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WaWa #30 and #33 Photos - Dyeing question

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Topic: WaWa #30 and #33 Photos - Dyeing question
Posted By: RoseRose
Subject: WaWa #30 and #33 Photos - Dyeing question
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 3:56pm
Hello. Its a sunny day here, just got #33 and took some photos. I mislabeled the pictures themselves, probably because to me the #30 is so so light.

What colour should I dye my hair if the #33 will be underneath and #30 will be on top (with burgundy, #613 and #33 sprinkled and lots of #30 on top?)


I hope to get this put in tomorrow. I will be a pre-tipping fool tonight!

Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 4:01pm
The darker one ont he bottom?

hmmm I'd probably go for a burgundy color myself.  But maybe that's cause I saw a really cool box in the pharmacy yesterday when i was picking up my gray coverage stuff

Posted By: RoseRose
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 4:36pm
The thing is, I cant go too dark as I am the palest of the pale. I need something that
wont stand out with the WaWa

Posted By: Syren123
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 5:24pm
OMG -that's auburn WaWa?! WoW!! Really pretty! I dunno...your hair now is close to the 33, right? I don't know anything about coloring hair correctly...hopefully one of the pros can make a suggestion.

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 5:25pm
I have no color suggestions, unfortunately, but that is some gorgeous-looking hair. I'm sure it'll be beautiful! :)

Posted By: amm
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 5:37pm
Darker on the bottom will definitely give your hair some depth.

Install in back on the lower levels. Even if the hair sweeps up to the front, your lighter colors will fall over the top and not frame your face giving you a more pale appearance.

If you're doing the tipping, run a few strands of that rich, dark auburn (isn't it lush?!) in with the lighter color, gradually increasing the strand number for the lower tips.

Hair can sometimes have this radical contrast in shade but look awesome once it's falling together.

Can't wait to see it once it's in. Have fun!

Posted By: imzadi92
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 5:42pm
oooooooo the auburn is PREEEEEEETTY. But I also like their 99j which is a *really dark* violety red-brown, been putting some of that in, and the burgundy.


Posted By: Gina E
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 7:30pm


Need help with a color Q???? I love color!!!!

You gotta give me an idea of what you have going on right now...then I can kick you some ideas!


Posted By: amm
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 7:32pm

I had your envelope on the counter. Dummy me forgot to put it in the mail.

It'll be on it's way to you tomorrow with those pretipped dark wine/red copper strands. I got the blend just right, I think.

Any little white specks is NOT nits. It's just bits of dried Proclaim latex after I tipped.

Take it out in the sun. It's stunning!

Posted By: RoseRose
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 8:25pm
Cool beans, I'll be looking for it. I ordered a small jar and xs (for the xs extendtubes)
hook from Dr.Locks last weekend, a coupla days ago they sent me an email letting me know it should be here by Tuesday?!

Tuesday is my birthday. I had big plans for my 'birthday hair'.

I ordered some extendtubes and the loopy brush from Kristin a few hours ago, I bet the order from her will get here before Dr.Locks!

I should of ordered from her in the first place.

I have 100 rings and a jar of XS extentubes but no hook.


I'll take a photo of my current hair tomorrow. 

Posted By: RoseRose
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 8:36pm
P.S. I am having second thoughts about having the underpart be the #33 because it is so so dark and the #30 is so so light. They dont even appear to be from the same colour group, the #30 is medium strawberry blonde and the #33 is dark brown.


Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: March 24 2005 at 9:05pm
That #30 looks lighter than my #27 or is it just my imagination? Does anyone have both colors that can tell me?

Posted By: octmac
Date Posted: March 25 2005 at 12:49am

Hi Rose,

I have a small hook you can have - just pm me your address and I can send it overnight if you like.


Faces of Pain - One woman's Journey with Chronic Pain
A world without ART is a world without color

Posted By: RoseRose
Date Posted: March 25 2005 at 1:43am
Thanks, O - I replied to your pm. I just realized something, is that an XS hook? The extendtubes I have are XS.

Sherrie - It is very light and the #33 is very dark. My Mom has strawberry blonde hair and thats what the #30 looks just like, to me.

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: March 25 2005 at 5:19pm
Thanks Rose....hopefully someone can give me a comparison of #30 and #27.

Posted By: RoseRose
Date Posted: March 25 2005 at 11:54pm
I give up, I'll just have DH put in some burgundy hilights.

The too dark and the too light just aren't going to work.

Im bummed as I wanted this glorious long straight hair for my birthday.

I even went to the local beauty supply place. I was hoping for WaWa in a ton of colors, no dice. They do have 'fusion hair'. Thats what its called, its in a white box and hung up high so I didnt get to see it.


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