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Grrrrr, my Korean supplier is makin me ma

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: July 01 2024 at 2:33pm

Topic: Grrrrr, my Korean supplier is makin me ma
Posted By: sherrie215
Subject: Grrrrr, my Korean supplier is makin me ma
Date Posted: April 05 2005 at 9:01pm
Well girls....I sent off an email to John asking where the heck my hair is.... it was supposed to be here mid March...then late March. Now hes telling me 'maybe' it'll be shipped out April 15th. I'll tell you what... I was always so impressed with this company before. I ordered from them for a couple of years with outstanding service. Then they jacked up the price and jerked me around...whatup??? What sucks is that I have some bucks already in this hair and all the T/T fees...what the hell do ya do? Ask for a refund and take a loss or wait it out?  Grrrrr....sorry Im just venting some steam! So for any of you girls that I promised or who asked for a sample....I wouldnt even bother if you cant get reliable service from this supplier.....

Posted By: Gina E
Date Posted: April 05 2005 at 9:07pm

That's stinks real bad! I know you said a while back they were jerkin you around on prices...not wanting to deal with individuals, just resellers...huge bulk orders.

So, are you gonna completly convert to synth?

Oh yrak girl...go ahead, vent...get it out! It's good for you!

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: April 05 2005 at 9:43pm
Ugghh...that does suck, big time. I'm sorry to hear this.

What are you thinking as far as alternative suppliers?


Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: April 05 2005 at 9:44pm

Well chicks help me out here! I havent completely convinced myself that I can get a grip on the synthetic yet. Ive got a small amount of ebonyline thermal in with my HH extensions. But Im scared that I cant deal with a whole head of it. But I will have to redo within the next 2 weeks and I will definitely not have my HH from heres what I have on hand.

PH 28 platinblonde & vanille, champagner, naturblond and hafer.

Prostyles natural wave... in Honey blonde, dark  blonde and light auburn

Wawa thermal in 613/27 and 27

Ebonyline thermal in 613 and T613/27

Also have the WAWA body wave wefts coming anyday now in 613/27 and 27

I have option here....maybe too many? So for those of you that know how I wear my hair (in my icon) and about the same amount of curl that amm showed us with the flocked rollers....what synthetic do you think would best suit my needs?

Here is the bigger picture of how I wear my hair

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: April 05 2005 at 9:53pm
Well, I actually think you'd have an easier (quicker) time curling the PH and Prostyles with rollers, but I wouldn't recommend using a curling on it much, so maybe you can use the monofibers in the back/bottom, with a WaWa/Ebonyline mix in the front/top so you can have more control with those pieces using the iron.

With a little experimentation, I think you'd be able to achieve the look you want (with the added benefit of being able to test all the hair brands at once--yippie); my concern would be if you have to wash your hair every day. I really prefer not washing the synth so much and not even attempting washing and styling in the morning. I think it's best to wash at night and "set" it the way you want it, then just detangle in the morning, do any final touch-ups, and go. Then again, Fina washes her hair quite often with success; I don't know if she does that at night or in the morning, though. In fact, I think the mono in the back/bottom, therm in the front/top is pretty much the mix Fina has, so she might have some more insights on this.


Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: April 05 2005 at 10:56pm

Here the thing about washing daily, that I have never found a way to combat. If I dont wash my hair I get product build up. I have the big bangs/fringe (like Amm has posted pictures of) and I use hairspray/spritz. Not so much like in my picture any more, they are longer and lay flatter and swept to the side (more so like FinaFina's pictures) If I dont wash my hair, I cant do anything with the top of my head and it looks yuckkkkkyyy! My hair is dry! dry! dry! so oil is not a problem. Maybe I could get away with just washing the top? What do ya think girls.....can I do it?

I can also live with less curl or somewhat looser curl.....just cannot handle straight AT ALL! In FInaFinas first pictures after install before cutting. That look is what I would like to achieve (but not that long) about 20-22 inches long. If I use the 28mm PH that I have, will I be able to maintain that look....thats my big concern about the PH.

Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: April 05 2005 at 11:20pm
I just washed my PH 50mm that I had rolled this weekend.  I tried someone(?amm?)'s suggestion of putting it in a ponytail and then washing.  I think since there's less tension from the water weight when its ina braid that there's less chance the curl/wave pulled out.  I will give a full report in the morning.
as for washing just your bangs it can be done but it takes some practice and a detachable shower head or careful use of a plastic cup for pouring water over your head at funny angles.(I like the cup methos over the sink personally)

How much time and for what goes into your hair every morning now?  It might be easier to compare item for item of styling etc HH to synth that way.  Ive never used HH but I"m guessing aside from the obvious treat kindly since its extension hair the rest of the upkeep/styling is similar to any *normal* persons hair?

