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Feedback On Advertising On This Thread

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: July 03 2024 at 3:48pm

Topic: Feedback On Advertising On This Thread
Posted By: Karen Shelton
Subject: Feedback On Advertising On This Thread
Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 3:47pm


Yes...Jenny_RR...& all...there needs to be some clarification.  And yes, we delete an average of 6-8 blatant advertisements per day.  The reason of course is because gets an average of 1 million hits per day and the HairTalk boards gets a lot of that traffic that visits the site.  I also refer people who read my various articles to the appropriate boards when I can.  So if I am writing about a celeb who wears hair extensions...I will refer them to this topic to bring in new members...that hopefully will participate.

Unfortunately there is always someone looking to take advantage of any situation and you can only imagine what they would have to pay for Google ads to be seen by that many people.  So they decide to "use" HairTalk for their own advertising.  Sort of like we become a free billboard sitting on a highway somewhere that they just slap their ads on.  :-)

This has been happening since 1997 when we opened HairTalk and  So nothing new.

However, I like to do what is in the best interest of everyone.  I really don't have a problem with the way you guys currently do it.  What I have a problem with is blatant ads OR when someone is trying to sell products that compete with  After all, that is how we fund these messageboards.  From the profits of the Marketplace.  Even then, I try very hard not to let very much advertising bleed into the boards because I really want this to be a comfortable place to hang out and share info.

I personally love the Hair Extension thread and it is one of my favorites of all the threads.  With that said....why don't you guys give me some of your feedback on what you think is appropriate/inappropriate and I will definitely try to find a fair way.  We are in the process of updating the Rules of Conduct for HairTalk but trying to be sure that we don't make them uncomfortable.

I like to think of HairTalk a little like a coffee shop like maybe a Starbucks.  You buy their coffee and maybe thigh busting goodies and in return you can hang and chat w/friends, play MahJong or talk about hair extensions.  I certainly would think Starbucks would have a problem if people showed up with Dunkin Donuts coffee cups or Hostess Twinkie snacks.  But you get my drift here.

Anyway...enough rambling.  Let me know what you all think about what should or should not be allowed w/advertising on these boards.

Thanks in advance & thanks for all the cool threads.  I just love em.


Originally posted by Jenny_RR Jenny_RR wrote:

Originally posted by metalgirl metalgirl wrote:

Hey Jenny and girls-Do we allow advertising on this board?

Generally, no--we're not supposed to advertise, especially if our only participation in the boards is creating new threads advertising our own products and services. That never goes over well.

Of course, quite a few members here are stylists, and potential clients do come on the site asking for references in their area. A few members are also hair sellers, so sometimes they chime in about how different products work, etc., which I, for one, find quite helpful. And a lot of us trade/purchase products to sample from each other. I don't know that these things would be considered advertising, though.

Perhaps Karen should clarify exactly where the line is drawn.

That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger or drives you totally insane. :-)

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 3:54pm
Thanks, Karen. That's really helpful. I've already babbled enough about this topic, so I'll leave it to others to chime in. :)

Posted By: amm
Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 4:03pm
I think if someone is on this board specifically for sales or attempting to turn a profit and has no advice, input or suggestions for the other members, their ad/web site should be deleted.

Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 4:36pm
Karen - I pm'ed you as this was becoming it's own thread.  Give or take I agree with amm.

Posted By: marie87
Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 4:54pm
I just read in Fortune Mag. That search engins like yahoo and googl get as much as $11.00 a hit for the frist name up on a search engin. So yes some one who comes on and just to tout ther wears is saving a great deal of money!!!

Posted By: Amanda8Beechwoo
Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 5:11pm
I agree totally with Amm xx

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 5:39pm

I have no problem with someone who posts here on a regular basis offering advice and sharing experiences who also may be an extensionist or a supplier. Of course these people are going to get asked from time to time about their services or supplies, or their store or website. I would prefer at that point that they take their business private, but sometimes the general flow of conversation in a particular topic or thread goes into more detail on the board than what really is necessary but it dont bother me at all when its coming from someone who contributes in a valuable way also. Nor do I have a problem with a supplier or stylist coming here asking questions so they may find out what types of services or products that would help there business, or the customers. My advice to the stylists or suppliers that come here is that if someone asks or a thread starts to go in that direction, try to take it to PM so others dont make the accusations that you are advertising. (Please dont shoot the messenger)

The only ones I have a problem with, are the ones who come here strictly to advertise themselves for sake of their own profit, and have nothing valuable to contribute to the board.  My biggest peeve is when someone will post an advertisment, even in a thread that is of different topic than what they are advertising!

Posted By: leia1979
Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 10:02pm
I also agree with Amm and Sherrie.  When someone's first post ever on this board is a new thread that says "I do extensions, call me for an appointment" or "buy hair from me," that's inappropriate.

We do have businesswomen on this board, but they established themselves as contributing memebers of the board first, and they never shove their businesses in our faces.

Also, notice how the aggressive advertisers are also the ones that manage to start flame wars?  I think we as a group need to notify Karen or another moderator more quickly and resist the desire to retort.  If a poster can't be reasonable after being told politely that we do not condone advertising, then we need the assistance of a higher power.

Posted By: Syren123
Date Posted: March 30 2005 at 10:10pm
Originally posted by leia1979 leia1979 wrote:

I also agree with Amm and Sherrie. 
Also, notice how the aggressive advertisers are also the ones that manage to start flame wars?  I think we as a group need to notify Karen or another moderator more quickly and resist the desire to retort.

Aww. But retorting is so fun! Really gets 'em riled up.

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