sorry this was so long

Piece of mind creates Peace of Mind which is a Peace of mine which is a Piece of mine.-MeŠ

Posted By: Honeydoo
Date Posted: April 02 2005 at 5:28pm

Welcome FeistyFem!!

You sure did go through some hair changes!! You have some very good tips too. I hope you enjoy your stay here!!

pw: bombay

Posted By: FiestyFem
Date Posted: April 03 2005 at 8:41am
Thanks HoneyDoo

Piece of mind creates Peace of Mind which is a Peace of mine which is a Piece of mine.-MeŠ

Posted By: cmesweet
Date Posted: April 04 2005 at 11:27am
Welcome to the forum Fiesty...good that you have advice for

BC May 9, 2004

Posted By: FiestyFem
Date Posted: April 04 2005 at 4:26pm
 Hi cmesweet!!!

Piece of mind creates Peace of Mind which is a Peace of mine which is a Piece of mine.-MeŠ

Posted By: Kim J
Date Posted: April 13 2005 at 12:38am
Try the search feature on this board if you are looking for information on a specific word, phrase or item.  It may well have been discussed in the past.

-Happy Hair Days

Posted By: angeleyeslady
Date Posted: April 20 2005 at 12:15pm
thanks for that Kim, I didn't know about the search feature, I am a newby, cheers


Posted By: carameldiva
Date Posted: April 20 2005 at 2:20pm
welcome angeleyeslady and fiesty fem.

Me and you, your cousin and your momma too rollin on da strip on bow's

Posted By: Jewell
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 2:26pm

-silk/satin scarf or pillowcase for bed...cotton sucks the moisture from hair

-if you must use heat, use it in the lowest setting possible to straighten hair, and use heat spraringly

-avoid hair styles that pull at the hair to avoid thinning

-when using protein treatments/conditioners, its good to follow with a moisturizing conditioner to keep the hair from becoming brittle from too much protein

-trim as needed (I no longer believe in trimming every 8 weeks, because I was trimming off all my new growth, and I didn't have any split ends)!

-moisturize as much as possible to protect the hair from the elements

Type: 3c, Relaxed
Current Length: Lower Back (Close to Waist)
Goal: Classic Length
PW: trulyblessed

-No Stylists.
-Simple Hair Care.

Posted By: Princess1
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 11:42pm

Sorry if I sound like a ditz, but what exactly is a "protective hair style"?  Should I ever use rubberbands? They create breakage...right?

To whom much is given, much is expected.

Posted By: Honeydoo
Date Posted: April 26 2005 at 11:05am
Hi Princess! No rubber bands at all! They are a big culprit to breakage. Protective styles are styles that you wear to keep your ends protected from the elements and rubbing on your clothes. Styles such as buns, up-do's, braids, bantu knots are all considered protective hair styles. Cmesweet may have a few website addresses where you can view a few.

pw: bombay

Posted By: Princess1
Date Posted: April 26 2005 at 1:33pm

Thank  you for answering so quickly!! I just have one quick question.. How can you wear a bun without using a rubberband? Do you need special hair toys?

To whom much is given, much is expected.

Posted By: Honeydoo
Date Posted: April 26 2005 at 9:13pm

No, actually I'm still working on mastering 'the bun' but what I know is good to use is an elastic band that is covered in satin or some similar fabric. I have also heard of girls saturating a cloth band in oil to minimize breakage. Maybe someone else on this board can offer alittle more guidance. Actually, if you pm sistaslick for her password, in her fotki she gives directions to making a bun and what supplies to use. Hope this helps.

pw: bombay

Posted By: cmesweet
Date Posted: April 29 2005 at 6:12pm
Here is a link that explains about protective hair styles -

BC May 9, 2004

Posted By: oskana
Date Posted: May 04 2005 at 4:44pm

I am so grateful for this offers so much help. I have a question about the order of things. do i moisterize after flat ironing, do i put oil after or before moisturizing?


Posted By: Princess1
Date Posted: May 08 2005 at 10:45pm
Hey oskana,
i think you should moisterize after flat ironing, to replace the moisture you've lost when adding heat; otherwise, you will fry your hair! I would also put oil on after moisturizing with a water based moisturizer. That will seal the moisture in your hair.  You should use a heat protector before you flat iron though!  If you blow dry before flatironing, (ONLY IF YOURE IN A HURRY!! OTHERWISE< BIG NO NO!!) use a heat protector!!
Hope this helps! I'm no expert, but this makes sense to me...

To whom much is given, much is expected.

Posted By: QuietSweetie
Date Posted: June 12 2005 at 4:22pm

Hello everyone! Im new here but i've been looking at this site for months. I remeber when i came across this site and I found it to be very informational. Expecially for me since im young (going to be a high school freshman in september )and not to keen on the world of hair since where I live most African-American girls have perms so I never knew what to do with my natural hair except braiding and holding it. Anyway, I was just wondering about some of the things that you say are big necessities like "trimming' and deep conditioning. Thank you in advance

Posted By: cmesweet
Date Posted: June 15 2005 at 1:05pm
Welcome to the site Quietsweetie and congrats on becoming a freshman. I hope you find everything you need here.

BC May 9, 2004

Posted By: fatmoogas
Date Posted: June 18 2005 at 3:22pm

Love ya'all!!