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: April 05 2005 at 11:29pm
Oh, I should've clarified: Washing the top of your hair is no problem! I do that like every day or every other day. But I coil the rest of the hair into a bun in the back covered by a few shower caps, then just wash the front facing forward (toward the shower head) so no water really hits the length. Does that make sense?

I quite like doing this actually, because it takes WAY less time to do my hair. The bottom is dry and good to go; I only have to style the top.

I intend to try the AMM braid-washing technique next time, too. But that said, I'll probably wait as long as possible to wash the length. A spritz of Febreeze is really all it needs, imo.


Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: April 05 2005 at 11:38pm
oh yeah, thanks girls! Jenny are you still getting the loose wave the way you like it? So when you use the hotrollers, how long does the curl last? I know weve been through this before! I guess now that Im considering putting the PH or Prostyles on my own head I have to be reminded....DUH!!

Posted By: amm
Date Posted: April 05 2005 at 11:39pm
Absolutely wash the top. I do it every single day I work and at least every other day I'm on days off (if not every day then, too). I'm like you, I have to get the product and sprays out or I have a yukky mess.

I pull the hair back in a pony and do all the bang/top washing in the sink. A towel is at the ready to mop up all the water so it doesn't go down the length and then I style as usual. Nothing beats a nice fresh head every single day.

I also use plastic grocery bags to protect my hair in the shower every day. I go over the whole head and tie it off with a hair band. Works great and lots of room for us Texas type hair gals!

Date Posted: April 05 2005 at 11:43pm
i like to wash the top of my head in the sing and just wear my hair on top  of my head... i don't mind if it gets a lil wet...

i love plastikhaar

Posted By: zapevaj
Date Posted: April 06 2005 at 12:20am
Yeah, Sherrie, I have bangs that I gel every day, and wash whenever they feel funky (I could do it every day if I needed to). I also frequently wash my scalp without wetting the length (since I'm a dread gal, and wet dreads are heavy), so you could do that if you had greasy roots- just put the length in, say, two braids, and just hold the braids out of the water as you stick your head under the showerhead. The water just runs over your scalp and down your neck, not down the hair, and your roots and scalp dry pretty quickly afterwards.


------------- - Hair Alchemy

Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: April 06 2005 at 12:22am
I'm surprised John is treating you like that especially as you
have been a long time customer of his.

Sherrie, are these prices (wholesale ones) close to Johns?

How do you like the ProStyles hair?

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: April 06 2005 at 5:39am

SAS...I dont know whats up with Johns company. I am surprised at this change in attitude this order. I knew it was an entirely different attitude right from the beginning process of my order. Had I known this I would have just went elsewhere. I sent them the money in February.....only after they got my money they told me March 15th, and its just been delay delay delay.

Those prices are actually quite good SAS and comparable to hair21 prices. I had forgotten about all of that, between my computer getting wiped out and everything brain has been FRIED!

I dont know how I like the Prostyles hair. I havent used it or even opened up the packages of the natural colors. I have used the funky colors in the past for streaks but its hard to compare just streaks!

Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: April 06 2005 at 6:13am
I like the prices on this site but he requires a $500 order to get
them. I don't think anyone has bought from this company so
again its the same thing......will we get our order? Although I
have to say he is very prompt at getting back to you. Well, it's
something to keep in mind if things don't work out with John in
the future. He does offer smaller sample packs......

I don't think I could handle my whole head done in synth either
Sherrie. I think I would have a mix like Amm and Fina. Although
I see the girls with the full synth and it looks great on them....just
not sure if I can go 100% yet. Waiting for all the ProHair hair to
come next week. I ordered natural wave, curly and the extra
long straight hair.

You have a lot of synth to choose from......??

Posted By: Kalika
Date Posted: April 06 2005 at 6:25am

Originally posted by sherrie215 sherrie215 wrote:

Now hes telling me 'maybe' it'll be shipped out April 15th.


maybe Im just a bitch, but I would reply "well maybe I'll have to do a charge back on my credit card"

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: April 06 2005 at 6:32am
yeah Kalika I wish I could was a T/T transfered funds directly through my bank. Cash money transfer! Ive ordered from this company for years now.....I dont get it? And it sucks to loose such a reliable supplier that I was so happy with the quality of the human hair too!

