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My Extensions are in!!

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
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Topic: My Extensions are in!!
Posted By: Bridget
Subject: My Extensions are in!!
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 8:41am

Got my extensions put in yesterday!  Not sure how I'm feeling, really.  I have 27/613 WaWa, shrinkies.  I think the synthetic hair looks really shiney compared to my natural.  I hope after a couple of shampoos this will go away!  I also have a huge line of demarcation, my hair and the extensions, I blame the shiney synth. for this.

I'm almost at a point to say, the docs shrinkies blow.  Talk about inconsistancies!!  Once ya think you got it down, you run into a 'few' off shrinkies that give you a hard time.  I think regardless if the tip is flat or not, once you clamp shut the heat clamp and you force the bond flat, it's easier to just sqeeze the bond flat rather than rolling.  I have a couple on my sides that are flat that I'm going to test out.  I didn't find this out till I was about done with my head, otherwise I'd probably have a bunch flat.  Plus, shrinkies are pretty bulky are they not?  My natural hair is really thin and these bonds are  almost sticking out.  Maybe this method of maddness just isn't for me.  Sleeping last night was a huge pain in the ass too!  My head is pretty tender. 

Welp, I'm going to shampoo this head and post pictures when I'm done! So stay tuned, I'm going to need some help on this line of demarcation! : (

Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 9:16am
Tenderness is normal right after install in my experience.

I haven't gotten mine yet but everyone keeps saying that Docs shrinkies are incosistent.  I just don't see how they can be manufactured inconsistently.  I'm not saying your wrong it just doesn't make much sense to me.

I'm installing as soon as my heat wand arrives and will report.

Where are you pictures!!!!

Posted By: mtolady
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 10:41am
inconsistency in the bonding could stem from how the glue is inserted into the tubing...i would assume it's done prior to cutting....

they may have the tubing machine rigged so that even the little end pieces are used...and maybe they don't get as much glue.

we're not talking about an industry that's life and death (although good hair is!), so the process may not be regulated as much as it should be.

has someone been swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool again?

Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 10:54am

I think that the inconsistancies of the shrinkies may stem from the fact that the product is not manufactured for this kind of usage.  I don't know this for sure, but I am guessing that these are just the same type of tubing that you find at hardware stores, and not a speciality product that's been formulated and tested as a hair extension application attachment.

Oh how good it feels to be right....I told you guys a long time ago that shrinkies really suck!

Posted By: amm
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 11:56am
metalgirl, I would absolutely have to agree with you on the statement
that shrinkies are not manufactured for hair application. I ultimately
think this is either a tubing meant for electrical supplies or medical

Either way, this is definitely a thin wall construction that's adhesive

And the claim that it's lined with a keratin coating inside? Ummmm,
no so sure about that either. I've tried the hardware store brands
that are lined and the inside melts the exact same way.

I myself like the shrinkies but I have never thought these were
specifically made for hair use.   

Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 12:26pm
The process for these things is typically mil-spec

that is i'm pretty damn sure this is the same stuff as one of the several hundred types of heat shrink tubing that are used by the military and they have very strict codes that are followed for the manufacturing.

Lots of non military people buy the mil-spec items and use them for similar purposes but the producers usually just make it mil spec so they can sell to anyone...

I hope that makes some sense

Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 12:28pm
Sorry I started that post before lunch and finished it just now.

but amm do you know what the 'ingriedients for keratin glue are?  I keep thinking that they probably aren't that far off from the polyamide tubing glue


Posted By: saucyblossom
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 1:55pm

Well, I am a fan of Doc's shrinkies- but they do require a special touch. I have had better results with haircandie's shrinkies, but I honestly think they are the same product- jut the haircandies shrinks are longer and I think the extra length of the shrink gives the product more stability as it shrinks, leading to a more consistent  and tighter final product.


I noticed this seemed to be the case when I got a few haircandies shrinks that were not as long as the others- these shorter shrinks behaved more like the Doc's shrinks- where as the longer one just worked better.

