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PH/Dome Install #2

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
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Topic: PH/Dome Install #2
Posted By: Jenny_RR
Subject: PH/Dome Install #2
Date Posted: March 29 2005 at 10:13pm
Hey girls,

I just got my hair redone, and it's pretty much the same deal as last time: primarily a mix of PH Vanille 50mm and Dome White Classic. I went with the Barbie Pink in hand, but I kept vascillating about the colors....

The biggest difference is that this time, Isaac did a lot of razoring and layering. At this point, I'm not sure how I feel about all the layers/razoring, but I'll have to see how it wears. I imagine it'll encourage the wave more, but I think it also looks a little sparse compared to last time. Again, it's hard to tell, though.


Posted By: Syren123
Date Posted: March 29 2005 at 10:18pm
Wow, Jenny! This time it looks a LOT like Kalika's did, especially in the back! It looks fantastic! And's realllllly long! It also looks like your own hair grew a lot in the front.   I just think the whole thing is scorchin' hot.

No. Not sparse. It looks a little more natural, not so thick as the first install. But that's GOOD - it really looks like it could be your own. Except what lucky chick gets ass-length white blond hair and is hot on top of it...well, JENNY RR, that's who!! Gotta problem with dat, eh??!!

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: March 29 2005 at 10:24pm
Thanks, Syren. Maybe it did grow a bit in the front. I have better luck growing those front pieces, for some reason, than the crown and top, which are super slow-growing, thin, and breakable. Dunno why.... :)

Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: March 29 2005 at 10:26pm
wooo hoo!

I looks really natural.  I know that you mentioned last night that you are always for more hair but it probably is true that it looks less likely to be extensions when there isn't quite so much of it.  How much was that beofre it got all layered?  Is it pinchbraided again?  How high up did you go on your head?  Is that the length it would be just folded in half?

I must know in case I ever decide to go for the natural look!


Posted By: amm
Date Posted: March 29 2005 at 10:32pm
OK, now I really like this. I like the natural lightness of it and the way
it falls. You're very petite, Jenny, so I think it's looks very good not
being consumed by a mass of hair. The layers are going to be a
great help disguising the piecyness that's just naturally difficult to
avoid with extensions.

Congrats! Another great looking install.

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: March 29 2005 at 10:34pm
It looks absolutely STUNNING Jenny! It looks so natural!

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: March 29 2005 at 10:44pm
Thanks, girls. I'm dying to know how this hair looks after washing and styling compared to the last install, but I'm exercising some restraint--well, at least for now....

Originally posted by amm amm wrote:

You're very petite, Jenny

AMM: That's so funny--it may be the first time I've ever been referred to as petite in my life! I'm actually 5'8" with a pretty large frame, but I'll take it! (The Internet is like TV--the proportions get all skewed. Every actor I've ever seen onscreen looks like he's 6', then you see 'em in person and they're 5'2", lol.)

Mocha: Yeah, it's pinchbraided again and it goes about an inch and a half above my ears, I'd say. It was probably 3 1/2 bags prior to the layering/razoring. At the longest point, I'd say it's about 28 inches. Issac cut the PH to the same length as the Dome, then blended it all together. Last time, he kept some of the PH and Dome separate so I could see if they wore any differently, but since they seem to perform exactly the same, it's all mixed together now. I think most of it has just the usual pinchbraided 1 1/2 to 2 inch overlap, but in some cases he folded the hair more to create a more layered effect. I started zoning out at some point during the appointment, so I didn't pay that close attention to how much folding over there was.

I do feel like my real hair is at an awkward length right now, and I'm wondering if some extentubes up top might help to provide more volume to my real hair and blend better. I've also considered just pinchbraiding the entire head or doing some open-ended. I'm torn, though....


Posted By: zapevaj
Date Posted: March 29 2005 at 11:00pm
Ha, that's exactly what I thought- it looks like Kalika's hair!