Posted By: Kalika
Date Posted: April 06 2005 at 6:50am
gah, that sucks.  I guess all you can do is hope for your hair, and no longer do business with them.  be REALLY nice till you get your hair tho

Posted By: amm
Date Posted: April 06 2005 at 6:50am
SAS - I'm with ya on that. The 100% synth will have to be a slow transformation. I'm a little scared of it getting away from me. I'll be treading with baby steps.

sherrie - bummer. I wonder if they're just indifferent to smaller orders. I think SAS said she was experiencing problems because these overseas places are catering to the big suppliers. Sounds like you have to wait it out.

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: April 06 2005 at 7:00am
yeah Amm....Ive always had a relly good relationship with John, very friendly and helpful man until this last order. It had been nearly a year since my last order since I order the largest amount that I can afford to help spread out all the fees involved. I noticed a change in attitude right from the beginning, but I went ahead past on my past experience with the company. The no longer wish to deal with the smaller order. The company has become so huge and caters to resale business and LARGE orders, but still if they were willing to accept my order they should treat me like any other customer! I dont think I have an option but to wait it out! Even if they were to give my money back I would loose alot of money...all the T/T fees would be lost then the T/T fees to transfer the money back......Ill just wait and BE NICE as Kalika said! Then after I recieve my order I will definitely let John know how disappointed I am with his company. I deal with HIM directly so he has to answer for himself he cant push the blame to anyone else!

Posted By: FinaFina
Date Posted: April 06 2005 at 11:45am
Gotta chime in here.

OK, looking at your pic. This is what it appears like you want:

Wavy to loose curls in the back and most of the sides; smoothed out around your face and bangs.

That is *exactly* how I am wearing my hair now, with the exception that my bangs don't fall directly down on my face. I plan on recreating the look with my new PH in a few weeks.

BY ALL MEANS  put the 28mm PH in the back and where you want the curly volume!!! You will LOVE it and are in very little danger of trashing it with a curling iron. On the sides and top, starting at about your ear forward, use the thermal.  I haven't tried the wavy wefted Vixenwigs (Wa Wa?) yet but that would be my guess at a good one (it's my next try when I get it, although I really am enjoying the HotStuff and Adore Yaky).

If you add Human to the mix it just behaves *too differently* from the synth. I know it's strange but that's just the way it is. I don't recommend it and the only reason I did it is for more color variation around my face.

The PH will hold up *beautifully* if you don't fry it with a curling iron, and the thermal, well, you know how it is.

I will try to post a pic tomorrow of how I've transformed my style. I really did trash a lot of the sides (the visible part framing my face), adn the more thermal I put in the more I see how many bad ends I have with the PH.

Good Luck - and don't be afraid!!


Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: April 06 2005 at 6:52pm
Ditto. You girls have been testing synth for months now, so you know exactly what to expect. Don't be afraid at all!

I will say, it did take me a little while (a few weeks, I guess) to get the hang of it, but now--on my second batch--I'm just loving the hair! And Fina got the hang of it from day one. I'm so glad I made the switch, and I do think you girls will regret it either.


Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: April 07 2005 at 7:10am

I sent another email of to John my Korean is what he had to say in regards to my complaint about the service.

Best regards

John Yim / managing director / Seoul, Korea /  John Korea Ltd.


Whadup? That certainly didnt help anything! 

Posted By: Liviray
Date Posted: April 07 2005 at 5:06pm

Im trying to translate:

Hes saying that he totally screwed up and that hes been in business for 22 years....hes also saying that human hair is the only type hes having problems with...but hes not telling you when you can expect to recieve your stuff...basically hes giving you no information

Are you ordering this from out of the country? Im wondering is there isnt something happening if it is an out of the country some kind of BIG problem  Ie: infestation? I just think its really weird that you have ordered before with no problem and now everything has changed...any way you can get your money back?

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: April 07 2005 at 6:17pm
Sounds like John is having a problem with his supplier and is genuinely sorry for the inconvenience. That said, it doesn't help you much, Sherrie. Time for a Plan B, I guess.:)

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: April 07 2005 at 7:05pm
Yep....Plan B! If I can figure out which synthetic to use! I have some of everything! LOL. Next weekend will be the big switch over......

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