Posted By: qwickstudy
Date Posted: July 23 2005 at 10:56am

Hey Everybody!!

I want to thank you all so much for all of this helpful and great information .  I am on a mission to get my hair back in great shape!!

Honeydoo....cmesweet....Princess1.....Sistaslick...Cookiesnk ream....please keep all this good information coming....LOL...bring it on because I am about shoulder length now......but I want my hair down my back (at least to my bra strap !)  It may take a year or so.....but I am in this for the long haul.



Posted By: cmesweet
Date Posted: July 25 2005 at 5:56pm
Welcome Qwick...we are here to help... get your grow on girl !

BC May 9, 2004

Posted By: oskana
Date Posted: July 25 2005 at 7:17pm
thanks princess1

Posted By: smahone2
Date Posted: August 05 2005 at 9:17am
What happens if you get conditioner on your scalp?  Can that be damaging?

Posted By: savantrice
Date Posted: August 09 2005 at 1:25pm
A regular conditioner on your scalp?  no, it shouldnt be damaging at all...

Posted By: pinki
Date Posted: September 08 2005 at 12:36pm

Posted By: carameldiva
Date Posted: September 08 2005 at 4:23pm
It's not a stupid question- WGO=Wild growth hair oil - i have used it in the past and really liked it a lot- it made my hair really soft and manageable- it can be purchased at some Sally's beauty Supply stores and on-line.

Me and you, your cousin and your momma too rollin on da strip on bow's

Posted By: canopy44
Date Posted: September 14 2005 at 1:28pm

Okay, so silly newbie it okay to wash your hair more than once a week? I've learned from reading around that shampoos can be bad for your hair (i don't really understand exactly why yet but i'm learning!) and lately, I've bought a lot of new products that I want to try out. I've been washing my hair about 2x of these times is a "normal" wash, with regular amounts of shampoo and conditioner and the second time is either with no shampoo or with very little shampoo. I then let my hair airdry and then use my ceramic flat iron the next morning. Is this okay or should I cut back on my washings?

Thanks guys!

Posted By: cmesweet
Date Posted: September 14 2005 at 3:56pm
You can wash your hair as much as you want too. U don't have to use shampoo every single time, u can just run water or just conditioner (which u mentioned u did) through it. It's fine, wash all you want!

BC May 9, 2004

Posted By: Layla
Date Posted: September 15 2005 at 9:14am
I think washing 2x a week is fine but I'd try to limit the flat iron to 1x a week.

Type: 3c/4a Natural
Current Length: 6"
Goal: Healthy, tip of nose /neck/shoulder length hair.
BC: 02/08/06

Posted By: canopy44
Date Posted: September 24 2005 at 11:06am

Hey guys, I'm hoping somebody can help me out. I've added a lot of moisture to my hair routine and it's finally settling down. But, I think I may be missing something -- maybe protein or a hot oil treatment? - because I've noticed lots of shedding lately. This is my plan:

wash hair 1x-2x a week. shampoo: Vo5 Hydrators Shampoo. conditioner: rotate between VO5 Moisture Milks, VO5 Hydrators Conditioner, Suave Humectant

shea butter on hair, especially ends, daily

salerm 21, daily (but thinking about doing it 2x a day).

My hair feels soft, but there's just more hair coming out than I would like. Also, would you suggest that I put products (like my shea butter) directly on my scalp? My scalp doesn't feel itchy or dry but I'm sure it could something. Thanks!

Posted By: Everythin_Nice
Date Posted: September 27 2005 at 7:14pm
maybe you need a trim or a good deep conditon or even a protein treatment

Posted By: collcoll
Date Posted: October 19 2005 at 10:59pm
thanks for the advice guys i am now using a sew in weave until i achieve my hair goal of bra strap length. i am now shoulder length,


Posted By: NixxNixx
Date Posted: November 09 2005 at 11:00pm

Organic Olive and Clove Therapy I use a little on my slap and hair along with kerakare leave in conditioner after I wash my hair.

Hair Glo is great for the scalp and when doing scalp massages.  Especially after washing hair and the pores in the scalp are open it tingles even more and it feels great.  Feels like its really stimulating the scalp. 

BOTH of these products have all natural ingredients and it feels great.

I started drinking liquid calcium and hemp protein powder mixed in my water and in my juice. 

I will now try to start drinking way more water along with eating more vegetables and fruits.

I want my hair to grow and it is definitely getting there.  Hope my tips can help someone

Posted By: blackhoney112
Date Posted: November 10 2005 at 3:01pm
Wow I was the total opposite I was cool with my hair oils and everything but the thing that was missing was the moisture but now I am using NTM. I would suggest using a protein treatment to strengthen your hair and stop breakage. I haven't tried it but Aphogee is popular, I used a protein shampoo Queene Helene's Placenta Conditioning shampoo and that is wonderful, and although Bumble and bumble's Deep is really more of a moisturizing mask it does help with breakage and it doesn't make your hair hard. I wouldn't suggest putting shea butter on your scalp unless your doing that as part of a pre-poo, because shea butter is pretty heavy. If you want a natural oil to use on your scalp daily I would suggest jojoba oil because it will absorb quicker and it will help your hair grow. Hope that helps, good luck!