The ends are probably necessarily sparser, being thinned out with a razor and all. I think it looks fantastic. If you're concerned about your hair blending in better, you could give your own hair a little wave. But you really shouldn't worry about that too much, as it's already blending quite well on its own.  :)


------------- - Hair Alchemy

Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 2:31am

I love it Jenny... SO JEALOUS


edit to say HOTTIE ALERT

i love plastikhaar

Posted By: Amanda8Beechwoo
Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 4:44am
Wow Jenny, I can't believe how good your hair looks.  I absolutely love it, its so seemless, you can't even see one pinch braid, you look stunning chick xxxx

Posted By: FinaFina
Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 6:35am


It looks AWESOME. I understand your concerns about the layering but I really think they are going to keep it looking the way it is now!!  Did he curl or steam it or anything -- I gather not -- this looks more au naturel 50mm wave. I think the last time he had to do a little more styling to achieve the look.

I think it's *incredible* that you can even have pure pinchbraids without needing smaller extensions around the top. The blending is amazing.

Anyway as always THANKS for your boldly going forward and sharing the results!! Does it "feel better" to have new hair??


Posted By: Bridget
Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 8:54am
Jenny, I love your hair!  It looks great!  You look just like Gwen Steffani (sp) I swear!  Are you sure you're not her?  You must hear that all the time.  I love the layers, love the curl/wave and love the color! 

Posted By: FinaFina
Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 9:03am
Bridget - I was thinking the same thing - Jenny IS Gwen Stefani! I know it!!  

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 9:11am
Thanks everyone.

Fina: Yeah, it's great to start fresh. The hair's so silky! And no, there was no steaming or curling or anything like that; there wasn't last time either, actually. Truth be known, I really could use some smaller extensions further up, but that's a dilemma, because even extentubes aren't that undetectable in my hair, I haven't had great luck with shrinkies, and I'm glue-phobic based on past experiences. With the superlight, thin hair, anything too far up sticks out like a sore thumb, so it's easier in a way to just keep them further down and try to style my real hair to blend with it.

Bridget: That's so funny. Nah, I'm not Gwen--she has a better job and, of course, much mo' money. But when I used to wear big, layered, clip-on ponytails, I would hear that I looked like her all the time. I actually hear that a lot less now. I will say, I need to get on her fitness regimen ASAP, though. I'll start that tomorrow, I guess....

How's your hair holding up, Bridget?


Posted By: shel221
Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 11:04am

Jenny your hair is stunning! I'm really warming to synthetic hair as leave all the probs with HH behind!

Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 11:12am
Jenny what problems did you have with shrinkies?  And whose did you use?  To me they are far less detectable than extendtubes.  I don't think you need them any higher up but hmmmm.  How small are the pinchbraids that are already in?  COuld you have just a few smaller ones placed a little higher if you really feel you need hair higher up?

I really like the shrinkies cut in half with tiny tips.  I have hair placed like maybe a 1/4" from my hairline right now and even with it pulled back my facial girl (everybody love heather) didn't notice them while she had the light up in my face poking and prodding this morning.  And she would have had no issue saying anything if she had noticed.  Of course if they slip right off that's doing you no good.

Posted By: ccross6032
Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 12:03pm

hey jenny - i've been away or would've posted earlier

va-voom! i really do like the layering, it looks so soft and light...

i hear you about the higher-up pinch braids, i can do 99% of anything i want and the braids from my ear level down are inconspicuous; the higher ones that give volume need a little help to stay concealed. it's only been a couple weeks for me, too, so i'm predicting this will be what pushes me to redo as opposed to the hair itself.

are you gonna do anything difference maintenance wise other than the less is more approach? i have definitely benefitted from that advice you and fina gave with my own hair...

again, lovely!


Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 12:09pm
Hey Mocha,

I think the top row of pinchbraids I have are about as small as they're going to get. Fundamentally, they're just a little thicker, and quite a bit longer, than shrinkies and extendtubes. On the plus side, of course, they're actual braided hair with string, so they can look a bit more "natural" in a way than, say, a metal microring if they are visible.

The shrinkies I've tried have been Doc's only, once with a flatiron and once with Doc's wand, and I should preface this by saying that I haven't done extensive testing or experimenting. That said, I haven't been able to get them to shrink as unformly as I'd like, there was some slippage, and I had difficulty removing some (in some cases, I felt like the plastic shrink stuff actually melted into the hair). Again, I haven't done enough testing to really give an informed opinion as to why it's not working that well. I do think Fina's "halving" techinque would yield an almost undetectable result, even in my hair.


