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questions for conditioner-only users

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 30 2024 at 4:26am

Topic: questions for conditioner-only users
Posted By: Katja
Subject: questions for conditioner-only users
Date Posted: May 11 2005 at 3:46pm

Okay, so last week and over the weekend I had to wash (shampoo I mean) my hair four nights in a row.  Long story, but that's not the point.  I usually wash my hair every other night and condition every night, but since I washed it four times in a row I figured I'd wait a few days before I washed it again and give my scalp a chance to recover. 

So I've been using just conditioner since Monday night (from the bottom of the ears down), and the back of my head at the top feels really greasy.  And I was just wondering, for those of you that use the CO routine, does your hair get greasy?  If so, how do you get rid of and prevent it?  When I eventually go completely CO I don't want a greasy scalp!

Also, for those that use CO, do you use more than one conditioner at a time?  I use three- a light one, a regular one, and a heavier one- because my hair has seemed in dire need of conditioning and moisture recently.  Is this too much?

Thanks everyone!

"If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative."
-Woody Allen

Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: May 11 2005 at 6:55pm
I always do my whole head. If I did it only from the ears down, I'd have a greasy head, too.

Yes, I start with a light conditioner, then a non-silicone moisturizing conditioner, then finally a silicone conditioner.


Just looking for a few good hair slaves - is that too much to ask?

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: May 11 2005 at 8:45pm

LOL, I use three conditioners too. Two light and one heavy.

For the CO part, I dilute a dose of the conditioner (V05 Sunkissed Rasp.) in an old ketchup bottle before applying it. Massage, rinse.

then an ACV rinse, which gets rid of a LOT of grease

And then of course, the second and third conditioners. (Suave Milk&Honey and Kirkland Lemongingerroot)

It takes awhile for the scalp to get used to NOT producing a lot of grease. After a couple weeks, I think you'll see the difference. It also helps to comb the scalp with a rake comb, and of course, cold rinses. 

Hang in there!


ETA you may want to "wean" yourself off shampoo slowly. You could try the C-COW-C method first, and then move on to CO.

-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

Posted By: tdouty
Date Posted: May 12 2005 at 7:38am
I must say we're very skeptical about going to condition-only.  Jennifer (pictured to the left) attended school to be a hairdresser and we're stuck in this mode that you have to use shampoo to keep your hair and your scalp clean.  Afterall, there isn't any cleansing qualities in conditioner, is there?  Did any of you have any reservations about switching to conditioner-only and what have you seen from the switch?  Does your head feel greasy at all or does it feel as clean as if you had used shampoo?  I've been using a clarifying shampoo on Jennifer's hair about once every week or two and we've just tried Aussie shampoos and conditioners (after seeing that others on this board have had good results with them and we also saw some very good reviews at epinions) and like the results.  Does it really work to skip the shampoo process totally and use ACV rinse for a clarifier?  I'd think it would take a lot of ACV to do a rinse with a lot of hair, but from what I see, only 1/2 cup is necessary with a water dilution?  Is the ACV rinse something you can do in the shower?  Tell me how you go about this clarification.  I read on Medusa's Lair that Anais rinses in the ACV rinse in a catch basin for 3-5 minutes.  This sounds like something you'd have to lie down to do.  Do you do this in the shower as part of your normal bathing routine or do you clarify as a separate process?  Anais's hair does look like it has definitely benefited from the condition-only routine, but we're just not sure about switching.

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: May 12 2005 at 8:15am
I don't CO, I dilute shampoo, but I do use 2 conditioners.

tdouty, if you use a clarifying shampoo once every 1 to 2 weeks, you probably don't need the ACV rinse really.  Its a good thing to do if you don't clarify, or if you have a scalp issue where you have dandruff caused by yeasts - the ACV rinse after washing would help make a more acid environment on the scalp and so help with that condition.  Its not going to hurt anything if you do it anyway, its just likely that its an extra step that isn't going to add much to already clarifying. 

I can't answer many of your questions, but about the vinegar, here's what I do.  I have N type hair so I use a weaker dilution of vinegar.  I use 2 tablespoons of white vinegar in 2 cups of water, poured over my scalp area over the sink, catch vinegar in a bowl...then I dip the length of the hair in the bowl.  I just do the one rinse and don't leave it on my head for any length of time.

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: oskana
Date Posted: May 12 2005 at 8:31am
I am not sure but I hear for lighter shades white vinegar is good but for darker shaders apple cider is better.

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: May 12 2005 at 11:05am

Hi Tdouty,

My "catch basin" or runoff container is just a very VERY large plastic cup. I can do the rinse standing up in the shower. Or the other thing I've been doing lately is dipping the ends in a cup full of ACV rinse first, and then pouring through the scalp and length. You don't have to do ACV lying down. ACV is also great for your drain.

Without shampoo, two things are needed to keep the scalp clean: (1) something to get rid of the grease and (2) something to exfoliate the dead skin off.

