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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: July 03 2024 at 5:10pm

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 6:18am

Whew, girls! I feel like I’ve just given birth. Before you know it, a simple FAQ/Archive turns into the Manhattan Project.

I put together some standalone threads for the archive. There are so many good ones, but these seemed to be the most self-contained and/or helpful for beginners. In some cases, I couldn’t include some great advice because photos and links were broken, etc., or the information was simply spread out among too many threads. Anyway, I’m emailing all this info with the necessary links to Karen later today. If you want to add things I’ve left out, PLEASE EMAIL KAREN WITH YOUR IDEAS AND SUGGESTIONS. If you want me to make changes to this, just post below. This isn’t conclusive at all, but I think it’s a good start.


THREADS to archive as standalones:

Methods Overview (formerly “Bridget Your Question is Here”):

Extensions 101 Thread for Beginners:

The Buyer Beware Thread:

Tips for Cutting Extensions:

SAS’s Compare Company Products and Save:

Metalgirl’s Clip-In Techniques:

AMM’s Pretipping Technique:

Kalika’s Prelayering Method:

Mocha’s Revitalizing Liquid Glue

SAS’s Treating Unprocessed Indian Hair:

Bridget’s Pretipping with Shrinks on the Weft:

Sherrie’s Sandwich Weft Technique

Gina’s Pretipping on the Weft


Beyond that, I’ve created a FAQs Kiosk, where the questions are followed by relevant links. Here are the categories and questions (more like statements in many cases, LOL).

FAQs Kiosk


I’m new to extensions. Where can I get a basic overview?

What’s everyone’s favorite method?

What’s everyone’s favorite hair?

I’m interested in extensions, but I have concerns about growth, damage, and safety.

Is it possible to wear your hair up with extensions?

My hair’s very short. Would extensions work for me?

Are extensions suitable for people with thinning hair, hairloss, and/or severe damage?


How do I do the back of my head?

I need some help with the application patterns and placement.

How much hair do I need to buy and install?

What’s the difference between extendtubes and microrings?

I want to learn more about extendtubes/microrings.

How do I install microlinks/microrings/extendtubes?

What are microillusions?

What are shrinkies?

Are there any viable “shrink” alternatives to Doc’s shrinkies?

Where do I buy a fusion wand/heat clamp to use with shrinkies, and what should I look for?

How do woven tracks work?

What’s the Malaysian method?

How does fusion and fusion purging work?

What’s the Dome/heat-sealing method, and is it suitable for DIY?

What does a weave look like?

How does Great Lengths work?

What’s Cold Fusion?


What kinds of glues can I use for pretipping?

Can you give me any tips to make pretipping quicker and easier?


I can’t deal with bulk hair. Help!

What are drawing mats, blending boards, and hackles, and how can I use them to blend bulk hair?


How do I get glue residue, wefts, and/or strand extensions out of my hair?

I got some terrible hair that’s tangling like crazy. Can anyone help?

My shrinkies aren’t shrinking or removing right. What am I doing wrong?


I’m confused by all the terminology of human hair. What’s the difference between cuticle, non-cuticle, remi, remy, raw, virgin, etc.? What’s the best HH to buy?

I’m thinking about ordering human hair off eBay. Should I?

Can I dye my human-hair extensions?


I’m thinking of switching from human to synth. Should I?

How do I select, install, style, and care for synth hair?

What’s thermofiber?

Is it possible to dye synth?

I need help with the PlastikHaar colors.


I want to use the best products to care for my extensions. Can you give me some product recommendations?


What are hair halos, wigs, T-closers, falls, and pieces? And would they work for me?

How do I order, install, or make my own clip-in extensions?

How do custom hairpieces work?


What do the other members’ extensions look like?


How do extensions contracts work?

I’m interested in getting licensed or taking an extensions class.


Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 6:27am
Hmm...come to think of it, I'm going to add some info on pinchbraids.

Rae: Can I link it up directly to your site?


Posted By: Gina E
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 6:28am
Jenn...You need to add your quick and dirty bulk pretipping!

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 6:36am
You know, Gina, I think it's in the pretipping section of the FAQ's actually. I'll probably just leave it there since my tips weren't the most, um, uniform or attractive, lol!

Honestly, there's so much friggin' information here, it's overwhelming. I think at least having it sectioned out a bit will help people to find what they're looking for. Even so, they're going to have to wade a bit. I think there were like 50 threads on shrinkies alone. Whew....

I created that show-offs section with links to (hopefully) everyone's pics. I wonder if the admin could watermark them as "Hair Talk" photos.... I'm getting worried about them getting stolen. I imagine we can all go into our individual images and do that though.

Nevermind me...just babbling to myself at this point...


Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 6:51am
Jenny you are awesome and Thank You.....for all that you do for this board. I for one want to say how much I appreciate all of your efforts!

Posted By: Amanda8Beechwoo
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 7:11am

You are the best Jenny.  We should have one called "an ode to Jenny" LOL xxx

Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 8:03am
Wow that about covers it.  I'm not sure what we're going to have left to talk about over here...

