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DIY heat seals *pics*

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: September 27 2024 at 10:24pm

Topic: DIY heat seals *pics*
Posted By: mochachip
Subject: DIY heat seals *pics*
Date Posted: June 25 2005 at 5:24pm

Okay These aren't the best pics ever.  But the real story here is I did a whole head of heat seals with absolutely no real training.

The sectioning could be better, especially the shot of it you're getting but whatever.  i'm really happy with it overall.

Warning!  This is not remotely a natural traditional look. 

umm let's see, it's 1 1/4 bags of hot chilli, 3/4 of a bag of gelb, and 3/4 of a bag of orange.  as well as some hair Syren sent me.

I box braided about 3/4 -1 " and then wrapped a small part of of one of the sections of synth around about a zillion times. Then hit it with Docs wand for 15 secs then flip the wand over and 10-15 seconds more.

Posted By: FinaFina
Date Posted: June 25 2005 at 6:29pm

Mocha - THOSE ARE GREAT-LOOKING HEAT SEALS!! WOW!!!!  How did you ever. . .????

"Traditional" look or not, looks like you got the technique down. . .

How long did it take? Whose head is this ?

Posted By: plastikhaar
Date Posted: June 25 2005 at 6:34pm
ahhh mocha

love the colour combo! pretty summer hairstyle!

need some great hair? - plastikhaar

Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: June 25 2005 at 6:47pm
That's my head.

Which is why the sectioning isn't perfect.  My husband helps some but he doesn't have the same standards i do.  And he was getting frustrated towards the end.

I spent about 8 hours on it last weekend and got to about an inch over my ears.  Wore it around like an undercolor til thursday night.  another 6 hours between then and this morning?  Slow going for sure.  I'm not positive that's right cause arms get tired and you take a break or you get caught up in the mind numbing TV that's there to keep you distracted from the soreness in your arms...

What's really finny is I planned on pinchbraiding it.  But I got upholtery thread int he right colors and couldn't keep from breaking it.  And I didn't want to use dark brown weave thread.  So I figured WTF and tried heat sealing it.  Tada!

Posted By: Syren123
Date Posted: June 25 2005 at 7:03pm
ROCK ON MOCHA!! That is an awesome feat as well as a ROCKIN' 'DO! Those colors ~ whoa! They look fantastic together! Man, that's a showstopper.

Posted By: missy66
Date Posted: June 25 2005 at 7:36pm

awesome colors

when can u come over???

Posted By: Jenny_RR
Date Posted: June 25 2005 at 7:53pm
Amazing work, Mocha. It's pretty mind-blowing that it's your first try--and it's your own head!!! I just love it, and the colors are outstanding.


Posted By: CyberMane
Date Posted: June 25 2005 at 9:35pm

Now this is the color, I was talking about, remember, Syren?  Mocha, you have ESP!

I love it!!!  I love how you blend those FIREY colors and wow all those layers!!!  I love layers!


------------- -

Posted By: Longhairdreams
Date Posted: June 25 2005 at 9:41pm
I cant believe you did this yourself.Great job mocha.I tried heat seals but they didnt look anything like yours.Dont be suprised when everyone is asking you to their hair too


Posted By: amm
Date Posted: June 25 2005 at 9:55pm
That is nothing short of spectacular; the colors, the craftsmanship of those braids, the layers, everything.

How long did it take to do that?

------------- - Extension Supplies & Virgin Brazilian Hair

Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: June 25 2005 at 10:01pm
see above

it took FOREVER!

Posted By: TanglesRC
Date Posted: June 25 2005 at 10:21pm


That is beautiful- amd i cannot beleiv you did that on yourself!

i am WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYy impressed.

were do u live and when can i come over and get some installed????

Bringing beauty, one head at a time...

Posted By: Samantha~Jane
Date Posted: June 26 2005 at 2:41am

That looks great! Do mine!

I love the colours and the way you've arranged them

Posted By: +++FakeHair+++
Date Posted: June 26 2005 at 2:52am
that looks absolutly great, the color mix ( i love yellow and orange mixes) , it thats really your first heat sealed action? GREAT! thumps up!

Posted By: elvira
Date Posted: June 26 2005 at 5:53am
Mocha, that looks incredible! I like the arrangement. How long will it last on your head? Will you do mine? (Of course I will pay you)

Posted By: kateadreena
Date Posted: June 26 2005 at 6:39am

it looks good! i agree on the sectioning though, perfect squares/triangles always make the job look more pro. 

You're heat seals are really good! Did you find them really easy? When i first started experimenting i found them to be pretty easy :D

Did you pre layer it  before you attached it or did you cut it like that?

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: June 26 2005 at 6:46am
That looks absolutely AMAZING mocha. Im am in awe.......I cant believe that you can do that method on yourself!

Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: June 26 2005 at 7:20am
Thank you everyone.

The layering comes from the fact that I cut the PH in half before installing it.  At the bottom I only off set it from center just slightly.  As i went higher I needed to offset it more or my natural hair would have stuck out the bottom.  A couple individual chunks stuck out too long here and there.  I snipping those and thinned out the ends as I noticed them.

thanks to all about the colors.  But I totally stole the idea for fire hair.  I've been wanting it for a while.  there's a pic on Quinn's page in the plastic section.  Heaven.  anyhow I ordered this hair in late October and have been patiently waiting for summer ever since.

I'm planning on leaving it 'til early August.  I have a wedding to go to on the 30th of July and a conference the 10-17th of August.  I could get away with this hair at the conference(Since I got screwed with a poster rather than a talk...grumble still bitter) but had planned on some not quite as standout shocking hair at roughly that time anyhow so it's probably best to change it.

elvira.  PM me; we should have breakfast or something before my appt tuesday anyhow.

I know how to get even sections of natural (though on your own head is entirely different).  But what I'm still strugglilng with is even sections of fake hair.  With pretips, you can hold each one up to a standard at several different stages.  here, I laid out maybe twenty chunks at a time and would have no idea which one would be the biggest...  I purposely did smaller near my face when i though of it.  That worked aside from the having to remember part.  But even medium/large sections are a total enigma.

Posted By: sansconformist
Date Posted: June 26 2005 at 8:56am
Damn, Mocha. My arms and neck kill me just putting in a headful of wefts...I'm such a baby!  Your hair look magnificent. I'm so jelous. Wish I had a job I could pull that off at  You look great.

Posted By: leia1979
Date Posted: June 26 2005 at 1:19pm
Mocha, you did an awesome job!  Love the's like a flaming Medusa.  I can't believe you managed to do all that on your own head.  My arms hurt just thinking about it.  =)

Posted By: Synne
Date Posted: June 26 2005 at 4:39pm

I can only say as the other girls, Its rockin´ .

I´m totally in love with the red chili colour.

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