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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Hair Color
Forum Description: The tricks and tribulations of changing your hair color
Printed Date: June 16 2024 at 4:57am

Posted By: xfaheyxx
Date Posted: May 26 2005 at 5:23pm

Okay im only 15 and ive dyed my hair like a whole wack of times and i just this summer dyed my hair black and then died again black around halloween and then around january my roots started showing they were about 2 cms showing so i dyed my hair a lighter brown and me being stupid i just turned my roots brown and the rest toook to a black again so now its may and i have my roots growin in again and light brownish color after that then a blackish color after that....and my mom just bought me L'oreal Paris Perfect Blondissima and medium blonde hair dye so we can fix this mess but  we have NO CLUE how to do it and we dont know how to do it when i have to start like 3 cms down where the black starts then about 40 to 60 miniutes put the bleach on the top of my hair right? but how do u i know that the top and the bottom is going to be the same shade as the bottom??? i need a whole lot of advice on how to do it before me and my mom mess it up worse!! PLEASE HELP ME!!

Posted By: Bryan
Date Posted: May 26 2005 at 8:44pm
ok. well here goes. first of all, the color you gought is not a bleach. it is a high lift color. the unfortunate news is that color CAN NOT ilf color. in other words this blondissima WILL NOT lift out the black. to put it another way, your hair WILL be black after the dye has processed. (get the point yet?) my advice would be to go to sally beauty supply and get wella wellite creamlite and use that. put it on the black sections only using a hair coloring brush (pick this up at sally's as well, and youll need a bowl and applicator bottle as well.) let the bleach process until the black sections have lifted to a brown similar to the roots. then, depending on what effect you are going for, you can either use the applicator bottle to apply the bleach to the roots of your hair, and process up to a pale yelow color (like the color of the inside of a banana)and then tone it to the desired blond shade from there (use clairol borne blonde toners, also sold at sally's), or you can rinse the bleach from the hair, and apply the desired brown shade. after the bleaching process is complete you should deep condition (especially if you have bleached to pale yellow and then toned)

now, i have merely given advice on how i would go about this complex transformation. the best advice i could ever give you would be  "go to a professional !!!!"

learn to love what you were born with
you can do anything if you set your mindto it (just dont try this with hair,that could turn out bad)

Posted By: xfaheyxx
Date Posted: May 28 2005 at 1:00pm
Okay welll i did it and it turned out GREAT! i love it so much it took out the black so well and it turned to a nice pale yellow and then i died it a medium blond and my hair feels great i dont know why everyone is all like bleach makes ur hair fall out im in grade 9 and ive been dying my hair since grade 6 once every pretty much 2 months and my hair doesnt feel like hay im glad i didnt chicken out and go to a salon where i prolly wouldnt have gotten what i wanted. But thanks for ur advice anyway

Posted By: Alyssa_
Date Posted: May 29 2005 at 12:42pm
Wow, you got REALLY lucky. I'm so glad it turned out good for you. What kind of black dye had you used before? 

Posted By: xfaheyxx
Date Posted: May 29 2005 at 4:12pm

i cant remembre but the first time i decided to dye my hair black i used 100% color the black/blue one and it sucked and kept coming out then i had to die it i think it was feria but im not even 50% sure that was what it was the next time igo into the ile i'll check

Posted By: slaytanica
Date Posted: June 04 2005 at 8:38pm

Will this work on  hair that was dyed blonde for years then dyed red ?


Posted By: xfaheyxx
Date Posted: June 05 2005 at 11:01am
well i dyed mine from black so im sure that going from red will work too

Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: June 05 2005 at 11:03am
Originally posted by slaytanica slaytanica wrote:

Will this work on  hair that was dyed blonde for years then dyed red ?

Probably not. This is a very different situation. If you want to try this, you should do a strand test before proceeding with each step.


Just looking for a few good hair slaves - is that too much to ask?

Posted By: slaytanica
Date Posted: June 06 2005 at 11:27am
I bleached it awhile back and used toner but the roots turned out orange,so I made it red again. At this point, growing it out would take years.

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