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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 09 2025 at 1:09am
Topic: protubes
Posted By: metalgirl
Subject: protubes
Date Posted: May 02 2005 at 10:08pm
I received the new link from today, the are calling them Protubes.
They look almost exactly like my eurolocs link, but they are not made out of copper. I think they are alluminum. I ordered the 'small' size, and I think that will work well in most shoelace tipped hair.
I tried applying a few of them on a mannequin head with my eurolocs tool (which double crimps the loc) and it seemed like they crimped nicely, with no sharp edges.
I really think that it's the euroloc's sharp edges that cause all the breakage in hair, so maybe these little guys will be more gentle on the hair. I hope so, because I have found that link applied with the double crimp Euroloc method stays in the hair much better and anything I've used, including shrink links.
I've got a euroloc client coming in on Thursday for a removal and reinstallation, and I'll use the new links and let you know what I think after I have done a full head of them.
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Posted By: TanglesRC
Date Posted: May 02 2005 at 10:17pm
hi ya lisa
i received some too-
i like the regular size- the small one seemed to wide when i closed it.
i actually have one in my hair with a pink strand! - it went in very nicley and is tighter then the locs i currently use!
i also just installed a full head with extensions plus soft wear hair. So far so good! nice to have other options available!
i like the name- pro tubes.
Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: May 02 2005 at 10:41pm
Hi there!
Good to see you here!
I'm hoping these will work better than copper links. Overall, I like the idea behind installing with links, even better than shrinkies, as long as no damage results, of course.
When I put a few on my mannequin today, it does seem like these things crimp down tightly. But then again , I double crimped with my euroloc tool .
I wonder if any other company makes the tool that will double crimp links? I know I paid $750 for my tool from Eurolocs!
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Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: May 02 2005 at 11:09pm
what is this doble crimping? can you show us a pic of the tool?
Posted By: AmethystKat
Date Posted: May 03 2005 at 12:28am
oh cool! i'm not allergic to aluminum!
Posted By: marie87
Date Posted: May 03 2005 at 5:45am
Metalgirl , a couple weeks ago my eurolocks tool BROKE and yes I was told $700. to replace.I had it welded back but they did it wrong it wont close so a girl at work's husband is a tool maker he is going to fix it or make me a new one. I still cant beleive it broke!! I was installing when the handle just came flying off (quite scary).I am going to order the new links today. Thanks for the update
Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: May 03 2005 at 6:20pm
AmethystKat wrote:
oh cool! i'm not allergic to aluminum!
Kat, you'll just want to make sure there's not a nickel element in the
rings, if you're allergic to nickel. AFAIK, standard extendtubes are
primarily aluminum but apparently there is a nickel element as well.
Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: May 03 2005 at 11:05pm
Hey Mocha,
Tomorrow I'll bring the eurolocs tool home and photograph it.
I'll start a new thread and post the pic.
If you want to do links, double crimping is the only way to go , as they stay in like 10 times better.
I'm still not sure where unlicensed people can get such a tool, though.
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Posted By: Bridget
Date Posted: May 04 2005 at 9:39am
Ouch! $700... !! Marie, I can't believe yours broke! I would be so pissed.
Metalgirl, did you post a pic in another thread? I'm gonna go search.... I'm very curious to see the double crimper too!
Posted By: Bridget
Date Posted: May 04 2005 at 10:04am
Metalgirl, I went to but couldn't find the protubes?? I did a google on double crimping pliers too, but I'm not sure if what came up on my search is the same as what you have??
Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: May 04 2005 at 2:15pm
I don't think hairpiece has put the protubes on the site yet, but they do have them. You will have to call them and ask for them. They sell 250 for $40.
Sorry, I forgot the eurolocs tool! I'll get a photo of it up soon, as it is interesting and very different than any other link tool I have ever seen.
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Posted By: Bridget
Date Posted: May 04 2005 at 3:00pm
Damn, $40 for 250? Why so much? b/c they're a *new* thing?