I would like to see Doc's offer longer version of the product- I suspect that shorter shrinkies must figure into the profit margin differently than the longer shrinks- but I'd be willing to pay morefor the longer ones based on my experience.

I havge no idea if the hardwar shrink tube is the same in terms of manufacturing or not- but it has worked ok for me as long as the hair is pretipped w/ keratin glue. If the pretips are LG it doesn't hold .....

just rambling hope it makes sense.

Early years are learning years, make them count!

Posted By: saucyblossom
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 1:58pm
sorry for the typos - eating lunch fast and typing

Early years are learning years, make them count!

Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 4:35pm

my bf noticed that if he puts the tip in higherin the (doc) shrinkies they hold better. ie how in her pics they seem to stick out a bit. then when it shrinks it is NOT sticking out. bc if he doesn't have it stick out, then it will come out when it shrinks

does that make sense? we are still getting the technique down.

i love plastikhaar

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 7:46pm
Hey Bridget,

If the WaWa's anything like the PH, that shine'll be gone (or seriously toned down in just a few washes). I was pretty freaked out about the shine too, but it wasn't a problem for long.

Can't wait to see your pics!


Posted By: Bridget
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 10:30pm

I chopped about 5 inches off (and no I did not use a razor, which I prob. should have now that I think about it), it was waist lenght, but that was about impossible (I don't know what the hell I was thinking).  It is super piecey (sp), the ends of the extensions look like paint brush tips... it does not blend, imo.  I'm posting these pictures for help!  I'm already thinking about spending my Sunday (Easter!) taking these out and getting HH w/the tubes.  I've lost 5 so far, this could be from my faultly install though...

I tried hot rollers, it didn't blend it any better so I flat ironed it again.  I shampooed it earlier, I think I may have used too much fab. softener because my ends are not blending what so ever and they feel heavy.  I'll shampoo again tomorrow and roll with rollers and let it dry this way and see... 

Your suggestions and comments are welcome!  I am afraid to even leave my house with this head! 

Metalgirl: do the MB shrinklinks shrink to perfection every time?  Have you compared them to the Docs at all?  I would love to try these shrinks out too, but I don't live next door to you guys, and it would be next to impossible for me to be able to fly to CA at this time for the class. 

Saucy:  I agree about the shrinkie bit.  If the docs did come longer they'd work better, imo. 

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Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 10:34pm
Do you have anymore hair?  I'm a big fan of fixing things like tihs with more hair.  How high up your head did you go?  How many tips is it?

Posted By: Gina E
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 10:42pm

How high up did you go?

Can you make some quickie clipins? Maybe that will fill in between your natural and the pieciness on the ends?! That could hold you over so you don't crash your weekend, and while you get supplies!

Do you have thinning shears? I've used those in a pinch. Just knock into those ends to break them up and get rid of your lines.



Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 10:44pm

you should try a cut comb/ razor or cutting vertically... maybe rae can explain it. what i do it i take a 'strand' and i start cutting slowly and softly from about an inch from the bottom and kind of razor cut to the bottom so it's kind of like an incline, does that make sense?

then each strand will hopefully blend with ea other instead of being so seperate. also i agree is there anyway you can get more hair in there?

i love plastikhaar

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 10:49pm
Well, the colors and the length look beautiful, but I see what you're saying here.

It looks like primarily a problem of amount to me--you don't have enough hair in, and it wouldn't really matter if it were human or synth, it'd be piecey and sparse on the bottom unless you added more hair. From the looks of it, I think you'd need about double of what you have, frankly. Then you could add a layer between the end of your real hair and the end of the extension hair and razor the ends a bit. Did you leave spaces between the extensions or between the rows? If so, you probably shouldn't. Doing a lot more connections but making them slightly smaller might help too.

Pieceiness is generally a problem with all strand-by-strand methods (as opposed to wefts), but I can't see, from the photos at least, any difference between the shine of your own hair and the synth.

