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playing with OPH again

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
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Topic: playing with OPH again
Posted By: leia1979
Subject: playing with OPH again
Date Posted: April 26 2005 at 8:39pm
So I finally got off my lazy butt and made some pretips last night.  I started off with fabric glue because I couldn't find the latex at first, but the glue just crumbled when I went to roll.  So I found the latex glue and made 18 tips out of that black wine Zury OPH hair I bought....a while ago.

The last time I got my hair cut (December) the lady seemed to think layers need to start at your chin in the front (I get this a lot...why??).  Anyway, my hair is a bit shorter in the front than I would like, so I decided to add some extensions at the front to try and make it the same length as the back.

I installed nine today (one side done).  I don't get how some of you work for six hours straight!!  The heat from the iron was killing me after half an hour, so I decided to do the other side tomorrow.  I'm sure it doesn't help that I'm still using a skinny flatiron.  The extensions didn't made a huge difference, because I don't want to take the shrinkies up very high. However, the left side is now thicker, and the layers are much steeper than the right side.  I might decide later to add a few higher up using the half-shrinkie method.

The OPH is great.  The color matches my hair perfectly!  The only way I can tell the OPH from my real hair is the blunt ends (I haven't finished trimming yet).

I will have pictures tomorrow after I finish (and yes, I even remembered to take 'before' pics!).

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: April 26 2005 at 9:32pm
kewl Leia, we need a review of the Zury OPH, cant wait to see pictures!

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: April 26 2005 at 10:01pm
Excellent. I can wait to see your pics! :)

Posted By: leia1979
Date Posted: April 27 2005 at 9:25pm
Okay, I'm done.  It doesn't make a huge difference but it does make the front of my hair longer. Plus, it's a great way to test out the OPH.


You can see that the front is considerably shorter than the back.

Now, after:

Whee, I'm glowing. 

The front is now the same length as the back.  I could go higher to hide even more of the layers, but shrinkies tend to poke out if I don't leave a good margin.   The OPH is a great color match for my hair, it just might need a little flip at the end because it is too straight.  However, I just washed it, so it might not be so super-straight when it dries.

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: April 27 2005 at 9:58pm
Looking good Leia, keep us updated on the Zury OPH, enquiring minds wanna know!

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: April 28 2005 at 7:07pm
That looks beautiful and incredibly natural, Leia. It's totally seamless with your real hair in color and texture; I'd never know you had extensions in (and you know I'm always on the lookout).

Ditto what Sher said: Keep us posted on how the OPH wears.

By the way, I'm going to update the FAQs & Demos (hopefully) by this weekend. Do you want me to include your excellent falls FAQs thread. I don't know if you sent it to Karen, but if not, you can just create a new thread here and I'll add it to the demos archive. Just let me know.


Posted By: LuckieDuckies
Date Posted: April 28 2005 at 9:43pm
that gives you a really cool highlighting effect

Posted By: Kymiks
Date Posted: May 05 2005 at 10:41am

I can testify about OPH Silky Yaky.  IMPO, I think it hold up very well and is very forgiving.  I have some that I have worn for 3 weeks, taken out, put back in, used on my daughter for 2 weeks, then cut off the weft reused, straightened, curled, blow-dryed,  and it still comes back very soft and moved like real hair.  The hair I have is a 27/4/30 mix and actually looks  Chestnutty Brown with blondish highlights.  It is over 4 months old and still very much like right out of the package. 

The one problem I did have was my own negligence, I had braided after a shower and folded the ends upward then banded...HUGE mistake, for some reason this fried the ends worse than holding a lighter to it.  Odd, but thought I would share that.

I can only get it at my local hair supply shop, can't seem to find it for sale on the web anywhere.  But for $14.99 for either bulk or weft I can't complain.The only problem I have is that he only carries this texture and the longest length he carries is 18", but other than that I would recommend this hair. 

Posted By: marie87
Date Posted: May 05 2005 at 8:30pm
What is OPH? It looks great is it different than PH

Posted By: CandiLocks27
Date Posted: May 05 2005 at 9:48pm
where do you get it? thats awsome! does it hold up better than wawa?! wow.....


Candi Locks!

Posted By: Kymiks
Date Posted: May 05 2005 at 9:54pm

hi Marie, the OPH stands for Organic Protein Hair and is marketed or manufactured by Royal Imex.  I am sure it comes in many colors and maybe even textures but my local shops only carry the Silky Yaky and up to 18". 

I forgot to mention that I didn't do any special care with this hair.  Washed and conditioned with Pantene and for moisture used what was recommended in the package which was Luster's Pink and for times I wanted a little extra shine I used the Luster's Pink Oil Sheen in the Aerosol can similar to hair spray.  Never had any problems with tangling or knotting, it's great honestly, I just wish it were longer


Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: May 05 2005 at 9:56pm
Originally posted by marie87 marie87 wrote:

What is OPH? It looks great is it different than PH

OPH stands for Organic Protein Hair. It's thermofiber so it fits more into the therm category (WaWa, Hot Stuff Fusion, Freetress Futura, Ebonyline Adore) than the monofiber category (PlastikHaar, Dome, Prostyles, Trimco). I believe Leia picked it up at a beauty supply store for an excellent price. :)

Posted By: CandiLocks27
Date Posted: May 05 2005 at 10:04pm
Royal Imex doesn't have it on their web site... :-\ I was looking for a picture of the package to show the people at the hair shop down the street. Do any of you guys have one?


