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Pretipping Service

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: February 02 2025 at 2:54am

Topic: Pretipping Service
Posted By: mochachip
Subject: Pretipping Service
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 4:18pm
So I believe it was Jenny who mentioned the idea of someone doing a pretipping service for those of you who hate doing it yourself on the plastikhaar distribution thread.

I really wasn't kidding when I said I would be interested in doing this.  Call me crazy but I actually like pretipping.
I wouldn't want to make anything formal out of it, well at leasst initially, but I'm curious if any of you would be intereted in such a service and what in your opinions would be fair prices.

I know several of you are blonds and I have a couple packets of Plastikhaar vanille sitting around that I'm not sure what to do with.  I also have a whole lot of darker browns about to arrive from sara.  Should I consider tipping some of this solely to send out as samples?  Or are most of you pretty much willing to tip it yourself but just don't  like to actually do it?

This idea really struck me as a perfect way for me to subsidize my hair addiction, so I'd really appreciate knowing what y'all think about it.


Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 4:30pm
Well, I think it would be a great idea. For most of my head, I actually do pinchbraids, for which I don't need pretipped hair, but for the crown and the part I certainly do, and I really don't like pretipping. It's more than that, actually, for me--I really don't have good a good workspace for it in my apartment and I'm not very good at it (for example, last time I thought I'd made them small enough for the small-size extendtubes, but sure enough, I had to use mediums).

I guess it would be important that you can work with bulk hair and offer three sizes, to correspond with the three size extendtubes (if people are using shrinkies, I imagine they can just choose the size(s) they like best). I'm not sure how much difference there is between LG, latex, keratin, or Gorilla Glue in terms of the quality of the tips, but I'm sure others will have opinions. It seems that most everyone likes to use a drop of nail glue for added reinforcement.

I think the question is, how much would you need to charge to cover your time, the cost of supplies, and shipping. I have no idea how long it takes you to pretip; I imagine it gets faster the more you do it, though.

What do you think, girls? Would you send out hair for pretipping?


Oh, yeah--and I think samples and/or photos would be a great idea, too.

Posted By: SamUK
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 4:44pm
The easiest way to work out how much you should charge for them
is to calculate how many tips you can do in an hour, then decide how
much you'd like to be paid per hour for doing the tips. So if you
would like to be paid $30 per hour and you can make 60 tips in an
hour (just for example), your cost of labour is 50¢ per tip. Add to
that the cost of materials for each tip and your profit margin, and
you have your selling price.
You've got one of the best sources of market research right here, so
when you've figured out how much you'd like to charge just put it to
the board and you'll soon find out if it's a realistic figure.

Posted By: marie87
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 5:47pm
I myself hate tipping and have allready signed up a 17 year old girl I know to do my clients pre tipping! I also learned that when using shrinkies it is best to make the tips flat like MB 'S that save a stray showed .I used latex and the nail glue I just skiped the roling part. They dont keep sliding out of the shrinky this way and lay better I figure since they can reuse the hair if they want and because you get more tips for your money this way I'm geting about 160 to 200 bonds per bag depending on how thick there own is and adding 75.00 for the tipping (goes to the kid) .

Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 5:54pm
Docs microrings are the same inner diameter as extendtubes. right?

docs XS matches extendtubes small
and regular is medium
large is large?

I have docs xs and regular sitting around and getting samples from Kristin wouldn't be a big deal at all in order to know what size to make things etc.  Also what I think is the right size for a given ring isn't necessarily what others think...  Just because something works for me doesn't mean it will work for everyone.

I agree that I need to decide what my time is worth but then again I also need to be realistic about what people are willing to pay.  Also you have a very good point that with time I'll get considerably faster, so a per tip figure might be the way to think about it and the value of my time can increase as I get faster...

Anyone else think they'd be interested in my mad pretipping skillz!

Posted By: shel221
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 5:54pm

There is a few websites that sell hair pre-tipped eg i know of a company near me in the uk that tips exts for shrinkies etc and charge 13 gbp for just 10 plus postage which includes the hair but as for people sending your there hair to pre-tip and send back to them why dont you charge per strand eg $1 a strand? or offer discounts for bulk quantities ie, 100 strands for $50


Posted By: krs523
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 6:33pm

Mochachip...I'm in.  If you have any hair coming in a #4 color from Sara (not sure what color that corresponds with), I'll try it out....of course, the price will have to be taken into consideration.  You should definitely make sure this is profitable for you, because you're putting in a lot of time.  I use the medium extendtubes from Kristin and have used Kristin's pretipped hair and's hair with that size and it's worked out well.

Let me know what you think...shoot me an e-mail if you want to discuss further. -


Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 6:58pm
krs523  I emailed you!

Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 7:18pm
i was contemplayting tipping for people too, but i have cats... lol

i love plastikhaar

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 7:56pm
Yeah, you really need to think about the time it's going to take you and set your prices accordingly. And I think it's fair to assume that not everyone, or maybe even most, will want this, because it's a service that would cost a fair amount of money, and a lot of the people on this board are DIYers who like to do these things themselves. I would just look at it as you're providing a niche service for those who don't have the time, the inclination, the skill, or whatever to do it. That said, I'm sure there are quite a few people who fall into that category too. :)

Posted By: octmac
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 10:39pm

what if someone ( like me?/) already has the hair??


Faces of Pain - One woman's Journey with Chronic Pain
A world without ART is a world without color

Posted By: amm
Date Posted: March 22 2005 at 11:20pm
I think pretipping could be a valuable service. Now, who decides that
they want to pay for it will be another thing. The majority of
pretippers are DIY and the philosophy of DIY is basically doing
everything; tipping to installing and ultimately removal all on our

Every person's time may be valued differently. You don't want to
give the service away but one needs to realistically look at the
amount of hours put into it vs pay. You could very well be setting
yourself up for minimum wage or less.

I will say this as a bit of advice for anyone wanting to do this or set
themselves up in any type of hair business -- Keep cats, dogs, pet
dander and most importantly cigarette smoke away from the hair.

Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: March 23 2005 at 7:28am
Octavia - That was my intention in general.  I just figured sending out a couple of samples in something people could use wouldn't be the worst idea ever.  Also I realise you'd have to trust me at least a little to send me a pile of hair you've paid for so that I could pretip it.

amm - I've found that the slowest part of the pretipping for me is the prelayering that I've decided to do based on Kalika's experience.  However, I would not do that as part of a service for anyone because the room for error or miscommunucation causing the destruction of hair is somewhat large.  With that in mind, I can give this a whirla nd if really doesn't end up being an unreasonable wage for me with a reasonable price for the service Ic an always just stop taking new orders, finsh what I've got, and stop.


Posted By: octmac
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 1:17am

Seeing that I just spent the evening trying to pretip the hair I just recieved from Carol - wawa red and brown, trying to tip, blend and get all the glue and hair un-stuck from my couch, floor, table, dogs.....please let me know as soon as you decide on a price, you can pm me if you like.



Faces of Pain - One woman's Journey with Chronic Pain
A world without ART is a world without color

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 6:04am
hey Mocha, I could use that PH vanille if you PM me with a price to pretip it maybe we could make a deal! Im not sure yet if its a feasible for me to pay for the service since I am a DIYer for the purpose of saving money, but its something I would consider!

Posted By: mtolady
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 7:13am
okay...what is prelayering???  i'm gonna guess you use several different lengths in a tip??? or is it several different colors???

more to learn..more to learn..

i'm thinking maybe my software career will have a competitor soon....i ALWAYS wanted to do stuff with hair ever since i cut Beauty Salon Barbie's hair...that goofy pull out weft at the top of her hair was silly.

by the time i was eventually done with her...she was punker Barbie!

has someone been swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool again?

Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 8:11am
Originally posted by mochachip mochachip wrote:

amm - I've found that the slowest part of the pretipping for me is the
prelayering that I've decided to do based on Kalika's experience. 
However, I would not do that as part of a service for anyone because
the room for error or miscommunucation causing the destruction of hair
is somewhat large.  With that in mind, I can give this a whirla nd
if really doesn't end up being an unreasonable wage for me with a
reasonable price for the service Ic an always just stop taking new
orders, finsh what I've got, and stop.


That shouldn't be a problem. What you need to do is make up some samples, photograph them on a 1"x1" grid, and post them on a webpage so people can see the different techniques and options before they decide what they want.

If somebody thinks they want prelayering, they can choose -longest layer length/middle layer length/shortest layer length from options you have provided, or at least this will be a starting point for communication. If it's more difficult for you to do, you can charge more for that option.

Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 9:27am
Yeah I was thinking that might work.  I can use my friends machine to host a page hopefully borrow a subdomain from someone.  I'm also concerned about not being able to be consistent with the prelayering.  I mean if a strand is 16"(what I typically wear) and I aim for a 12" layer there's a range from like 11" to 13"  that they com out.  I think part of that is working with wavy hair not straight. 

I probably need a one inch grid to show layering and a quarter inch grid to show tip size.  maybe eight inch?

I'd have to double or triple the charge if I included the layering cause that is monstrously slow.  For me I think it will be worth it cause I won't have to razor so much once I'm installed. 

What's funny is that the actual pretipping is enjoyable but thinking about either getting my friend to host a pge for me or setting up something at photobucket is a real headache.  though it really shouldn't take long and will only have to be done once.

Right now I just want to get my new head installed and then I'll be much more calm and rational about setting this up well.

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