Again, you need more hair, imo, as well as some layering, and you may need to go a bit further up on your head, too.

If it makes you feel any better, I have this problem fairly frequently myself. Having thin, straight hair doesn't help--wavy textures are a lot more forgiving.


Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 10:50pm

ps, i agree witrh jenny, and btw



i love plastikhaar

Posted By: Bridget
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 10:52pm

I 'reckon' I'll have to put some more tips in huh.  I was thinking about that too, but the top of my hair is soo thin, I don't know if it would cover them.  I like the clip in idea Gina, I'm gonna make that first thing in the morning, w/the hot glue gun, you crafty girl you! 

My ends will prob. still look like little paint brushes though!  I almost need to fry them out (how bad does that sound!). 

I think I have about 120-140 tips in. 

Merth, I think I know what you're talking about, the comb/razor combo.  I have to pick up some more blades, I think I'll try the thinning shear tip from Gina in the morn. 

Hopefully I'll be posting more pics tomorrow w/ better looking hair!

Posted By: Bridget
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 10:56pm
I didnt' leave any spaces out inbetween my rows, and yep it still looks this bad!  I'll have to get a close up pic. of my bonds tomorrow for you.  I'm afraid to just let anyone cut it too, I know that cutting synthetic extensions is a bit different then cutting human. 

Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 10:58pm
When you use the thinning shears cut almost directly up into the hair or at least at a sharp angle.  You just end up with new stragne lines of demarcation if you go straight across ( I learned this the hard way my install)

So far your looking pretty good so just keep fiddling and you'll be all set.
Good luck!

Posted By: Gina E
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 11:21pm

Absolutly Mocha!

You gotta cut IN to the hair. You can "slide" cut the ends with those thinning shears, like how you would slide your razor, just don't close the shear completely. Yeah I learned it the hard way, too!

Thanks for the "crafty" compliment Bridget! I think it's more lazy resourcefullness!

I agree with everyone else...the color is stellar!

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: March 25 2005 at 6:04am
Originally posted by Bridget Bridget wrote:

My ends will prob. still look like little paint brushes though!  I almost need to fry them out (how bad does that sound!). 

I think I have about 120-140 tips in. 

Yeah, you definitely don't want to "fry" the ends--it won't thin out like human; it'll just be a frizzy mess. Like I said, you need a lot more hair, more rows, going higher up, and possibly smaller tips with absolutely no spaces between the extensions or the rows. And all the cutting techniques everyone cited are key, too.

Just for curiosity, how big are your sections? If the sections are too big, that can get you into trouble, too. Boogiemama has some photos on her site that may be helpful in this regard.

I feel your pain, girl--I've been through similar experiences many times, believe me. You'll figure it out, though, so don't give up!


Posted By: Bridget
Date Posted: March 27 2005 at 8:02pm

Image hosted by" border="0" />Thank you guys so much for helping me with my hair emergencies!  I fixed the demarcation line by adding more hair! I bonded two wefts in my crown area (I know, I know NO glue!!) But I plan on removeing these shrinkies next week, so the wefts should come out pretty easily by that time (fingers crossed). 

My ends are my only problem now.  I tried the thinning shears, my problem with that was getting the back.  The shiney synthetic look is gone!  I've shampooed 3 times now. 

I've lost about 6 tips so far, maybe 7.  My next plan is the extentubes large, 28mm Hair (maybe HOT STUFF if anyone can tell if they've tried this).  Also, prelayering the hair, and doing the install with wet hair (there's another thread about this).  

Here's some pictures.. my boy "had" to get in the picture, hehe.

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Posted By: Gina E
Date Posted: March 27 2005 at 8:13pm


How are you liking the shrinkies? Are they comfortable? I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with the tubes! I'm amazed at the abuse mine have taken!

Looks good! I can't see anything wrong with the ends from your pics!

