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+*plastikhaar US distribution*+

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: July 06 2024 at 6:09am

Topic: +*plastikhaar US distribution*+
Posted By: plastikhaar
Subject: +*plastikhaar US distribution*+
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 2:16pm
hi all : )

well thanks for the great idears and inputs.
actually im thinking of this for a while now.
since i wanna do a special promotion for my products in sommer.
i guess there are several possabilities but definatly the following
facts are needed:

- its need to be done proffessionally!
as this has big potential we need someone who has very good skills
in the hairbusiness.

- business relationship needs to be set by a contract.

- as we want to save money in shipping but delivery time aswell
a US stock is needed.
therefore we need someone with space avaible!

now basicly there are 2 ways:

1. you take the risk
you buy the stock. i guess its wise to do a test first and see how it runs
before spending thousends of dollars. cause if business is running very
well, cash isnt the problem ; )
you take over: keep your stock up to date, write invoices, get payments
i take over: forwarding orders directly to you, doing all the advertising
and promotion, answer emails about product related questions, do
costumised orders and keep our offer up to date.
so thats the way: take more risk but earn more money!
(of course there will be good importprices!)

2. i take the risk
we give you a small stock to work with. the bigger the business gets
the more hair we give in your stock.
you take over: write invoices, get payments and at the end of the month
you get your part and we get ours plus the haircosts.
i take over: forwarding orders directly to you, doing all the advertising
and promotion, answer emails about product related questions, do
costumised orders and keep our offer up to date.
so thats the way: take less risk but earn a bit less money!

so, whats your opinion to that issue?

i think we would do a poll what colours are the most wanted!
plus i agree that the distribution is only for loose hair!
costumised stuff, hairpieces and wefts still will be shipped from

i really think this could be a great deal for all of us:
- save money on shipping
- get your hair much quicker
- less lost orders
- no troubles with the costums!

: )

but i really wanna have this done professionally!
since my business of course is very important for me
and taking care of it needs a lot of time!


need some great hair? - plastikhaar

Posted By: plastikhaar
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 2:19pm
oh and i forgot:

im working out a "plastikhaar starterkit" with my supplier.
with smaller bags of hair and several colours.
guess that would be a great thing : )


need some great hair? - plastikhaar

Posted By: delin
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 2:50pm

Hello Sara;  I'd be intrigued by either scenario.  I've been in online sales for over 5 years.  I'm a Gold Power Seller on ebay (jbjohn) with  over 2,000 pos. feedbacks.   

I'm set up in my home for receiving and shipping...It's what I already do with antiques and collectibles.  I don't want to step on anyone's toes if they are interested, and you may want someone who already does on-line extension sales...but if you're looking....I'd be interested.  Thanks

By the way,  the champagne blonde was a great color, no problems.  I'm looking forward to receiving the color wheel and the browns!

Posted By: RoseRose
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 3:02pm
Hi Sara, so glad you posted!

Professional - absolutely. Customer service a definite priority! Happy people make repeat customers. I have a home office and a full basement, plenty of room.

I am all for having a contract.

I agree 100% that this has tons of potential.

I think right now we are looking at buying a huge order and selling it, so taking the risk ourself. I'd like to discuss the amount we'd need to get started, a pol on haircolors is a splendid idea.

I have only been a buyer in hair goods, so far. I have been doing freelance web design for several years, own a side business that does programming stuff with my husband and I started a non profit organization last year.

I know small businesses pretty well, though there is much to learn, Im sure!

I am glad to hear about the sampler packs. I would also like to explore different sizes of curls.

Rose of the cool hair collective

Posted By: saucyblossom
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 3:07pm

Hi Sara,

 I am interested either way- the product is great. All my hair creations are custom and guarateed. But I am most interested in distributing your product.

Early years are learning years, make them count!

Posted By: SamUK
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 4:23pm
Sara, would you be interested in distributing in the UK at all?

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 5:02pm
Ditto what Saucy said--I'm a PH fan no matter how you distribute, although it would be nice to have a U.S. arm.

Any of us who have dealt with you, Sara, know how important customer service and quality are to you. You are an excellent example for anyone who wants to run a hair business!


Posted By: amm
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 7:03pm
Maybe the details of how this is set up in someone's home etc. should remain off the board just for their own privacy but I'm personally looking forward to whoever gets this up and running. Win win for everyone!

Posted By: plastikhaar
Date Posted: March 23 2005 at 1:29am

thanks for all!
this is gonna be great!

i think we are closing this threat now:
and everyone whos seriously interested: write me a mail:

further details and decisions will be done my mail in privat : )

thanks again!

need some great hair? - plastikhaar

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