Originally posted by canopy44 canopy44 wrote:

<FONT face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color=#cc3399>Hey guys, I'm hoping somebody can help me out. I've added a lot of moisture to my hair routine and it's finally settling down. But, I think I may be missing something -- maybe protein or a hot oil treatment? - because I've noticed lots of shedding lately.

Also, would you suggest that I put products (like my shea butter) directly on my scalp? My scalp doesn't feel itchy or dry but I'm sure it could something. Thanks!

------------- - Hair album

Posted By: princess8907
Date Posted: November 28 2005 at 12:20pm
Im a newbie, and I had to cut my hair to the top of my neck in Dec.04 because it was damaged from getting flat ironed so much during band camp.  Its now to my shoulder blades and always wear it up moisture soaked clothbands, and a clip, press it once a week, always wear a cap in the sun to avoid heat damage and sweating it out, get my ends clipped every 4 week and I no longer see a stylist (perms cause my hair to dry out and break off).I drink only water.  Its really selfcare that the hair and body needs.  Im a high school junior, and hopefully by senior picture time (june), itll, be to the middle of my back if I take good care of it and myself.

Posted By: LIL J
Date Posted: December 21 2005 at 11:35pm

homie if u keep on brushing you will be spinning lyke twista

Posted By: dubby
Date Posted: December 31 2005 at 3:17pm

Hey girls!

Hope everything is going well for you guys. As you can see I am a newbie to hairboutique and I am on a quest to get some no nonsense advice about getting a weave. I am not the type that gets my hair done. I wash, grease, and braid my very natural and very stubborn and kinky hair but I want a totally new look now. This look will be extreme for me because I usually dont get my hair done and dont know anything about anything-- and I mean that.

Anyway here is my situation. As mentioned before my hair is natural and I have the type of hair that doesnt take to relaxers without a fight. Last time I relaxed my hair, at home, a chunk in the back just fell out. That having been said, I am afraid to relax my hair. Honestly I dont really want to. Which is why I am researching how I can have those really cute hair styles, that are weaved without having to perm my considerably short, but not that short hair. (I can put it in a pony tail). I have seen some of those styles where the hair is braided and the extensions are swen into them but I dont really like that style because I dont want my hair to look like I am wearing a wig. Also I want bangs and I dont want to have to be a hair expert in order to keep it looking nice and fresh for a couple months. Add to that, I am a pretty active girl who works out everyday and doesnt really have the time to be sitting up for hours doing my hair.

Any advice? I know I am a mess.

Posted By: princess8907
Date Posted: January 01 2006 at 9:14pm
dubby, just exactly how long is your hair? Maybe I can help with the styles thing

4b-natural,shoulder blade length,hair goal of to my bra strap

Posted By: dubby
Date Posted: January 01 2006 at 11:31pm

Hi Princess,

Thanks for the response. Well my hair is weird. It is longer in the front and shorter in the very back. Infact tonight I just pressed like a row of my hair near my ear and it was maybe to my jaw. The back is considerably shorter than the front although I can braid it in cronrows. I dont plan on getting my hair done until this summer so imagine that it would have grown somewhat by then.

Right now I just want to get my hair into good condition. I am very interested in "lacing" or I think that is what they call it. Also, as I mentioned above, I would like to have it sewn in to my hair which I really really want to keep natural. I suppose price isnt an issue for me. I am willing to spend atleast $250 and at most $300.


Posted By: longido
Date Posted: February 14 2006 at 11:13am
Originally posted by Honeydoo Honeydoo wrote:

I thought it would be nice to have a thread for all the new members that come here in search for hair tips. We can pass on the hair advice we received that has helped us achieve (and to continue to achieve) healthier hair.

My learning process was slow, but once I saw results, I was hooked and thristy to learn more. My hair benefitted from it. First, let me tell you what my hair was like, BEFORE I began taking good care of it:

As a child my hair was always healthy and shiny and even through high school, even though I used 'grease' on my scalp, washed my hair every two weeks, and never really moisturized it. (I thought moisture was oiling my hair) But I started to hot comb it when it was relaxed and curl it on occasion. The salons I went to were not very informative on hair care and just went when my hair began to look bad only to repeat the same destructive process. Then two years ago it was starting to feel like straw and coming out in clumps. (If you could have seen pictures, you would cry for me.) Then I decided to do some research and take care of my hair better. I had to make the brave decision to cut my hair even. I went to the salon and balled like a baby because my hair was sooo damaged it had to be cut up to 1 inch in the back and up to my ear in the front so I had a bob. I had never had my hair shorter than shoulder length so it was quite a shock. But this hair dresser helped me out alot and gave me good info to start with. I got alot of compliments about the cut too. So this is the hair advice I live on now:

1. I try to avoid products with mineral oil and petroleum. If I can't fully avoid it, Ill find a product that has this as one of the last ingredients.

2. I keep my ends protected at all times. When I do wear my hair out, I make sure I'm wearing a hair friendly top and I keep it well moisturized.

3. Moisture, Moisture, Moisture!!! Different from hair oil and mandatory for healthy hair. I moisturize my hair a couple times a day.

4. No Hot Comb on relaxed hair. A big NO NO!! I learned this the hard way. (My mom still does it!)

5. Make sure to use protein in your hair once in a while. While moisture is good, you also need to strengthen your hair. A good protein treatment or protein conditioner is good to use once a month or every 2 weeks. (Some use it more but remember to use a moisturizing conditioner afterwards. Protein has the tendency to make your hair hard.)