Posted By: Bridget
Date Posted: March 27 2005 at 8:19pm
The shrinkies are okay, this is my first expirence with a strand to strand method so I really don't have anything to compare it to.  It's definitly more comfy sleeping now!   I want to try the velcro rollers.  Do I put these in while my hair is dry?  How long did you wear your shrinkies for Gina?

Posted By: Gina E
Date Posted: March 27 2005 at 8:50pm

Bridget...not long, not even a week. I was loosing too many!(Which could be for a variety of reasons) I did NOT find them comfy, though...which may have been due to my nail glue? I'm not sure...

As far as velcros...yeah put them in dry(or about 90% dry)and spray them with a volumizer or working spray, heat em with your blow dryer and let them cool before you take them down! However, I have no synthetic experience, so I'm curious how the velcros will leave the hair?

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: March 27 2005 at 9:48pm
It looks really pretty and very natural, Bridget--you totally hooked it up. I don't think it looks stringy at all anymore, but with stick-straight hair and strand-by-strand methods, it's almost impossible to eliminate all stringiness, as well as some weirdness on the ends. Even just a bit of body on the bottom makes a world of difference, imo.

Let us know how the Velcros work out; I haven't tried them yet myself. Hot rollers work great, at least on PH, and I would think, since you've got the WaWa, you could just curl it with an iron. Have you tried that yet?

Anyway, it looks great--congratulations! :)

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: March 27 2005 at 10:04pm
I agree I think it looks really good now! Very pretty and natural!

Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: March 27 2005 at 11:06pm
Awesome.  A little extra hair went along way!

Posted By: Rapunzelwannabe
Date Posted: March 28 2005 at 2:08am
Looks really good! 

Sure does take some "tinkering" to get the look, huh?  But it's worth it!  You did a great job! 

Posted By: kirstyx1888xmac
Date Posted: March 28 2005 at 2:37am
ye look really pretty now iv just ordered some wa wa in the same colours so i hope i can get a positive result also

Posted By: Amanda8Beechwoo
Date Posted: March 28 2005 at 3:09am
Hey bridget your hair looks lovely, it really suits you xxxx

Posted By: FinaFina
Date Posted: March 29 2005 at 11:47am
Hey Bridget-
Congrats on getting the 'problem' fixed. . .you  know I have actually WALKED OUT OF SALONS after having paid a LOT of money and had this problem!! 

I was reading the thread and you were asking about curling, styling, etc. In general I think it's the PlastikHaar and other non-thermal synth that requires the TLC - i.e. the air drying, the velcro rollering, the flocked-hot rollers, etc.  You have WaWa in, right? I believe it's a LOT more hearty and you can pretty much treat it like human hair? Can you post us on if that's true or not. . .??

Also  -  I have ordered the 27/613 Hot Stuff Fusion hair. Unfortunately I got the Yaky instead of the French wave (my mistake) but since I plan on styling it anyway it should all work out about the same. . .

But let us know about how the hair handles!!  IT LOOKS GREAT!!!


Posted By: Bridget
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 7:41am
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Posted By: Bridget
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 7:56am

I'm slowly but surely trying to work these shrinkies out.  I globbed a boat load of conditioner on the bonds twice in the shower.  Sprayed oil sheen on the bonds 2 nights ago, and then last night used Parnevu T-Tree Scalp Oil (this stuff is awesome!).  One of my bonded tracks came right out!  I'm kinda taking my time on the take down, yesterday after all that loobin' I lost about 15 all day.  So it is looking more piecey and *in need of* help!  I'll prob. get the rest out tonight & tomorrow. 

No complaints on the WaWa hair.  The more I wear it the more I'm liking it.  My only regret was getting it stick straight!  I haven't really done much to this hair, so I can't say too much.  I just shampoo, air dry, and then go over with a flat iron.  This hair would definilty last a good while longer... but not these shrinkies, they've gotta go!  The picture with the shrinks and the breakage was before any of the oiling & loobing up on my bonds.  I think that's a lot of hair to lose!  The picture didn't come out as clear as it was in my camera... what's up with that?