Posted By: FinaFina
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 8:03am

Hi Jenny:

This is really great. A while back as I was trying to learn as much as possible I was thinking how great it would be if these things were organized. . .so THANKS.

Just a few comments:

-There doesn't seem to be a "how to install with Shrinkies" specifically.

-Should there *specifically* be a "Removal" section?

Just my 2 cents. . .thanks again. . .


Posted By: Bridget
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 9:43am

"Wow Jen, YOU DA BOMB!"  You've been a busy little bee!  Thanks so much for doing this... what would we do with out you!  This is so cool... To make your job easier, you could deligate of few tasks, if you need to.  I'll help in any way that I can. 

What about testimonials about HH brands and the companies and their customer service?

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 1:43pm
Fina: The only step-by-step Shrinkie installation/removal demo I know of is Doc's, but it's true: That's a key demo, so I'll link it up. AMM did provide removal photos too, so lemme see if I can hook that up too.

Bridget: Definitely--delegation would be awesome. It just so happened that I had a lot of extra time to put this together this week, but hopefully others can take the reigns from here and perhaps get more into depth on certain topics. Your idea for companies/customer service would be great. Perhaps you want to create a thread for that, going through past threads and cutting/pasting or whatever, then email it to Karen.

Also, since everyone here seems to have an area (if not several areas) of expertise, perhaps some of the regulars would be willing to create more specific FAQs in those areas of expertise. For example, Sherrie (glues, placing overseas orders, bonded wefts); AMM (shrinkies, thermofibers, Glamourhair); Metalgirl (clip-ins, MB shrink links, full weaves, Extensions-Plus); Kristin (strand fusion, microrings, Bohyme); Rae (microringed wefts, pinchbraids, heat-seals); Gina (cutting and styling techniques, pretipping, microrings); Leia (dyeing human and synthetic, making falls, OPH); SAS (unprocessed Indian hair, weaving techniques, custom hairpieces, lace-fronts); Miamigirl (toppers); Emma (wigs, halos, stock pieces); Syren (hairpieces, fusion, synth comparisons); Amanda (shrinkies, Bohyme); Kalika (synth comparisons, layered pretipping, shrinkies); Mocha (pretipping, glues, shrinkies); Fina (synth styling, heat-seals); Mer (care products, brushed, and pinchbraids); Shel (weaves and fusion); Kimbearly (human hair, unprocessed hair, clip-ins); SPP (human hair, installation placement); Rose (microrings, curls, synth and human) etc., etc., etc. These are just the names/areas I can think of offhand, so I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot of people and getting a lot of this wrong (and I apologize), but it's just a few ideas.

OK, I'm sending these off to Karen now, so send any changes/additions/suggestions/ideas/new threads to her.


Posted By: shel221
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 4:00pm

Jenny you are awsome! This will be great! Im pretty new to the site but i already feel that the same questions keep on propping up so imagine how you senior members feel probably being asked the same things day after day.  I just hope everyone uses them




Posted By: zapevaj
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 4:16pm
Hey Jenny- yes, you can link to the pinchbraid tutorial.

------------- - Hair Alchemy

Posted By: Karen Shelton
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 4:21pm

Hi Jenny,

I will work on this over the weekend.  I suspect this will a work in progress.  :-)

Thanks for all your time and energy spent in getting all of this great info together.  I will do my best to organize it so that it is easy to find and everyhing gets moved appropriately.

Please...anyone else...if you have suggestions & thank you Rae for letting us link up to pinchbraids.


That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger or drives you totally insane. :-)

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: April 01 2005 at 4:53pm
Thanks, Rae. Done and done.

Will send it to you shortly as a MS word attachment via my hotmail, Karen. Just let me know if it makes sense.


Posted By: leia1979
Date Posted: April 02 2005 at 1:13pm
Jenny, way to go, girl!  I will definitely help you however I can.  Sorry I haven't been around much lately...I started a new job and it is craaaaazy.   I'll start working on my assigned topics, ma'am.  =)

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: April 02 2005 at 3:05pm
Thanks, Leia. It would be great if you could add some things to the archive, but don't feel obligated at all. Everyone is, of course, really busy, and I didn't mean to suggest that I was assigning anything to anyone. Fortunately, I had a lot of time this week, but if it had been a busier week for me, there's no way I would've been able to do this much.

For those who want to contribute to it, though, and who have the free time, it'd be great. I mentioned your name in conjunction with dyeing because I know you've given a lot of great color advice and it seems we're getting a ton of questions about dyeing extensions, both human and synthetic--and of course, the OPH, which you discovered, along with falls, because (I believe) I remember that you've made them. But again, my memory may be a bit shoddy here...gettin' old.


Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: April 02 2005 at 5:08pm
Hey Jenny, I'm not so sure I'm in a posotion to write any FAQ about Shrinkies but the others definitely and a few that don't come up asoften as well. 

Should we post our assignments/contributions here or send them to you for compiplation or?

