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somebody teach the teacher!

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: February 01 2025 at 11:29pm

Topic: somebody teach the teacher!
Posted By: redstyle
Subject: somebody teach the teacher!
Date Posted: June 15 2005 at 12:10pm


   I'm a stlylist in an upscale salon and an educator for the Balmain fusion system.  I'm new to this site and glad it exists.  I keep reading about shrinkies and I really want to get my hands on some to try.  I have a full head of Balmain extensions and LOVE them.  I have to admit some of the stuff I've read here has left me astonished!   Nail glue!  Plastic melted to the hair!  OH MY GOD!  If a stylist ever came at me with a tube of superglue I would punch them in the mouth! Balmain fusion is the only method I've worked with at this point so I want to work with and wear some of the different methods out there.  I love extensions!  They have made a huge difference in my life and the lives of my clients so I want to offer them the best product possible.  Any other Educators out there? 


Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: June 15 2005 at 12:24pm

Wow, I don't do the HH thing but from what I hear if you like Balmain your going to love some of the better HH we have found! 

The best most consistent Shrinkies available are probably amm's.  (  some would disagree but then you'd need special training in other methods and blah blah blah.  Not that it's not worth it, but you'd have to wait andyou ca n get started right away with a top notch porduct if you mosey over to her site.

I don't think anyone here is actually putting the nail glue directly on their head.  I certainly hope not!

YOu will need pretipped hair to use shrinkies though.  Balmain uses nail hair right?  we call that 'prebonded' you want hair that has a shoelace looking tip for shrinkies.

Posted By: shel221
Date Posted: June 15 2005 at 5:07pm

Hi redstyle!  I went on a balmain course only last week.  It was a course to learn the pre-bonded hair.  Im already fully qualified for using the fusion method but i thought i would give it a try as their was a special deal on the price  It was great fun though, way better than the course i origionally took 4 years ago with another company! 

I nearly bought one of they plug n play guns and the kit but decided against it as i still like fusion the best at the moment plus the gun was pricey.

The tutor told us that the plug n play guns are from China and Balmain was shipping a load over to the Uk which was taking forever to reach us.  It turns out Customs had retained the order for inspection because someone in China wrote GUNS on the box!


Anyway, back to the point.  Whats this new system that Balmain is getting in?


Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: June 16 2005 at 12:57am

I took the Balmain course and did like the method or the hair at all.

Balmain is glue, and I don't like glue methods.  The hair was very dry and tangled within just a few shampoos.  And as with most fusion, it sheds like crazy when brushed.

For my clients, I use shrink links, seamless wefts, sewn in wefts, and just recenly added the Prostyles method.

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