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diffrent method

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: September 27 2024 at 10:17pm

Topic: diffrent method
Posted By: broomeboy1023
Subject: diffrent method
Date Posted: June 27 2005 at 6:42pm
it seams nothing i put in my moms hair works out! her hair wont hold a briad so sew-in didn't work, the microrings kept slipping and were visiable, the bonded wefts stayed in for 2 days and were falling out.  please i dont know what to do next. we have been trying for a year and we cant get it right. we have spent well over a thousand bucks. please help what should we do? what method is best for fine thin hair that is shoulder length. mabe a video i can buy will teach me?

and god said let there be hair extensions.

Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: June 27 2005 at 6:54pm
You know I'm not trying to be mean.  But you have all the info we have here.  It often takes multuple attemps with onemethod to get it right when you DIY.  I thought you really gave the rings no time befor eyou gave up in large part because she found them uncomfortable.  and they are uncomfortable for the first week sometimes two.  And yes you said you had some slipping, but then you said that you had retightened them and they weren't slipping as much.  which to me says with practice you were improving in your technique.  as to the showing without pics of where they were showing it's hard to guess.

LG bonded wefts tend to do better than latex bonded wefts.  Sherrie is the expert of which glues to use and the sandwich technique.

You still haven't tried PB's which are difficult without practice but you could always get a practice head to get your technique down.

I'm really liking shrinkies.

I understand your fristration but some patience is required.

Posted By: marie87
Date Posted: June 27 2005 at 7:25pm
Try the pro tubes from hair peice and get there flat tool(no blisters!) These longer tubes stay in better I find and the flat tool will close them better. However if you place them to close to her scalp they will hurt for a few days as Mocha said. With shrinks you really can't get that close because you will burn her. I like the shrinks and the tubes they both work great!

Posted By: broomeboy1023
Date Posted: June 27 2005 at 7:36pm

okay let me put you str8 mocha, she left the microrings in for 3 weeks, i did 2 full heads of micro rings on my manequin before we applyed hers, and she had 32 micro rings slip in 3 weeks. we went to a salon that does micro rings and they said that i did it right, but her hair was just not holding them. i did use liquid gold when we did the glue in, and you are not helping at all. please dont post if you are not trying to help, i thought that was what this board is about help. every one is always so willing to help me, but you always have a non helpful smart ass thing to post. so please dont reply to my post anymore!

and god said let there be hair extensions.

Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: June 27 2005 at 7:55pm
when you posted about the microrings recently that wasn't the impression I was left with.  Like I said I wasn't trying to be mean just frank.

If you don't like my sense of humor, too bad.

Since you began posting here it has seemed to me, and I certainly don't always read things thoroughly, that you have been bouncing around on methods.  I'm sorry if I've gotten the wrong impression.

I would think that mentioning that I like shrinkies, PB's, and possibly changing glue of bonded wefts would have been enough to demonstrate that was trying to be good natured.

My intent wasn't to be nasty to you, simply to speak my mind.

If I've been horribly offensive to you on multiple occasions, it was unintentional, however I suggest you take it up with Karen or one of the other administrators who, I am sure, can ban me as necessary.

Seriously though.  I know you've tried braided tracks, but pinch braids are often fine on people with slippery hair.  But they are a pain in the ass to master.  It might take many many practice heads to really get the hang of them. 

Marie seems to have offered a valid possibility on changing your ring/tube situation by changing brands.  You know already that your technique was fine since you had a pro check it out.  If you posted some pics, we could all take a look and try to offer you tips on how to make them less visible.

I know you have posted on the existence of several non braided track methods.  Have you given any of those a test drive either on your mom or your mannequin?

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: June 27 2005 at 7:56pm

whoaaa...I dont think anything was intended. But lets see is we can figure it out. Yes sometimes it takes several attempts and perfecting your technique to get something down pat. I know Ive found  that out myself with several methods!

Microrings: did you try using less hair in them? Sometimes too much hair with keep them from closing tight enough. Did you try double crimping them? First holding the pliers vertical and then horizontal and crimping both ways? Also Ive heard that slipping can be reduced my double ringing.

Bonded wefts: Did you try MORE LG? Apply right away and keep holding and pressing, dont let the glue set up much before placing. Also did you use LG on both the weft and the natural hair? Did you cure the weft with a blowdryer? Did you use the sandwich technique? (I can easily get 7 weeks out of the sandwich technique) Ive even had on lady keep them in for 12 weeks(wouldnt recommend it though) But never less than 4 weeks

Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: June 27 2005 at 8:24pm

I think you should try to bonded wefts using the Chrissy V latex based adhesive.  Use the sandwich technique and they should stay in the hair just fine.