Posted By: kirstyx1888xmac
Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 2:18pm
jenny your hair looks soooo nice i really like the wave its different from all the poker straigt hair every1 seems to have. what is ph? plastik haar?

Posted By: divinediva
Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 2:29pm

STUNNING...i love it.  Is that blonde your natural hair colour?, if not how do u get it so blonde?



It doesn't have to be natural to be fabulous!!!/

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 2:43pm
Thanks again, girls. You're sweet.

Kirsty: PH is PlastikHaar--it's a high-quality synthetic fiber, like Dome, Prostyles, Trimco, etc. This is the 50mm wave, which is basically the loosest wave, but there are tighter waves and curls, as well as a straight texture available. If you like synth or want to give it a try, I really recommend it--it's $13 a bag and comes in more colors than any other synth I know of. The hair is superlong, like 40 inches or so, so you can double it over, cut it to make more pieces, etc. Plus, their customer service is outstanding.

SPP: No--it's pretty far from my real color. I've been lifting my hair for years, so it's hard to know what my real color is, but I think it's a dirty blonde/light brown, level 6 or 7; it lightens very easily. For years, I used Perference by Loreal Level 10 Lightest Natural Blonde, which got me really, really light and actually isn't bleach--just a high-lift peroxide--works in 25 minutes. But last year I switched to Feria 205, which is a bleach mix that works in about 45 minutes and produces a slightly lighter, whiter result that doesn't seem to oxidize as fast. I was worried that I'd get more damage with the bleach, but my hair's always been so damaged anyway, and I don't think the peroxide is much gentler, to tell you the truth. The key with either, of course, is not overlapping--I'm still working on getting that one down, lol!


Posted By: amm
Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 2:43pm
shel, a lot of us were 100% HH users until just recently. I personally
had never tried synth and was adamantly against it because I always
thought it was too fake looking and rough.

With the new thermofibers and now Dome, ProHair & Plastikhaar,
we're converting over. What a relief to pay under $20 for hair now
when I was shelling out $200 and up for what frequently turned out
to be garbage that couldn't be worn for more than a few months.

I think boogiemama's site with all the synth pictures is what really
convinced me to try synth. Take a look at the pics under the
synthetic link...they're awesome and none of them are HH. - Boogiemama
- synth pics

Posted By: leia1979
Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 9:34pm
Jenny, it's great!  I think it looks a little more natural with more thinned-out ends.  But no pink?  I was hoping for some wild colors, woman!

And slightly oxidising, are your saying the blonde goes yellowish?  If so, I'd say try a little ArTec White Violet shampoo (I could even send ya the half-bottle I have, since I've returned to a level 2 brown and don't need it).

Posted By: Gina E
Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 9:37pm


Artec White Violet! It's the Shizzil dizzil!

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 9:51pm
Thanks, Leia--you're sweet. And yeah, by "oxidizing," I mean it goes brassy and fades a bit.

But actually, I'm having no oxidation problems anymore since I switched from the peroxide to the bleach. This stuff (the Feria 205) makes my hair pretty white, and the synth is, of course, as white as I want it to be. Occasionally, I'll use some Shimmer Lights shampoo, but I can't use it more than once a week, or I wind up with purple hair, lol. Lately, I haven't even been using that because my hair doesn't really get brassy. I've heard the ARTec is amazing, though.

Again, it's funny: I really don't think the bleach is doing any more damage than the peroxide did, and it's yielding a better color (at least for me, since I like the more unnatural, cooler platinum tones). For years, I thought--and many hairdressers told me--that I was being more gentle using the peroxide. But maybe once you get into that high-lift, 10 range, it's all pretty much the same. Rick the Chemist, over on, told me the peroxides can be deceiving--the damage comes more from overprocessing/overlapping than the actual bleach or peroxide itself. Apparently, the ammonia has a lot to do with it. (Clearly, I'm getting way out of my depth here.)

Yeah, next time some crazy colors, definitely. I'm torn between blue and pink. Decisions, decisions........


Posted By: leia1979
Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 10:05pm
I vote for the eisblau...a nice cool blonde and baby blue 'do for summer.  =)

Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 10:10pm
Rick the chemist is awesome.  I was about to ask what the ingredientsin Feria 205 were so I could cross reference with what i've learned from him and know of chemistry myself.  But alas you have found him already.