6. Drink more water, less of the sweet stuff. I never was a soda drinker (or 'pop'depending on where you are from), but water is tons better for not only your hair but your whole body. Adding more fresh fruits and veggies helps too, not too mention beans, eggs, and whole grains.

7. Exercise. It gets the blood circulating all over. And you might as well look as good as your hair!!

8. Trim your hair on a as-needed basis. Some trim every 8 weeks like clockwork, but if my ends are still in tact, I keep them protected and hold off until they do need them.

9.Less heat, more washing. I've found that if I rollerset my hair and sit under a dryer, I have less breakage. But if you can avoid heat all together your hair will thank you for it. I also wash 2 times a week now and my scalp feels alot better.

10. Comb from the ends to the roots for less breakage.

These are a few tips that were passed on to me when I first started getting my hair together. I hope it helps all of you the way it has helped me. Sorry this is so long but I wanted to share all of this with everyone. Happy Hair!!!







Posted By: longido
Date Posted: February 14 2006 at 11:16am
Originally posted by Honeydoo Honeydoo wrote:

I thought it would be nice to have a thread for all the new members that come here in search for hair tips. We can pass on the hair advice we received that has helped us achieve (and to continue to achieve) healthier hair.

My learning process was slow, but once I saw results, I was hooked and thristy to learn more. My hair benefitted from it. First, let me tell you what my hair was like, BEFORE I began taking good care of it:

As a child my hair was always healthy and shiny and even through high school, even though I used 'grease' on my scalp, washed my hair every two weeks, and never really moisturized it. (I thought moisture was oiling my hair) But I started to hot comb it when it was relaxed and curl it on occasion. The salons I went to were not very informative on hair care and just went when my hair began to look bad only to repeat the same destructive process. Then two years ago it was starting to feel like straw and coming out in clumps. (If you could have seen pictures, you would cry for me.) Then I decided to do some research and take care of my hair better. I had to make the brave decision to cut my hair even. I went to the salon and balled like a baby because my hair was sooo damaged it had to be cut up to 1 inch in the back and up to my ear in the front so I had a bob. I had never had my hair shorter than shoulder length so it was quite a shock. But this hair dresser helped me out alot and gave me good info to start with. I got alot of compliments about the cut too. So this is the hair advice I live on now:

1. I try to avoid products with mineral oil and petroleum. If I can't fully avoid it, Ill find a product that has this as one of the last ingredients.

2. I keep my ends protected at all times. When I do wear my hair out, I make sure I'm wearing a hair friendly top and I keep it well moisturized.

3. Moisture, Moisture, Moisture!!! Different from hair oil and mandatory for healthy hair. I moisturize my hair a couple times a day.

4. No Hot Comb on relaxed hair. A big NO NO!! I learned this the hard way. (My mom still does it!)

5. Make sure to use protein in your hair once in a while. While moisture is good, you also need to strengthen your hair. A good protein treatment or protein conditioner is good to use once a month or every 2 weeks. (Some use it more but remember to use a moisturizing conditioner afterwards. Protein has the tendency to make your hair hard.)

6. Drink more water, less of the sweet stuff. I never was a soda drinker (or 'pop'depending on where you are from), but water is tons better for not only your hair but your whole body. Adding more fresh fruits and veggies helps too, not too mention beans, eggs, and whole grains.

7. Exercise. It gets the blood circulating all over. And you might as well look as good as your hair!!

8. Trim your hair on a as-needed basis. Some trim every 8 weeks like clockwork, but if my ends are still in tact, I keep them protected and hold off until they do need them.

9.Less heat, more washing. I've found that if I rollerset my hair and sit under a dryer, I have less breakage. But if you can avoid heat all together your hair will thank you for it. I also wash 2 times a week now and my scalp feels alot better.

10. Comb from the ends to the roots for less breakage.

These are a few tips that were passed on to me when I first started getting my hair together. I hope it helps all of you the way it has helped me. Sorry this is so long but I wanted to share all of this with everyone. Happy Hair!!!


what hair moisturiser should i use? i have fine thin hair that grows and breaks.





Posted By: longido
Date Posted: March 09 2006 at 8:07am
Honeydo wrote 'moisturize, mosturize---' this is different from oil. What moisturizer should i use? my hair is thin and fine and breaks easily. I have began using jojoba oil because i read it is good for fine hair, olive oil seems to have boken my hair. How should i use jojoba oil and what moisturizer should i use. I need your help.


Posted By: carameldiva
Date Posted: March 09 2006 at 10:43am

Longido- you can make your own moisturizer. i am natural- i made a homeade spritz which consists of a lil glycerin, liquid aloe vera, water, a lil eo and a few squirts of honey- works great. You could also purchas e care free curl instant moisturizer at the grocery store. Hope this helps.

