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Condition-Only and dry scalp

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 30 2024 at 4:24am

Topic: Condition-Only and dry scalp
Posted By: tdouty
Subject: Condition-Only and dry scalp
Date Posted: June 01 2005 at 7:44am
We've been giving the CO method a try with good results.  Jennifer's hair feels really nice and not oily at all to our surprise.  However, we've recently noticed a problem with flakes from dry scalp.  She's always had sensitive skin and has had flakes before, which were removed by washing more thoroughly with a good scalp massage.  How do we take care of this problem using Condition-Only?  Has anyone else been faced with the same situation and what did you do to solve it?


36" as of January 14, 2008

Posted By: cmesweet
Date Posted: June 01 2005 at 8:04am
You can try the apple cider vingar rinse...

BC May 9, 2004

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: June 01 2005 at 11:47am

YES!!! Gunk can be removed with an ACV rinse (after the application and rinse of the first conditioner), brown sugar scalp scrub (during the conditioner scrub step), scritching with a wide tooth comb after the scalp has been wet for awhile, or dry-scritching with a horn comb. 1, 3, and 4 have helped me and I haven't personally tried 2



-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

Posted By: Longhairdreams
Date Posted: June 01 2005 at 1:55pm
Could someone tell me more about the condition only method? i didnt even know you could do that.Me and the husband are always looking for new ways to better our hair.Is it as simple as it sounds.Just conditioner no shampoo?


Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: June 01 2005 at 2:34pm
It's important to use the right conditioner. Most will leave the hair feeling greasy.

I use Suave Daily Clarifying Conditioner, then follow it with Suave Humectant with a little jojoba mixed in, then finally use Pantene Pro-V. I regularly do cider vinegar rinses to prevent buildup from the Pantene, but it hasn't been a problem.


Just looking for a few good hair slaves - is that too much to ask?

Posted By: tdouty
Date Posted: June 01 2005 at 2:55pm
Thanks for all the replies.  We now have a few things to try.  We'll try scrubbing the scalp better after the first conditioner has been applied a while and also do the ACV rinse.

eKatherine, it sounds like you apply three conditioners when you "wash" your hair?  I assume from this that you do the condition-only wash and have had success from it as well?

To Longhairdreams, if you look at AniasSatin's post, you'll see a link to her website at the bottom of her post.  Go to her site (the new Lair) and read about cleansing methods.  She goes into great detail about the different washing methods, including Condition-Only.  This is where we first heard of not using shampoos and thought we'd give it a try.

Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: June 01 2005 at 10:34pm
I have not used shampoo since April of last year, and my hair is in much better condition for it.

I consider the first conditioner to be cleansing, the second to be moisturizing, and the third for shine and combability.


Just looking for a few good hair slaves - is that too much to ask?

Posted By: Viktoria
Date Posted: June 03 2005 at 5:29pm

I tried CO for a few months, but I had exactly the same scalp problem. Same thing with clay. All good for the hair, but not for the scalp.

I currently use a mild, unscented dandruff shampoo once or twice a week (just a little, just one lathering), and follow with a scalp moisturizer. And everyday, after my workout, I rinse with water thoroughly. I try to keep away from conditioner as much as I can. It keeps my scalp happy!

Hope you find a good solution!

The more you complain, the longer God lets you live.

Posted By: tdouty
Date Posted: June 08 2005 at 7:05am
For CO people, we were wondering about something regarding the ACV rinse.  When you do the ACV rinse, do you add an extra condition step to rid the hair of the ACV smell?  For example, if the steps in a CO wash with ACV rinse are to condition, ACV rinse, condition, and the last condition is on the length for the most part since it's possibly a conditioner with silicones, is it nescessary to add another conditioning after the AVC rinse with the light, cheap conditioner and include the scalp in this application?  We have been mixing the cheap conditioner with water as some have suggested.

Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: June 08 2005 at 4:10pm
I use the vinegar rinse to wet my dry hair before CO wash, so any vinegar odor would be long gone.


Just looking for a few good hair slaves - is that too much to ask?

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: June 11 2005 at 9:12am

No.  I deal with (accept) the smell until it dries.  Usually in a couple of hours the smell has decreased, and after another hour it is gone.

The diluted-vinegar rinse is always my last step (after S&C).  The purpose of the vinegar is to reduce the pH (to slightly acidic) which helps close the cuticles and leaves the hair feeling soft.  But others report using it at different points in their hair-cleansing process, with good results, so she may want to experiment to see what works for her.


Posted By: tdouty
Date Posted: June 13 2005 at 12:11pm
We tried all the ideas and the problem seems to have gone away.  I think part of the problem may have been with not treating the initial conditioning like a shampoo where you use a good amount of a conditioner/water mixture and really scrub the scalp well.  The ACV rinse helped too.  Much to our surprise, the CO cleansing method keeps her hair nice and clean and it's really soft as you'd expect.  Her job has her working outside in a lot of heat at times so we'll have to see how the rest of the summer goes.  Thanks for all the tips.

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: June 13 2005 at 6:32pm

Tdouty, glad to hear it's working well so far  Do keep us updated with Jennifer's progress.


-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

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