So, I'm planning my next venture... it keeps changing though, so I'll just post pics when it's all said and done!!

Posted By: Kalika
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 8:02am
GAH!  the only way to get shrinkies out is to reheat them and slide them off the hair.

Posted By: Bridget
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 8:11am
Kalika, I do plan to do that.  I just wanted to pre-oil them up and let it soak on my scalp.  They are scalp oils that I used.  The 15 that came out yesterday slid right out w/none of my hair attached. 

Posted By: Bridget
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 8:14am

I thought you're supposed to use a oil during the shrinkie removal?  Just makes sense to me to loob it up so it slides off better and aids in disolving the bond a bit. 


Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 8:57am
I think Bridget that its heat and slide off then oill to get the residue off.

Of course I'll really know the answer ina coupld of months when I take mine out...

Posted By: amm
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 9:15am
Oil is used after the shrinkie is removed with the fusion wand. Clamp down on the shrinkie, let it heat up and get soft and then slide it out. Or, let it distort and then cool a bit before sliding out to keep the residue from spreading down the entire hair strand.

I suggest using gobs and gobs of conditioner a few days prior to shrinkie removal. You'll be amazed how much looser they get. Don't force them out. Those little shrinkie strands with the hair broken off vibes me.

About the oil thing before removal. Does anyone know the temp veg oil has to reach before it starts to smoke? Be careful with that because those wands get scorchin' hot. Wouldn't want you to catch aflame and come back with Troll hair now.

Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 9:29am
The smoke point for Canola oil is 460-470 F.  Thats 237 - 242 C.

Docs wand is 120 - 180 C

Corn oil is a little lower than Canola.  212 ish C

My info came from

 and they have other vege oils listed as well

Posted By: Bridget
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 9:30am

Originally posted by amm amm wrote:

Oil is used after the shrinkie is removed with the fusion wand. Clamp down on the shrinkie, let it heat up and get soft and then slide it out. Or, let it distort and then cool a bit before sliding out to keep the residue from spreading down the entire hair strand.

I suggest using gobs and gobs of conditioner a few days prior to shrinkie removal. You'll be amazed how much looser they get. Don't force them out. Those little shrinkie strands with the hair broken off vibes me.

About the oil thing before removal. Does anyone know the temp veg oil has to reach before it starts to smoke? Be careful with that because those wands get scorchin' hot. Wouldn't want you to catch aflame and come back with Troll hair now.

I plan on shampooing again today and loading the conditioner on again.  I agree, it loosens the shrinks.  I won't put the heat clamp on my head with oil on it!  No, don't want troll hair, LOL.  My shrinks are pretty distorted now, that's why they were just sliding right out w/the oil.  I just figured, it can't hurt to add scalp oil to aid in the removal, prior to using the heat clamp.

Posted By: FinaFina
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 10:46am
huh? What did I miss? Bridget why are you removing your shrinkies ? ?

All that work ! Oy!

What are you going to replace them with? ?


Posted By: Bridget
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 11:30am


I'm removing the shrinks because of the install.  I think my install was a little faulty.  The shrinks shrunk too inconsistently and I lost a lot the 1st few days.  And, I figure it would be best to go w/hair that has a wave to it. I'm going with the large Extentubes next.  I ordered them 2 days ago from and still haven't got an order confirmation... hmm better give em' a call.  I'm not totally against shrinkies, just takes a special technique to install them properly, and for me it's really hard to do the back, so I need more practice with them I guess.     

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 11:36am
Eeks! Well, good luck getting 'em out, Bridget. Take your time, and maybe you can get someone to help you. If it continues to be difficult, perhaps you want to sleep with the oil on your roots, wash with a clarifying shampoo in the morning, and then have another go at it.

Yeah, and you should definitely contact I usually get a confirmation email right after I order.


Posted By: Kimbearly
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 10:36pm
Bridget, In the last pictures you posted the hair looked pretty good to me.  Don't give up !!!


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