(1) After CO'ing for awhile, the scalp eventually adjusts and produces less oil. This solves part of the grease issue, and then the ACV solves the rest (given that ACV is used in each hairwash)

(2) Exfoliation can be done with a horn comb (e.g. Jas Townsend), or even a regular wide toothed comb; or brown sugar scalp scrub.

Not everybody does well without shampoo (for various reasons). There are other alternatives to CO, such as C-COW-C or CWC. I don't want anyone to be confined to thinking they need to switch to CO.


-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

Posted By: tdouty
Date Posted: May 12 2005 at 11:47am
Thanks for the explanation.  Dipping the length in the ACV rinse before would make more sense to me too because that would help the rinse penetrate through the locks.  Pouring it over dry hair would allow it to pretty much just shed off without getting the hair underneath.  We usually do the straight-forward shampoo and condition about every 3 days and just wash her bangs and condition the length every day if she lets her hair down in the shower.  Many years ago when her hair was of classic length, she told me she would do CWC and I think we'll begin doing that again since her hair is getting longer now.  I also plan on using a diluted shampoo and water concoction instead of just shampoo.  I think that combined with the Aussie products will be a nice change for her hair.  I must say that I like the idea of the condition-only wash because the combination of water and conditioner feels great on long hair.  I think applying the conditioner and water mix would feel really nice.  Thanks for all the help.

Posted By: Kimbearly
Date Posted: May 12 2005 at 9:26pm

I have to try the diluted Shampoo bit.  TDouty - I don't know if I am the only one thinking this, but do you guys wash hair together or something?  Why is she not writing on this board about her hair? 


Posted By: akiz
Date Posted: May 12 2005 at 10:54pm
I just started CO washes and my routine isn't nearly as developed as everyone else's! lol

I use suave milk and honey, actually, and I just use it like shampoo (meaning, I massage it into my scalp) and I let it sit for several minutes and rinse it out just before getting out of the shower. Sometimes I'll use Aussie deep 3 minute miracle conditioner as a followup (only applied to the length-not the scalp-like I would normally with conditioner). I used to try to just rinse my hair on the days I wasn't washing my hair, but I had the same problem as you-greasy scalp. Conditioners DO contain surfectants and I was very surprised after my first CO to find that my roots were just as clean as they are when I wash them with shampoo. I generally only shampoo wash my hair once a week and I'll do an ACV rinse too.

My hair is definitely softer than it was before.
definitely give it a shot. :)

Posted By: Kristine391
Date Posted: May 13 2005 at 3:44pm
I used to use a conditioner for my shampoo and it was sold for that purpose only - to use as a cleanser for hair, but it was a pure conditioning treatment.  It had Rosemary, Tea Tree Oil and other botanicals.   I just purchased another that a friend of mine uses called Full and Clean Rosemary Tea Tree Conditioner and I'm going to use this a couple of days a week as my shampoo.  I use a fairly strong shampoo now because I used to suffer from severe hair loss (nutritional deficiencies and stress were the culprit) and I don't want to ever go down that road again.  The shampoo (Revivogen) has a DHT removing ingredient that really reduces hair loss and fallout, so I'm nervous about not using a shampoo, but I'm going to try it because my hair is fairly dry and needs a heavy cream conditioner after every shampoo because of it.

Thanks for the info. ladies.


Posted By: tdouty
Date Posted: May 16 2005 at 9:26am
Kimbearly:  Yes, we do.  I have always loved long hair on a woman and Jennifer loves her hair long too.  With several children in the house, it's one way we can be alone a while and spend some time together too.  She enjoys having her hair washed and I like to do it for her.  Jennifer looks at all my posts and interesting topics over lunch breaks, but doesn't have easy access to a computer during the days, so I do the posting as time permits. 

akiz:  Thanks for the reply.  That's what we were curious about.  We were wondering what kind of results people were seeing as far as keeping the scalp clean after giving CO a try.

Posted By: strawberryfine
Date Posted: May 16 2005 at 4:17pm

I don't CO.  My routine is similar to Susan's.

But in the vinegar department, I use red wine vinegar to hopefully enhance the red in my hair.  I don't know if it works or not, but I like the results and it is such a pretty color in the bottle; and the bottle is pretty.  For me, it helps to feel like I am pampering myself.

I use Daves' Dilution Solution  with phytojoba and phytorhum shampoos and have been for some time now.  And I use a diluted deep conditioner (Biolage Conditioning Balm).

I do vinegar as needed, by feel.

Love this board!


12/25.5"/terminal length after reaching "small of my back length"

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: May 19 2005 at 8:27pm
Originally posted by strawberryfine strawberryfine wrote:

I don't CO.  My routine is similar to Susan's.

But in the vinegar department, I use red wine vinegar to hopefully enhance the red in my hair.  I don't know if it works or not, but I like the results and it is such a pretty color in the bottle; and the bottle is pretty.  For me, it helps to feel like I am pampering myself.

I use Daves' Dilution Solution  with phytojoba and phytorhum shampoos and have been for some time now.  And I use a diluted deep conditioner (Biolage Conditioning Balm).

I do vinegar as needed, by feel.

Love this board!



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