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hair history

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 30 2024 at 2:30am

Topic: hair history
Posted By: Katja
Subject: hair history
Date Posted: May 21 2005 at 2:40pm

i've been thinking...

it seems to me that everyone on this board (and pretty much everyone in general) has a different "life story" concerning their hair.  a cycle of different cuts, colors, routines etc.   and yet we've all ended up here, on the quest for long hair.

my hair's story goes like this: i had waist-tailbone length, thick, light brown hair for most of my life.  then, one sleepless sunday night about five years ago (around june 2000) i decided on a whim that i didn't want it anymore.  that week, i cut it to my shoulders.  in six months it had grown to BSL, and i cut it again to my shoulders.  over the next year, i cut it to my chin twice and my new year's resolution for 2002 was to grow it out again. it reached about 3 inches from BSL by october 2003, and that's when, ignorant of the damage it would do, i made the big mistake to start dying it.  i colored it about once a month for 14 months- from bright red to burgundy to auburn to bleach blonde to platinum blonde to dark brown and finally back to my original light brown- and i suffered extreme damage.  from my first dye-job to my last on december 7th 2004, my hair had been auto-trimming itself from the breakage and was only about an inch longer.   and that's when i made the decision to stop coloring and take better care of it.  then i found this wonderful message board and since then, my hair has improved and is well on its way to how it used to be! 

i'd love to hear all of your hair stories and find out how you all arrived at the decision to grow your hair long.  it'll be interesting to see everyone's various hair background!

much love,

"If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative."
-Woody Allen

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: May 22 2005 at 10:57am
Great topic, Katja.

I had a crew cut until I was about 9 or 10, then it was a typical shortish boy's cut (I was a toe-head!) for a few years.  Then I discovered that I had a special appreciation for long-haired females (and I liked longish hair for myself too), grew it to about shoulder-length for a few years.  In high school went shorter and kept it basically short through college and into professional career.  In the early 90's I was inspired to regrow my hair.  At the time I did not know how long I wanted to let my hair grow.  I figured waist-length would be awesome.  After 5 years it reached that length and then... I just kept letting it grow longer.  And that's my story.


Posted By: misterhappy
Date Posted: May 23 2005 at 10:33am
Growing up, long hair was when it covered my ears.  Since I was subject to punishment haircuts, it was rarely that long.  Adulthood came along with conservative work environments and conservative haircuts.  About 5 years ago I became my own boss, and it took me about 3 years to get up the guts to let it grow. 

I am pretty happy with the length in back (a couple inches past my shoulders), but I'm waiting for the front to catch up.  I am thinking that pretty soon I might cut the back to the length of the next set of layers (around shoulder length), the first significant haircut since I started letting it grow.

Every time I think of doing it, I am torn between fear-of-haircut and the exciting idea that even if I do leave one of those dreaded piles of hair on the floor I will still walk out with long hair (by my own standards if not those of this board)!

Posted By: Viktoria
Date Posted: May 23 2005 at 7:00pm

I guess I have always been drawn to the extremes. Either really short, or really long. I have never before had the patience to grow it longer than BSL, though, so really long was never anything but an ideal that I would nurture for a while, then switch to the short ideal and cut it again.

Without this forum, I know for sure, I never would have gotten past BSL. My age (and maturity  ) might also have helped...

The more you complain, the longer God lets you live.

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: May 24 2005 at 7:51pm
Yep, maturity and strength are not to be discounted.

Cool new signature picture, Viktoria.  Your hair has gotten quite long


Posted By: Elyce
Date Posted: May 24 2005 at 9:41pm

My story is one I haven't heard before, I'm wondering if anyone else has had this experience --

Spent 25 years of my life wishing I had long hair, but could never get it even down to BSL.  Didn't cut it, and only occasional trims, from jr. high through college.  Then I gave up, thought it wasn't ever going to get longer.

Kept it shoulder length for a few years, but a couple years ago, it suddenly just started growing!  I have no idea why -- totally unexpected, but what a nice surprise!

My last cut was 2003, about shoulder length.  Since then it just keeps growing!!  I finally have the hair I have always wanted, really can't explain it, but it is a joy to me.  Pic below was taken this morning, I guess it's about 3 inches past my waist now.  Unbelievable! 

Thanks to Dave and others for all the good advice and great ideas you share here, I haven't posted before today but have been lurking and have learned so much from you, you guys are the best! 

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: May 25 2005 at 7:24am
I wanted long hair since I was a wee little kid, but family didn't like it long because they were the ones that had to take care of it and I complained too much when they brushed it (starting from the roots and yanking downwards of course).  I spent half my youth being mistaken for a boy .  After I was old enough to take care of it myself, I continued to let family members keep convincing me to cut it short because they said that was better (then after I did it I would figure out I just looked like a wimpy version of my brother).  Let it grow in high school and started messing with the color with household products because I wasn't allowed to dye it.  Wormed my way into dying it for real at the end of high school and it never would get very long after that because it was a dried out mess.  It didn't ever look bad, I kept it smooth and shiny, but it split bad so I couldn't let it grow.  Then I had a little problem with henna (which is on by website so I won't go into that again).  My current starting point was an ear length bob in June of 2003, its natural color, and I should be bsl again in about 6 months (yippee!)