Posted By: marie87
Date Posted: May 04 2005 at 4:12pm
short too long sells them for $20 for 100 so it is a better price than that! If you can find or know of a tool maker they can make you one( or so they say I will soon find out)I think the hair locks site shows there tool wich is the same thing just in two peices.
Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: May 04 2005 at 4:34pm
metalgirl, with the double crimp, what is the removal process? Im assuming there is a special tool to re-open them also?
Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: May 04 2005 at 7:31pm
The eurolocs tool is a all in one tool.
It has has a 'gulley' area to fold the link like a taco, a flat area to compress that taco into a 'book' and on the end are 2 pinchers that are used to reopen the link.
To reopen, you insert the pinchers in the link (top and bottom) and just kind of jiggle it around, and it reopens the link.
Some Euroloc stylists think that the sharp points on the pinchers could cause breakage. I'm not sure, maybe. Some of my client's hair was destroyed by Eurolocs and some do quite well with it, so it's hard to say what's really going on.
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Posted By: CyberMane
Date Posted: May 04 2005 at 8:07pm
Hi Lisa and everybody!;
It's me Charlene! Thanks for telling me about this GREAT forum! Yeah, I paid $1600 for the Easy Hair "EuroLocs" kit back in 1996. Then I broke my tool and had to pay $500 They sent me a new one with a 'stopper' in between the clamp so if you were to press really hard, your clamp won't break in 2.
So I discovered these less expensive tubes at the hair show in NYC and use a home depot clamp for about $2 and it works better than that costly clamp. Mine are still in my hair! Thank God!
If you add more pretip hair inside the metal, you won't need to fold it like a book. Back when I did Easy Hair "EuroLocs" in 1996, the hair was very thin, like 1/2 the size of what today's pretips look like, so we were taught to fold it like a book.
But folding it like a book, I had to insert the pointy ends to remove them, which acts like 'sharp teeth' and unfortunately, I cut off my client's hair- darn.
I am very happy with this new same but less expensive metal. It's nice and thin. They told me it is made of aluminum. I use my $2 clamp and fold it nice and tight and flat. Feels flat not pointy too. So far, so good; for now.....
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Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: May 04 2005 at 9:05pm
Welcome, Charlene, and thanks for the info. I've heard terrible things
about that tool causing damage on removal; I believe that's the same ,
or similar, tool as Hairlocs uses.
Posted By: CyberMane
Date Posted: May 04 2005 at 9:39pm
Hi Jenny,
I can't comment on HairLocs cause I don't offer that. I do know that the guy who invented HairLocs used to be a EuroLocs distributor. He just made the 'Locs' technique better. I was at the show in NYC and boy did he have a huge booth- stage and everything! Whoa! He had a huge variety of metals in lots of different sizes, different colors too! Whereas the EuroLocs and the Short to Long had a booth the size of my bathroom with not a lot of variety. But if I were to go back in time and choose between the the 2 'Locs' for classes, I would have used my money for HairLocs.
EuroLocs charged me $1600 for a 5 minute class and bounced me from distributors all over the world from MN, to Canada, to FL. And the hair, I ordered, forget it, I would receive it in like 3 months. I also bought bad hair from them at one point. Honestly speaking, this company was very, very disorganized. Which is why HairLocs was born :b {I'm so jealous of all you hairlocs girls, darn I wish I would of had the oppty. to be part of the west coast team when 'Euro' was renamed 'Hair'}
However, all what it is- is metal, a clamp, pretip hair, and the threader. I bought the hairpiece long threader too. It's the same as what HairLocs uses. Paid $20 at the show!
I do like to turn the flatten shell on its edges to open it up as oppose to inserting those pointy things. I want to keep my clients' hair safe from breakage or else they'll never make an appt. with me again! 