Me and you, your cousin and your momma too rollin on da strip on bow's

Posted By: longido
Date Posted: March 09 2006 at 11:47am
Thank you carameldiva, where can i buy all these? Some years back i used to use hair glo, is it also a moisturizer? By the way my hair is natural and just recovering from near bold breakage after breastfeeding for a long time.  What else can i use to encourage growth and make it full on the head, currently it is scanty at the back. I need your help badly i can hardly go out of the house


Posted By: carameldiva
Date Posted: March 09 2006 at 5:55pm
i get glycerin(you can get this from your walmart pharmacist or cvs pharmacist) or you can purchase online from - which is also where i got the liquid aloe vera(can be substituted with fruit of the earth aloe vera juice which is drinkable and purchased at walmart or cvs). You can also add a lil honey, lil aloe juice, lil glycerin to your shampoos and conditioners/ Deep conditioners. Works great for me. I oil my hair every nite and co wash in the a.m.( i air dry and spritz with homemade spritz and surge or infusium 23 leavein or 911 ememergency leave in for dry hair)- oils that i am currently loving palm oil, coconut oil, pomace b olive oil and castor oil ( - ) After oiling- i put a thin plastic cap on my head and a satin scarf. I shampoo/condition/deep condition (1-2 times a week) i also prepoo with castor oil- thickens your hair/softens and moisturizes it. Use a gentle shampoo such as SalonCare wild cherry(or other scents)- purchaseable at sallys as well as the conditioner which is great. Other good shampoos are trader joe's pure castile soap(peppermint) or multi-purpose liquid castile soap ( - ). Taking vitamins, drinking lots of water,exercise and getting plenty of sleep are also helpful. Queen helene works great as a deep conditioner for me( i do doctor it up a little). I hope this gets u on the right track. Let me know if you need some more help.

Me and you, your cousin and your momma too rollin on da strip on bow's

Posted By: longido
Date Posted: March 14 2006 at 12:48pm

Thank you carameldiva i will try them out.


Posted By: Jamgurl
Date Posted: March 27 2006 at 12:05pm
Originally posted by Passionsb Passionsb wrote:

Hey you guys. I am new to this site. I have been searching for a good place to purchase wigs via the internet if possible. I have had microbraids in my hair for approximately 8 months now, and I am ready to take them out. I need something to do with my hair post-braids though. I am wanting to wear some stylish, cute wigs. I have been unsuccessful in my quest. I am only 24, and want a younger-person's wig. Does anyone have any suggestions or helpful tips for me. They will be greatly appreciated.



Hi Passion...i'm new here too, but I'd just like to give you a word of advise/caution abotu micros....8 months is a very long time to have them in, so be VERY careful when you are having them taken out as in most instances, micros take your hair out from the roots when you are taking them down, especially after having them in for a very long time. Also, giv eyour hair a breather before getting a wig...condition and treat. Personally, I love micros and I used to wear them, but never more than two months as I realised that the longer they stayed, with all the washing, etc, my hair gets matted at the roots.

Good luck with finding a great wig

Posted By: cmesweet
Date Posted: March 29 2006 at 8:17am
Jamgurl welcome to the forum.

BC May 9, 2004

Posted By: Jamgurl
Date Posted: March 30 2006 at 9:19am

Originally posted by cmesweet cmesweet wrote:

Jamgurl welcome to the forum.


Thank you

Posted By: thyckladie
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 1:50pm
I am new to the forum and I have a question regarding my hair dryness. I moved to Kentucky from New Orleans, and the water here dries my hair out and I have dry scalp problem now. Any products you recommend for dry hair and scalp. My hair is also shedding, and I know that it is from my dry scalp, so I decided to not put a relaxer in it, until I get my hair strength back.  I would appreciate any advice


For All I Trust Him

Posted By: Pokahontas
Date Posted: May 17 2006 at 12:12pm
Originally posted by thyckladie thyckladie wrote:

I am new to the forum and I have a question regarding my hair dryness. I moved to Kentucky from New Orleans, and the water here dries my hair out and I have dry scalp problem now. Any products you recommend for dry hair and scalp. My hair is also shedding, and I know that it is from my dry scalp, so I decided to not put a relaxer in it, until I get my hair strength back.  I would appreciate any advice
Sounds like you would really benefit from using a shower filter.  A lot of people who have hard water really benefit from them. 


Posted By: mealncholymonie
Date Posted: May 17 2006 at 2:39pm
Wow I've never thought of a shower filter!! Thanks Pokahontas, you helped me out!


Posted By: thyckladie
Date Posted: May 17 2006 at 2:39pm
Gee what would that do ? and would that help my dry scalp and hair shedding ?


For All I Trust Him

Posted By: Pokahontas
Date Posted: May 18 2006 at 10:22am
Originally posted by thyckladie thyckladie wrote:

Gee what would that do ? and would that help my dry scalp and hair shedding ?
Yeah, it should help a lot.  It's probably the hard water thats making your hair dry.  You could try doing a final rinse in bottled water if you don't want to buy one just yet.


Posted By: Pokahontas
Date Posted: May 18 2006 at 10:24am
Originally posted by mealncholymonie mealncholymonie wrote:

Wow I've never thought of a shower filter!! Thanks Pokahontas, you helped me out!
Your welcome.  I'm glad to help.


Posted By: retagirl
Date Posted: May 19 2006 at 12:58pm
Hello everyone, I'm new and Ive been reading the tips on here. I need some advice on hair oil or grease i should use. I have been using Proclaim (Natural 7 oils) and sometimes Dudleys hair and scalp conditioner with Petrolatum and Mineral oil and the first two ingredients. I recently read that you sholuld stay away from petroleum and mineral oil. Also, what is a regimen and can someone give me some advice on how to start mine?