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: deltagirl12345
Date Posted: May 25 2005 at 1:02pm

Hi Hi:

I have always had long hair.  I plan to keep my hair long.  My mother and sisters all have bsl hair. 



Posted By: laststar
Date Posted: May 25 2005 at 3:12pm
I have had long hair the majority of the time,  although have had short hair sometimes and wanted my long hair back again.  So I am keeping it long for good now.

Posted By: divinediva
Date Posted: May 25 2005 at 3:32pm

great stories....I love that you guys love long hair as much as I love long hair.  Dave how long is your hair?  if that is you in the picture then it looks super long!. xxx

It doesn't have to be natural to be fabulous!!!/

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: May 25 2005 at 7:43pm
That's a great story, Elyce. 

I'm glad we've been able to help you in your quest for long hair.  You say that your hair really started growing in 2003... is that when you started lurking here, by chance?  Looks like you've become an expert in that time...

I agree with you, SPP.  Lots of great stories being shared here.  My hair is below knee-length, though the last foot or two of that is quite thin.


Posted By: Viktoria
Date Posted: May 28 2005 at 11:49pm

Originally posted by DaveDecker DaveDecker wrote:

Cool new signature picture, Viktoria.  Your hair has gotten quite long

Thank you, but I have to confess, the photo is 1½ years old...    The hair is 35 inches now, and well down to my waist. I am, I really am going to have some fresh pictures taken this summer.

The more you complain, the longer God lets you live.

Posted By: Katja
Date Posted: May 29 2005 at 11:01am
Originally posted by Elyce Elyce wrote:

Kept it shoulder length for a few years, but a couple years ago, it suddenly just started growing!  I have no idea why -- totally unexpected, but what a nice surprise!

My last cut was 2003, about shoulder length.  Since then it just keeps growing!!  I finally have the hair I have always wanted, really can't explain it, but it is a joy to me.  Pic below was taken this morning, I guess it's about 3 inches past my waist now.  Unbelievable! 

That really is unbelievable, Elyce.  Your hair looks great! 

"If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative."
-Woody Allen

Posted By: Elyce
Date Posted: May 30 2005 at 10:15am

Thanks Kat!  I am still so amazed.  It is great to have support here, I don't have any longhair friends, this board rocks!

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: May 30 2005 at 11:44pm

Welcome, Elyce

Your hair is very impressive- very reminiscent of Eowyn, Shieldmaiden of Rohan.

ETA forgot to reply to the actual topic because I got distracted by Elyce's beautiful tresses. I had a chin length bob from age 3-11, had it cut it into a boxie (a pixiebob), kept that all through high school and first two years of college, then started growing two summers ago when I met my Bear. It was kind of a bet/dare. I'm at waist length right now and the longest it's ever been.


-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

Posted By: Elyce
Date Posted: May 31 2005 at 2:36pm

Anais, thank you for the very nice comparison!  I have been enjoying your posts and your Lair, thanks for sharing. 

Congrats on the growth, your hair is beautiful!  Hope you are winning the bet/dare!

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: June 29 2005 at 8:09pm
Looking forward to seeing the new pics this summer, Viktoria 

Great new avatar, Anais!  Your hair grew from pixiebob to waist in just two years?!   Just amazing...


Posted By: Sgt.Pepper
Date Posted: June 30 2005 at 8:03pm
Hey, I'm only a young'un so I don't have much of a hair history!

Up until last year I'd always had the standard UK boys cut of short, back and sides - done at a crappy barbers by women who used make awful comments about the colour of my hair (red, auburn, ginger whatever you wanna call it). Sometimes they'd suggest I should shave it all off as "ginger lads suit it better". Why I went to that place I don't know. All I know is I'll never walk into a barber shop again.

I hated my short hair a lot for a couple of years, and I'd always considered growing it long. When I started college last September, I decided I was going to just let it grow a bit, and not get my usual cut every few weeks. After a few months it was looking terrific. I decided now was the time to grow it! Of course soon after that it looked terrible (lol!).

The awkard stage hit and now I'm just wanted to grow it out as soon as possible. Growing hair has been a journey for me, and I've really learned to appreciate the colour my hair has been gifted with.

Hopefully in the future I will have a more interested story to post!

Peace out.

Posted By: sarondie11
Date Posted: July 02 2005 at 6:43pm
I can definitely relate to Susan's tale of family-enforced haircuts! When I was growing up, every couple years I decided to grow my bangs out, but my mom always pressured me into cutting them short again. I always wanted to grow my hair long, but I didn't get it much past bsl until high school. Now, I have hair that requires a lot of blow-drying, and this really wore me out when i was 15 and 16. I got tired of spending half an hour on styling every two days and cut it to a more average length. When I was 17, I cut it to my chin. It was a great haircut which got a lot of compliments, but I immediately started growing it out. I haven't had a trim more than 1 1/2" since (I'm 20 now). My hair is somewhere between 27 and 28" and I absolutely love it. It still takes a lot of effort to style, but it's worth it.

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: July 10 2005 at 4:25pm
I've enjoyed reading everyone's stories - thanks so much for posting them! 


Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: July 11 2005 at 1:12pm
Originally posted by DaveDecker DaveDecker wrote:

Great new avatar, Anais!  Your hair grew from pixiebob to waist in just two years?!   Just amazing...

Thanks Dave

-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

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