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Posted By: marie87
Date Posted: May 05 2005 at 5:20am
The threder from short to long is only $7.00 since you had a class you can fax them your certificate from euro then you can order from them. The hair I got from euro locks was so bad it would just bunch up while looking at it!!! It didn't destroy there hair because I had to take it out right away due to all the bad hair they sold me!!!
Posted By: CyberMane
Date Posted: May 05 2005 at 12:29pm
Thanks Marie,
But I'm talking about that very long one, the one that holds like 50 metals. It is a long stick about 18 in. long.
Back then Euro did not gived certificates. Short to Long inventor was a Euro distributor. So I am not going to order from the same company. I like her very much, but hair I ordered in the past was no good. I cannot afford to have my clients complain. Maybe her hair changed but I'm not going through the 'testing' business again and again.
Once a company sends me bad hair and my clients will complain; they better believe that I will cross their name off my list- for good. I don't care if they changed their business name or whatnot.
I really like this hp metal, their threader, their hair- so, so. And my $2 clamp works- forget about those easy to break expensive ones. However, I will use my 100% virgin hair to pretip- know of any company that can pretip hair with a machine?
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Posted By: marie87
Date Posted: May 05 2005 at 12:41pm
I only order the shells and threder they don't say anything when I don't order hair, the hair dose suck!!! EP has pre tiped hair that is nice. they sent a sample it is there soft wear line Metalgirl likes it better than bohyme she is more familar with it . For now I am swithcing them all to shrinkys but a few still want the shells. I tryed to order from HP but there out of the new schells So I had to order them from S 2 L
Posted By: CyberMane
Date Posted: May 05 2005 at 12:54pm
Marie, They do have the wider ones for $15.
Hey, you know you can extend the life of your long shells just by cutting it in half! So if you ordered 250, you can get 500! My friend does that. She uses a metal cutter.
Good Luck, Charlene
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Posted By: TanglesRC
Date Posted: May 06 2005 at 12:04am
cutting the tubs in half- now that is interesting- what kind of metal cutter does she use so it doesnt squeeze the ends together and does it make the ends sharp>?
Posted By: TanglesRC
Date Posted: May 06 2005 at 12:19am
CyberMane wrote:
I do like to turn the flatten shell on its edges to open it up as oppose to inserting those pointy things. I want to keep my clients' hair safe from breakage or else they'll never make an appt. with me again! 
that works great, there is always room on the side edge to open it up without causing damage to the hair.
the threading needle that you are talking about is very fragile on the top, i have gone thru two already!
Posted By: CyberMane
Date Posted: May 06 2005 at 12:21am
She says a wire cutter or something, I'll try it one of these days, but I always have tons of metals in stock.
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Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: May 06 2005 at 5:42am
hmmmm, do you think it would make sharp edges but cutting them?
Posted By: Skyeam
Date Posted: May 08 2005 at 11:09pm
I went to the website and could not find the pro-tubes. Did you have to call them directly to order them? What type of tool did you use to install them? I don't have a Eurolock tool.
------------- skyeam
Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: May 09 2005 at 9:49am
I did call hairpiece to order the protubes, and I did use my euroloc threader.
Any wire will work for a threader though.
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Posted By: Skyeam
Date Posted: May 09 2005 at 1:30pm
Do you think I can use my flatnose plier to close the protube?
------------- skyeam
Posted By: Skyeam
Date Posted: May 09 2005 at 1:31pm
Marie 87,
Do you have the contact information for Short 2 Long?
------------- skyeam
Posted By: CyberMane
Date Posted: May 09 2005 at 2:19pm
Hi everybody,
Sherrie- I don't know about that part. But I do use the short metals and had no problem- so far... The shorter ones costs $15. I'm thinking probably some jewelry cutter or something. Can someone who makes jewerly care to post?
Skyeam- I use my cheap $2 plier from Home Depot. It's the cheapest and the best.
All my best, Charlene
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Posted By: Skyeam
Date Posted: May 09 2005 at 2:56pm
Oka, Thanks Charlene. Off to Home Depot I go!
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