Candi Locks!

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: May 05 2005 at 10:07pm
Leia posted this a while ago. Good luck!

Posted By: Kymiks
Date Posted: May 05 2005 at 10:15pm

Wow, that's a completely different package than what mine came in. I only kept the cardboard insert and cut it up for storage.  Mine came in a long plastic sleeve with a hanger and the cardboard is Burgandy and White. 

I just found it at their website, go up to the search and type in OPH

Date Posted: May 06 2005 at 6:26am

I used the OPH for a few months up until January, when my local bss stopped carrying it (they replaced it with Wawa hair, but the 18 inch only).

Does anyone know of a place in the NJ/NY area that carries the 14 inch OPH? I loved it but whenever I check with any of the local bss stores, they dont want to order it (maybe it wasnt selling well enough here...).

I love the synthetic hair, but I dont want 18 inch because it gets really thick and blunt when you cut it to a shorter length.

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: May 06 2005 at 6:30am
I havent seen anyplace selling it online yet either. So if anyone has any links....POST EM!  (please)

Posted By: CandiLocks27
Date Posted: May 06 2005 at 3:51pm
hmm... well how much did it cost? I would LOVE it if i could start working on this with my "clients". If it is around the same cost as WaWa, I am gettin me some! That is fricken awsome!

Was it hard for you guys to find in your area? I know my shops carry ALOT of zury and hollywood so I hope they have it there! *crosses fingers*

btw, they have an awsome explanation of it on if anyone is interested. Its great stuff!


Candi Locks!

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: May 06 2005 at 3:53pm
I believe the OPH is really cheap--like $14 a packet. But Leia could tell you for sure. :)

Posted By: CandiLocks27
Date Posted: May 06 2005 at 9:37pm
omg! :-D *dances!!!* I would honestly, sorry to say, pay for that then PH with shipping costs... :-\ 


Candi Locks!

Posted By: leia1979
Date Posted: May 07 2005 at 1:02pm
I think I paid $12.99 for my pack.  Go to the Zury website's store locator.  The place they listed near me carried the OPH 18" weft in every color they make.  (Also, do a search on OPH and you should find my previous posts on the subject.)

After a week and a half, the OPH is holding up quite well. I lost one shrinkie, but it wasn't very well cooked.  (By the way, I used Doc's shrinkies, and now I really want some of Amm's black shrinkies instead.)  I don't do much to my hair by way of styling. I think I flat ironed it once because my hair had a few kinks in it.  I do wash it every other day.  The ends still look great.

The hair feels a little bit different than my real hair, but I haven't run into anyone with even an inkling that the front is extensions.

Unfortunately, I'm not a good guinea pig for the ladies who get a lot of use out of their curling irons.  And I've also learned that using products that are oily will make the hair very piece-y.  I like the Pink Luster Oil Sheen spray (it's called something like that).  My real hair absorbs it (and feels super soft!), but the OPH does not.  OPH just wants a little bit of conditioner to be happy.

Posted By: leia1979
Date Posted: May 07 2005 at 1:05pm
Here's the fairly comprehensive OPH thread: -

Posted By: leia1979
Date Posted: May 17 2005 at 10:44pm
Three week update!

The OPH held up well.  The ends were a tiny bit frizzy, but it wasn't enough for me to trim them or try to straighten them.  However, I am fairly gentle on my extensions as I do not heat-style.  It did tend to tangle more easily than my real hair, though probably not moreso than other synth hair.

Anyway, I decided to take them out because I have a bad habit of playing with the shrinkies.  I used my Pink's Luster Spray Glosser, which is mostly a variety of oils, to remove the shrinkies.  I actually discovered this by accident a month or two ago.  I saturated the shrinkies with the oil and worked them out in about 20 minutes.  (There were only 17 to remove.)  I shampooed twice, and my hair is now oil, shrinkie, and residue-free.  However, if I use shrinkies anywhere near my hairline again, I'm getting some of Amm's black shrinkies.

Posted By: Scotchyroo
Date Posted: May 18 2005 at 6:45am
Leia, did you use the oil, then remove with an iron or just oil them up and slide them out?  thanks.

Posted By: leia1979
Date Posted: May 18 2005 at 10:13pm
I didn't use any heat.  I had a couple of stubborn ones that I was about heat up my iron for, but then they worked loose.  I should probably also mention that I made latex tips, and the oil started to dissolve the tips, too, allowing more wiggle room to remove the shrinkie.  You really have to work the oil into each one, though.  I think it would take a while to remove a whole headfull.  Also, Amm's remover might work better, but what I already had got the job done.

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