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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 30 2024 at 6:32am

Posted By: norskygrl21
Date Posted: April 26 2005 at 10:26am

hello all, I would appreciate some experienced opinions-

I just want to say I LOVE long hair!  My problem is: My hair seems to never grow past a certain length, and I honestly believe certain areas seem to be growing noticeably faster than others.

My hair history: I have fine, wavy hair that I have always felt is neither thick nor thin, although my stylists and other people are always remarking I have a "lot of hair" for how fine it is. When my hair was virgin, it was probably bra-strap length at its longest but by my choice. Now, when I want it longer it just refuses to grow past a certain point. I am fastidious with conditioning and using good products, never blow-dry but I do heat style with a curling iron 1 to 2 times a week. I also color my level 6 natural color to a level 8 or 9. I have always had trims every 8-10 weeks and I might add, with an overzealous-trimmer of a stylist. Overall my hair is healthy, shiny, very soft, but probably only 5 inches past my shoulders at its longest point, with the front and top layers slightly shorter. The hair around my face grows much slower, and in the back, the middle section of my hair would be probably almost an inch shorter if I did not get regular trims to even it out to match the sides. Is it just going to be impossible for me to grow my hair long because I color it? Is it possible for areas of hair to grow faster than others? Is it just appearing to not grow because of breakage? Should I prolong the time in-between trims?  Someone out there, please take a moment to answer my inquiries, I would greatly appreciate it.


Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: April 26 2005 at 10:44am

(1) You might be having too much trimmed off. Hair grows 1/2 inch per month, and if you overzealous hairstylist is taking off more than that, then you won't see any difference in length.

(2) It could also be breakage. You've got two things going against you: dye and heat. Only you would know whether you have breakage, because you can tell by looking at your ends. I would suggest you look about 1-2 inches upward from the actual trimmed ends. Are they tapered? Are they fuzzy?

(3) The hair around my face almost never gets longer. Or it grows slower than the hair in the back. I believe this is common for two reasons: (a) terminal length could be shorter for hair around that area (b) more friction from grooming could produce a shorter lifespan for that kind of hair.



-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

Posted By: norskygrl21
Date Posted: April 26 2005 at 1:01pm

Thanks Anais-

Sure do appreciate your feedback.  I think I am just one
of those unfortunate folks who can never grow a long mane of
lustrous hair. Must run in the family, but the weird thing is I have
hair similiar to my mom's hair NOW, but when she was my age
and into her thirties she had a waist-length, full, chestnut,wavy
hair. The kind of hair that truly defined the beautiful hippies of
the 70's!! Now however she cannot grow it but a few inches
past her shoulders without it looking thinner toward the ends.

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: April 26 2005 at 2:21pm
Not necessarily.  Sometimes hair stalls for awhile, can be a period from a couple of months to 2 years.  I've heard that if a person is growing very long hair, their hair will do this a couple of times before it gets all the way to the floor.  The first time it stalls tends to be around bra strap length.  I've heard it does that so shorter new hairs can try to catch up to the length?

I'd stop going to the overzealous hairdresser if you want long hair.  Going every 2 months is probably too have to be the judge of your hair's health, but have you paid attention to how much he/she takes off?  If its an inch, you're losing all of your new growth.  Once its bsl you can trim it yourself using Feye's method. 

If you only dye it once, then just do your roots after that, you probably wouldn't have too much trouble growing it long.  (People's hair is different of course, but for most people, one dyeing doesn't hurt them).

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