I'm amazed how well your hair lifts(both the color and how even it is).  But then everyone's is different.  A seven is about all my hair can handle before it just can't handle the bleach.  Then again I'm about a two or three naturally and that's a long way to go.

But isn't the point that regardless of how you get there your hair looks fabu!  Yes, I thought it was.  Be brave add the colors next time.  If you end up feeling awkward you can always take them out.

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 10:34pm
Originally posted by mochachip mochachip wrote:

I'm amazed how well your hair lifts(both the color and how even it is).  But then everyone's is different.

It's true. My hair lifts very easily, but it's pretty light to begin with. Here's a photo of my roots:

So I'm lifting it a fair amount, but it's still pretty doable. I've tried to use the Feria stuff on my boyfriend (who's like a level 2 or 3), and the result was a totally uneven, Ronald McDonald red, so....

The results are always even on me--there's no variation in the lift at all; the same was always true of the peroxide. The only problem is, with the bleach, I tend to miss spots, because it's a drier mixture than the peroxide. But that's my own error, not a matter of the product or how my hair's reponding to it.

In addition, I've always had porous hair, even before I started dying it, and my hair's so thin and fine. I've often wondered if these factors play a role. For some reason, I'm thinking thicker, coarser hair would be more resistant to bleach and peroxide, but who knows? Of course, on the downside, thin hair is much more likely to fry and break off because it's not as strong. It's a double-edged sword, really. And yes, Rick is the bomb!

If you want to see a good color job, check out the photos of Kristin's hair journey on Her natural color is way darker than I would've thought, and she gets a great 613 color. She had some damage one time because the bleach was left on too long, but in general, her hair seems to respond incredibly well to it (I have no idea what she uses).

Leia: I'm leaning more toward the blue, too. What's happening with your hair these days?


Posted By: Kimbearly
Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 11:43pm

Jenny, it's beautiful :O)  I love the haircut with the layers because IMO it looks much more natural looking than the other.  Which ever way though you look HOT .   I just ordered my PH 5 minutes ago in the 50mm curl in color CACAO. After looking at the pictures Amm posted the 20mm was too curly for me.  

 I also ordered the WEIZEN in straight for my friends daughter.  We can't wait to get our hair!!!


Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 2:38am
Kimbearly took the words right out of my mouth. I really agree
the cut looks more natural and I it!!!

Posted By: kirstyx1888xmac
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 12:00pm

jenny do u do yur pinch braids yourself or do u pay someone else to do them?

if so how much does it cost you.  i heard someone say that pinch braids cause the least damage and looking from yur pic, i can now see what picnh braids are and im def thinking they might be a good idea for me. they dont look like they are pulling on the scalp and they look nice n secure. how often do u get them re done?


thanks xx

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 12:09pm
Thanks again everyone.

Kim: I was just checking out the Cacao last night, as it matches by boyfriend's hair almost exactly. He was like, "I don't want any of your extensions!" So there goes my plan for a guinea pig, lol! Are you getting those clip-in pieces or the actual wefts?

Kirsty: I get my pinchbraids done. I have no ability to braid whatsoever. Apparently, it's not impossible to learn, but it does take practice--Rae has a tutorial on her site, if you want to check it out. I pay $350 for them--that's the service, not including the hair.


Posted By: kirstyx1888xmac
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 12:37pm
thanks. do they last about 3 months?

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 3:34pm
Yup. I never have any slippage or loss, so they last quite well. The only thing is, the braids are a little bigger than some connections, so you may want to get them redone a bit more frequently, like every 10 weeks or so, because they'll become more visible as your hair grows. But it all depends. :)

Posted By: FinaFina
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 3:40pm
You ENTIRE HEAD is so beautiful . . . I even love the way the little pinchbraids look!!

Posted By: leia1979
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 8:48pm
Jenny...I had three test streaks in blut rot, and two came out.  I think I got oily spray stuff on them, but I did a lousy job on them anyway, so no loss. Once I stop being lazy and make some tips, there will be red undercolor goodness!

And isn't it sad that you just got new hair and we're already plotting the next install?