Posted By: carameldiva
Date Posted: May 21 2006 at 10:42am

Try using olive oil, coconut oil, palm oil, castor oil(thickness), safflower oil(dryness), grapeseed oil or jojoba oil instead of oils w/ mineral oil/petrooleum. hope this helps.


Originally posted by retagirl retagirl wrote:

Hello everyone, I'm new and Ive been reading the tips on here. I need some advice on hair oil or grease i should use. I have been using Proclaim (Natural 7 oils) and sometimes Dudleys hair and scalp conditioner with Petrolatum and Mineral oil and the first two ingredients. I recently read that you sholuld stay away from petroleum and mineral oil. Also, what is a regimen and can someone give me some advice on how to start mine?

Me and you, your cousin and your momma too rollin on da strip on bow's

Posted By: Ladimadden
Date Posted: August 13 2006 at 10:00pm
  First of all i want to thank you all for your insight on hair this is much needed for me being that i no longer have a Relaxer...Now I have to find out how to care for my natural hair and this is all new to me...Thank you for the advice it will not be taken lightly on my end!!!!

In all your ways acknowledge Him

Posted By: cmesweet
Date Posted: August 16 2006 at 2:46pm
Welcome to the forum Ladimadden:)

BC May 9, 2004

Posted By: Champagne_Wishe
Date Posted: August 22 2006 at 3:23pm
The only thing I can recommend to the newbies is that they should not go out and buy everything that was raved about by one person or a small group of people.  Also there is nothing wrong with cheap products, well a select number of them.  Also everyone's hair is different so don't compare hair growth rate with others and so forth.  Also keep your hair routine as simple as possible.  Most people with long hair have the most simple routine.  Sort of like a garden, don't fuss with it and it will grow like crazy (well the weeds will), but if you constantly doing something, you won't see much stuff.  That's all I have.        

Posted By: gurlpleeze
Date Posted: October 07 2006 at 9:05am
Hi all,

I've been lurking here for six months.  My hair broke off after trying to put in a relaxer by myself for the first time (stupid, I know.)

After my sister, a cosmetologist, cut off the damage in May, my hair was short, barely past my ears.  Before the relaxer incident my hair was two inches past my shoulders and almost all one length.  After mourning the loss during the summer, I got over it.  Hair DOES grow back; you have to be patient.  There are no overnight one-month miracles.  After three months of  putting together my own hair regimen here's what works for me:

1) Protein, protein, Protein

I was able to grow my hair out the first time becaust realize that those protein shakes had so many B vitamins and Biotin.   I also drink Chocolate soymilk shakes.

I take 5000 mcg of Biotin a day.  It takes two weeks for a regular infusion of Biotin to kick in then after about a month, I see 3/4 an inch of growth.

2) Surge and Tea Tree Oil

I noticed that when I use Tea Tree Oil on razorbumps or ingrown hairs the skin is healed overnight.  So, two times a week I massage just a bit of tea tree oil on the scalp and it works wonders.  The roots grow in very thick and strong.

3) Dove Moisture Spray or Motions Leave-In

I use these sprays just to keep my ends from drying out from time to time.   But a good leave-in will work.

So, that's my two cents.  Hopefully I can set up a Foki account with pics.

Posted By: capuishis
Date Posted: October 31 2006 at 8:55am
Hi, I am new here and very DESPERATE.   I need help with my 10 yr. old grandaughters hair.  She has the thickest, curliest, matted hair I have ever seen.  Her Mom has her wash it and uses almost a bottle of conditioner, (treseme, pantene, any kind at all).  She cries and begs her mom to stop combing thru the conditioner at every shampoo day.  It kills me to see her struggle with her hair.  Please help me help her to deal with her beautiful hair and realize she is not the only one who deals with this thick, tangled hair.   There has to be something she can do to tame this curly, matted hair.  She doesn't comb it like she should for just this reason.  She can't get a comb or brush thru it,, it is that thick.  HELP.. Thank you so much. 

Carol P

Posted By: MRS.J
Date Posted: November 07 2006 at 5:22pm

Posted By: carameldiva
Date Posted: November 07 2006 at 6:13pm

Mrs.J- if you get extensions and leave them in for six months- your hair will be loc'ed underneath. Unless you are referring to infusions where they do a strand by strand extension. I have only seen it done once- it took 8 hours and cost $1000. If i hadn't seen the girl come in with short hair- you could not have told me that the waist length hair was not hers.

Me and you, your cousin and your momma too rollin on da strip on bow's

Posted By: MRS.J
Date Posted: November 09 2006 at 6:24pm
thanx for the responds back to my question but whats the best and longer lasting method to get extentions the sewing onto the braid method or the section by section method & without damaging the hair but help grow my own hair underneth    

Posted By: diamondskey
Date Posted: November 11 2006 at 5:29pm
That was great information and thank you for it.

There is nothing like a head of healthy hair.