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: April 02 2005 at 5:16pm
Jenny, I will certainly try to find some time to post some useful info and faqs in the weft bonding thread. Lately I seem to only find time to log on a for a few minutes at a time throughout the day. But in about a week I should have more free time. I do have alot of useful info to post in that area! And again Jenny....THANK YOU so much for all the effort that you give to this board. It wouldnt be what it is without you!

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: April 02 2005 at 8:45pm
Thanks, girls. But really, all I've done is compile this stuff--all the great information, tips, and tutorials have come from everyone over the past six months or so. I've just put it (hopefully) into a bit more order.

I think it would be great if you wanted to help out, Mocha. I think maybe the best way to proceed is for you, and anyone who's interested, to  just list here (on this thread) what they intend to put together (so we're not duplicating our efforts), and then, as people have the time, they can send their completed threads to Karen.

As for me, I won't be putting together anything new for awhile. Instead, my plan is to 1) test these new kiosk links once they're posted because I'm sure I've made some errors as I compiled it pretty quickly; 2) update the "Bridget/Overview" thread, since it's a little outdated at this point; 3) update the Extensions 101 thread; and 4) perhaps update the FAQs kiosk once a month with the new information that's been posted within the month. It's amazing how quickly something new shows up on the scene and renders the other stuff obsolete.


Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: April 02 2005 at 8:55pm
Okay here's what I can make nice neat info about. 

Pretipping - particularly bulk hair, including prerazoring
latex glue vs LG vs of all things Hot glue (for microring pretips)
Reusing hair to make falls
Non Docs Non Kristins Shrinkies (what does and doesn't work if you are using industrial shrink tubing)
How to make your gummed up LG come back to life
Making Clip ins

I know that there are others who can do several of these so If they want them they are more than welcome.

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: April 02 2005 at 9:04pm
Sounds good, Mocha. I've already archived your revitalizing LG thread as a standalone, so unless you want to add to that, you may have already covered it. The rest look awesome, though.

I think there are lots of bits and pieces on a lot of these topics (like pretipping or shrinkies), but if you can take the subjects from a 101 perspective, like here's what this is, what it's used for, and there are lots of ways to do it, here's an overview, followed by the specifics, it would be great. I don't think we have anything at all on reusing hair, by the way, which would be an awesome addition. I don't think we have anything that breaks down all the different glues you can use for pretipping and the advantages/disadvantages to each. We do have links to people talking about their favorites, but nothing terribly comprehensive so far, so that would be really helpful. Also, we have Metalgirl's sewn clip-in techniques with hand wefts, but we don't have one that uses machine wefts or glue.



Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: April 02 2005 at 9:29pm
I do have one suggestion, for anyone who'd like to create a thread but doesn't know exactly what to cover: "How long do extensions last?"

It's a confusing topic (how long the hair lasts v. how long the methods last), and although most people think of 3 months as a timeframe, with bonded wefts, for example, they can last for like a week to a month, depending. Weaves require more maintenance than some methods, too.

I think a lot of people who come here have seen ads that say "These extensions last for 9 months!" so they're totally confused about what this may or may not mean. I don't think they understand that the growth from the root, if nothing else, means that they'll have to be maintenanced or why extensions hair doesn't last that long, in many cases.

Anyway, this is a bit of a thorny issue, but if anyone feels like tackling it, I think it'd be a valuable addition.


Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: April 02 2005 at 10:01pm

Quote Thanks, girls. But really, all I've done is compile this stuff--all the great information, tips, and tutorials have come from everyone over the past six months or so. I've just put it (hopefully) into a bit more order. are toooo do AHELLUVA LOT!

Posted By: Karen Shelton
Date Posted: April 03 2005 at 10:06am

Hi Jenny,

I would be happy to work on any of the sections.  I get literally 5-6 emails every day....about hair extensions....from confused consumers.  Although I forward a lot of them here....many don't want to read all the threads or are frustrated and just want answers now.

Yes...everyone wants answers ASAP.  :-)  I always ask all the hairdressers I talk to if they do extensions, what type they use and their experiences.  Ironically a lot of the big guns use Great Length systems in their salons.  I am not saying that is a good thing or a bad thing.  I personally have a small chip on my shoulder about Great Lengths because of something that happened several years ago with the son of the founder of GL in Italy.  However, I have spent quite a bit of time watching hair extensions be applied using a variety of systems.

So anyway...if there is anything you would like me to put together I will be happy to volunteer.

OK.  I am going off to start creating the archives now.  Wish me luck.  I have a gallon of coffee and a stack of CDs and will lock the door of my office to avoid interruptions.  :-) 


That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger or drives you totally insane. :-)

Posted By: leia1979
Date Posted: April 04 2005 at 11:52pm
Jenny, don't worry, I like writing these things.  You should've seen me yesterday at my boyfriend's typing away on my portable keyboard and Palm Pilot (okay, so we haven't made the Pilot in years, but the name stuck).  It gave me something to do while the boys played video games.   =)   

As a result, I'm halfway through the falls FAQ.  I need to add some pics, then I guess I'll send it to Karen for posting.  (Karen, please correct me if we're doing this another way.)

The wall of hair shall finally serve a purpose!

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