Posted By: Kimbearly
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 8:55pm
Jenny, I ordered the 1m weft in the 50mm wave.  I am going to make my own clip-on piece from it.  I ordered the clips from Kristen's site.  Can't wait!!!


Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 9:07pm
Originally posted by leia1979 leia1979 wrote:

And isn't it sad that you just got new hair and we're already plotting the next install?

No doubt, Leia! It's a neverending quest.

Kim: That sounds great. I love the 50mm. :)

Posted By: delin
Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 10:34pm
That's exactly the length/texture & style I'm striving for.  Beautiful hair worn by a very well-spoken woman.  Great inspiration photos!

Date Posted: March 31 2005 at 11:17pm


i just had to say that and I am too embarressed to put up a photo at this time. i will use my shimmer lights and pray.

i will ooh and aah at jenny. i always wondered how she didn't tone her hair as often as me.. i think i am going to invest in some 'white' manic panic or special effects (which is just toner)

i love plastikhaar

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 12:03am
Delin: Thanks, you're sweet. Can you believe this stuff is $13 a bag?

Mer: What do you mean, brassy problem? (I mean, I have an idea of what you mean, but....) Yeah, I'd try all those--the Manic Panic Virgin Snow, the ARTec, the Shimmer Lights. They really can help. Unfortunately, I think peroxide lightening sometimes just yields a brassier result than bleach; it's almost as if the effects of the peroxide aren't strong enough to last as long. What do you use: peroxide or bleach? And what's your natural color? If you use the former (like a boxed peroxide), you may have more luck using an ash or cool version. But again, I'm really having better luck with this Feria stuff--I'm sure it's damaging, but I don't think it's any more damaging, at least for me, than what I used to use. You may also want to ask Kristin or Sherrie--they're both in the superlight, 613 range. :)

Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 1:02am

The lightener that you are calling 'peroxide' is actually a 'high lift tint'.  It's a regular tint in an actual shade (ultra light blond, etc) with a  lot of ammonia in it and then you usually add double parts peroxide (usually double 40 volume) .  It's the combination of ammonia and peroxide alone that lightens the hair.  Although color companies tell you that you can get 4 levels of lift with a tint, in actuality, you can usually only get 2.5 to maybe 3 levels if you are lucky.  So depending on you natural base level, you may end up with brassy results because the high lift tint will only lift the 2-3 levels which may not be light enough for the desired result.  

 When I do opt to use a high lift tint, I almost always use an ash based tint because when you lift the hair's pigment, you expose the underlying residual color, and that's always a very warm color (think orange , ugly gold, or chicken yellow) and you want that ash color to neutralize the warmth you will encounter.

Bleach is a wonderful tool and mostly any bleach damage comes from poor application (overlapping) or leaving it on too long (or not long enough if your results are brassy). Bleach also has a lot of ammonia in it, and you also do mix it with peroxide (10-40 volume).  Bleach mixed with a lower level of peroxide is not less damaging, in fact some colorists believe it is more damaging because you need to leave it on the hair longer to get the lift you want.  The higher volumes work faster.    Bleach can usually lift up to 7 levels, so if your natural color is a 6 or darker, bleach is what you need to give you the level of lightness you want.

Also, hair that is course, takes longer to lighten because it has more  layers of cuticle and sometimes a thicker cortex (the inside layer of the hair under the cuticles)

well, I know this thread isn't about color, but hopefully if you understand the  differences  between the products, you can better choose the appropriate product for your hair type to get your desired result, and therefore not end up brassy.

Posted By: Bridget
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 9:07am
On the high lift subject... I use Maji Meche.  It's ammonia free, so it's gentler on your hair.  It smells like roses too.. yum.  Have you ever tried this Metalgirl?

Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 10:23am


I haven't used Maji Meche, but one of my stylist friends uses it exclusively for highlights and she loves it!  I suppose I should give it a try.

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 12:51pm
Interesting. Thanks for the info, Metalgirl. I figured the fineness/coarseness (or at least the thinness/thickness) had something to do with the way it responds to these chemicals, although I've never actually read it anywhere till now.


Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 1:19pm
The more places I hear that its okay that coarser hair requires more time to lift, and darker hair requires more time to lift, and the longer you leave the bleach on the larger the possibility of damage, the better I feel about my hair just not being a DIY blond candidate.

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