Posted By: carameldiva
Date Posted: November 11 2006 at 10:34pm
You can only leave a sew-in weave for 6 to 8 weeks, Individual braids for up to 3 months and then they have to come out or your hair will dred up.  Do not get micro braids. Make sure that your braids are at least the size of a No. 2 pencil. Make sure that you oil your scalp and spray with a good watery leave-in conditioner. Shampoo/condition weekly w/ diluted shampoo and diluted conditioner. Tie your hair up at nite with a satin scarf or sleep on satin pillowcases. HTH

Me and you, your cousin and your momma too rollin on da strip on bow's

Posted By: Hair Goddess
Date Posted: January 10 2007 at 8:04pm
I think this is great advice.Clap
Although I'm natural (4 years now) and my hair just will not grow, no matter what I do.  It's weak, weak, weak! Ouch
I've thought of either getting a perm (which I dread because of the chemicals going into the body), or just doing nothing at all and throw on a wig.
Anywhoo...great advice for those who have 'real' hair that will get strong and grow. Confused

Posted By: maar22
Date Posted: February 22 2007 at 9:31am
I have found some great products I swear by from Motions.  My top 3 are, the Motions Oil Moisturizer Hair Relaxer, Motions at home shine enhancing pomade, and Motions at Home Oil Moisturizer Hair Lotion.
I have been using these products for the past few years now and my hair has never been healthier, I hope this helps! Check out their site for more information, -

Posted By: Hair Goddess
Date Posted: February 22 2007 at 6:22pm

I sounds nice, but due to the sodium laureth sulfates in commercial products, I've been moving toward more natural products.  Perhaps this will help.

Thanks though.

Posted By: tazmonster
Date Posted: February 25 2007 at 6:46pm
I just joined this forum after being completely horrified at the number if split ends I have found recently. I have been relaxing since I was 5, and it's done plently of damage to my hair. It breaks, splits, and sheds, and I'm fed up. I've had braids and am considering going back to that to let my hair grow for a bit, but at this point I don't think I need that.
I think I will continue to relax my hair (I get it done every 2 months) for now and make a lot of other changes instead. I know that I need to drink a lot more water and take vitamins and pay attention to my hair more. I am going to stop blow drying and air dry instead, but I still need to flat iron once a week. I think I'm going to go to Sally's and buy some WGO.
For the past year and a half my hair has been cut to my jaw on the sides and about an inch long in the back. Before then it was past my shoulders, and I was tired of the same look. Now I completely regret cutting my hair, and I want to get it back to the length it was. Even when my hair was longer, I still had a lot of breakage and split ends.
For about 6 months during the 1.5 years that my hair has been short, I texturized and curled my hair with braids (braided at night and took down in the morning). During that time, my hair felt healthier. A few months ago I decided to grow my hair out and wear it straight, so I started relaxing it again. I don't know how I put together in my mind that relaxing would help my hair grow out, but I like how straight it gets when I do. I've found that my hair doesn't straighten very well (with a flat iron) when it's natural.
So I'm getting rid of my old flat iron, which is breaking my hair, and replacing it with a thinner ceramic one that my mom has.
So I guess this is my way of saying hi to you all and wish me luck. This is going to be an interesting journey, to say the least.

I am something fading in the trees. Something with a better shade of green.

Posted By: cmesweet
Date Posted: February 26 2007 at 8:01am
Welcome Tazmonster!
  Have you tried the crown and glory method with your braids? If not, here is the link

BC May 9, 2004

Posted By: tazmonster
Date Posted: February 26 2007 at 3:35pm
Thanks for that. I think I will do that for the summer. I'll try to get my hair healthy enough until then.

I am something fading in the trees. Something with a better shade of green.

Posted By: Rocafella425
Date Posted: March 16 2007 at 1:20am
What's good y'all? I'm a male who has a problem with my hair texture. I was born with naturally curly or coarse hair. As a teen, I started using a wave pomade to turn my nappy hair into waves. After a while I started using this wave saver spray crap and I accidently changed the texture of my hair. Now my hair is extra soft and I can't do anywthing with it. Is there any kind of way I can get the nappy hair I was born with back????

Posted By: tazmonster
Date Posted: March 16 2007 at 2:58pm
I'm no expert, but it might help to cut all of your hair down to where there are no chemicals, which might mean you shave it all off. You might want to ask in the men's forum. It might also be possible that you won't be able to get your hair the way it used to because your hair might just change over time (I don't know how old you are). How long have you been using the wave saver?

I am something fading in the trees. Something with a better shade of green.

Posted By: simplired
Date Posted: April 12 2007 at 11:25pm
Hey Taz,  Im new to this as well....but I can relate to your problems as well.

This is what I have done....I went to the several beauty supplies and I read all the shampoos and conditioner labels, guess what non of the products are safe for your hair..QP cond Shampoo had no SLS, so I used it for a while, but Ithrew it out when I founf out there were other toxican it it  .they are all toxic to your body.....stay away from SLS, my advice is to go to and read about toxic chem in our beauty will amaze you and you will notice a change in your hair when you change.
I noticed a change in 2 weeks.....1. healthy shampoo, conditioner, rinse with water and apple cider vinegar to get PH lev back, moisturize with pure JOJOBa or Virgin coconut oil (yes you eat it too)  research on it has it as the safest and fatty oil for our health...I use both oils on my body as well...I literaly thru bags of product out, my hubby said I was nuts . ...jojoba is the only oil that will not clog our pores (research it yourself). my completion is so nice just in a couple of week, I was afraid of all the oil, but it last only a few minutes, then penetrates the skin..he oils allow your scalp natural oil galnds to work properly......My hair and scalp is nice with a relaxer in it

The bottom line is we all have to die from something, but dont contribute to killing yourself by using known toxic product that not only cause cancer but other ailments, that we wonder why we constrcted it. can type in a chemical name and you will get the results of health concerns

Posted By: simplired
Date Posted: April 12 2007 at 11:37pm
So for all you hair concerned addicts with afro american hair and relaxers on them:  I found Aubrey organics, has a wide variety of shampoos  condtioners

always make final rinse  1cup water and 1/2 tsp of appl vinegar...I let my hair air dry to damp, the blow dry, but before i blow dry I take a small amount of Virgin Coconut oil and rub it thru hair (do not over oil) after a few washings like this you definely notice a difference in your hair.  But you have to moisturize at least 2 times a day for afro american womens hair, at night tie up and sleep on a satin., maybe clip your ends 1 time only...then after that keep the ends oiled with eith jojo or coco.....I prefer putting the jojoba on the scalp and the coco on the hair...  You Are Going to Luv Touchin Your Hair.

Also wash that hair at least 2 time a week, dont go past 1 week

PLEASE RESEARCH JOJOB AND VIRGIN COCO will be amazed what you can get out of just these 2 products....and save you countless $$$$$

Posted By: SexySyn
Date Posted: April 19 2007 at 11:37am
Whoa! you gals really have some tips, I never heard of soaking hair bands in oil, (note to self, must try).
I have used cut panty hose.  They are really delicate on hair.  There is a lot of no breakage ties out their now. 

Posted By: fathia
Date Posted: April 24 2007 at 5:35pm
simplired thanks for the great information!  where can i find the virgin coconut oil.

Posted By: SexySyn
Date Posted: April 24 2007 at 9:08pm
I found it at a Health food store, I went in search of Jojoba oil.  Most likely, I'll be going back for that next week.

Posted By: Miss T
Date Posted: April 25 2007 at 6:01pm
I am new to the site and have a few questions about getting my hair healthy.
First off, I am a person who was blessed with thick hair that grows quite quickly. So fast, in fact, that I have to get a relaxer every four or five weeks because I have over an inch of new growth. But the problem is that my hair breaks off very easily. I wrap my hair every night and usually wash it every two weeks because that is what I've been told. I am also a runner so my hair is up in a ponytail quite often. Whener I wash my hair I have to blow dry it and then flat iron it so that I can keep the roots from looking so thick.

I have type 4a hair and I was wondering what shampoos and conditioners would be good for my hair. Right now I use Kera Care Hydrating Detangling shampoo and the humecto creme conditioner with the Essential Oils before I blow dry it. The problem that I find with oils is that they rub off of my bangs and onto my forehead and clog my pores and give them a real greasy look.

What can I do?

Posted By: simplired
Date Posted: April 28 2007 at 12:31am
that was a problem I ran into also along with getting on my scalp clogging the scalp as well, casuing itching, sometime flaking.

the jOjoba oil is 100% safe and nautral, non can actually be used as facial/body moturizer....goes on oily, obsorbs quickly to a non oily feel....good for acne believe it or not,   read up on it, you will see what I'm talking about

Virgin cococut oil is used for hair and face, body as well

It is all I use....I stopped buying lotion....My husband thought I was crazy...but guess what he uses the COCO for lotion starts out oily and ends up non oily, skin is soft and

non of thoseo ils get rancid

Nothing Beats a Failure but a Try!     Sondra

Posted By: simplired
Date Posted: April 28 2007 at 12:34am
hi Fathia

you can get it at a health food store, I get it on line from Tropical traditions., I have yet to make the transition to cooking with it....everything will taste coconutty

let me know how it works for you

Nothing Beats a Failure but a Try!     Sondra

Posted By: ShearDiva
Date Posted: April 28 2007 at 10:21pm
I dont think oil is good for our hair because it weights it down.  If you must use it you should only use a pea size and musify it in your hands before applying it to your hair.  After i flat iron my client i use biosilk or paul mitchell super skinny serum it gives a good shine with out the oily look.Smile


Posted By: kliyah
Date Posted: May 09 2007 at 3:38pm
hey hey am new hear cud you give me some advice my hair is a sew in weave but some of it is left out how can i take care of my own hair without it breaking off


Posted By: shelle93
Date Posted: May 10 2007 at 1:42pm
I'm a newbie thanks for all the tips. Personally my hair love loves conditioner. I no poo my hair now, and I use Jason natural products and a shea butter leave in conditioner. I put olive oil on my hair sometimes. I just try to keep it simple. BTW I'm natural.


Posted By: Urbanplan
Date Posted: May 19 2007 at 10:53am
Minimalist: Acidic shampoo. Home-made conditioner/treatment. Maybe styling product. Any more than that and I start crying.Cry

I'm in!

Posted By: Urbanplan
Date Posted: May 19 2007 at 10:59am
I forgot to mention- Successful self-relaxers- I ADMIRE your skill and bravery! Once I gave myself a relaxer and my hand was shaking the entire time and I definitely don't think I could do touch-ups on my own. Now.....if I could only find a decently priced stylist (in Queens/Brooklyn by the way) who would let me bring my own smoking concoctions in and actually have a what?- a consultation with me.

I'm in!

Posted By: Anomis
Date Posted: June 13 2007 at 4:48pm
I never saw this page b4 2day good info.
BTW, i was taught that good hair is clean and neat.


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