When I tried the Chrissy V method, I had only done strand applications, and never a bonded weft method.  I ordered her 'how to' video and some of the bond, and right from my first attempt on a client, I've been successful. 

It was nerve racking, because I had never used the product before and the client on which I was going to apply it was to leave for Hawaii the next day for 3 weeks, so the pressure was on to make sure these extensions stayed in place.

The extensions stayed in nicely for 6 weeks, as they were supposed to.  All the other subsequent Chrissy V applications also stayed in well.

It takes patience and practice to become proficient at applying extensions.  I have talked to numerous stylists who think they want to do extensions, but once they find how time consuming and what a pain in the butt it can be at times, they change their mind.

Also, I have a client whose hair is so fine and slippery, and over the years we have tried many different techniques on her, some turning out better than others, but not getting the performance out of it that I wanted.  For her last install, we did the Ultratress 2 seamless weft extensions, and we are having success with them.  You may want to try that method.

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Posted By: broomeboy1023
Date Posted: June 27 2005 at 9:21pm

mocha i love ur since of humor and i think i went over board.i think you have been helpful and i appoligue for acting like a total brat.

thanx for keeping ur kool.

and god said let there be hair extensions.

Posted By: broomeboy1023
Date Posted: June 27 2005 at 9:24pm

metalgirl (love that name) where can i get ultratress?

and god said let there be hair extensions.

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: June 27 2005 at 9:34pm
I agree metalgirl that ChrissyV is a very good product. But the bad thing is that you cant get it unless you're licensed. And also its alot more expensive than LG. For my hair type I would actually prefer ChrissyV over LG. But I did find that for very fine or 'slippery' hair as some refer to it, that LG would usually hold better and a little longer. But ChrissyV is much easier when it comes to removal.

Posted By: CyberMane
Date Posted: June 27 2005 at 10:30pm

Originally posted by broomeboy1023 broomeboy1023 wrote:

her hair wont hold a briad so sew-in didn't work, the microrings kept slipping and were visiable, the bonded wefts stayed in for 2 days and were falling out. 

Tony, since your mom's hair is so fine even to the point that it can't even hold braids and the rings were very visible, then it is obvious that your mom is not a good candidate for these methods.  The bonded weft, you say, did not work too?

Here are my suggestions:

or any "Integration" pieces or "Seamless Hair Extensions" for the DIYs.

Best of luck, Charlene

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Posted By: CyberMane
Date Posted: June 27 2005 at 10:34pm

Originally posted by sherrie215 sherrie215 wrote:

But ChrissyV is much easier when it comes to removal.

Really?  Please tell me more about it as the Ultratress II for me takes longer to remove.  Is it similar to the's?  Is it reusable too?

Thanks, Charlene

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Posted By: broomeboy1023
Date Posted: June 27 2005 at 11:11pm
what supplier can i get ultratress from?

and god said let there be hair extensions.

Posted By: broomeboy1023
Date Posted: June 27 2005 at 11:15pm
would you recommend fusion or a seamless method? we have alot of hair i would hate to waste! i think we are going to try fusion with monkey barz. what do ya think?

and god said let there be hair extensions.

Posted By: amm
Date Posted: June 28 2005 at 2:06am
Originally posted by broomeboy1023 broomeboy1023 wrote:

would you recommend fusion or a seamless method? we have alot of hair i would hate to waste! i think we are going to try fusion with monkey barz. what do ya think?

broome, drop the Monkey Barz for a second and tell me what you think about the recommendations you just received from two professional extensionists?

Please, take a moment to read their thoughts. And you see those links Charlene gave you? Look at them and tell us what you think of these methods.

------------- - Extension Supplies & Virgin Brazilian Hair

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: June 28 2005 at 5:43am

Charlene, I was comparing the ChrissyV bonding glue to Liquid Gold for ease of removal.

I cant speak for those other methods as Ive never used them or seen them

In fairness though to ChrissyV I do believe its a great product. I would prefer to use it over LG. Its easier to work with and easier to remove. The only reason I opt for LG is the price, and I get slightly longer wear time out of LG. And for some people with fine hair, especially in the nape area the LG holds better and longer. But with either glue, if you use the sandwich technique they should hold well.

Posted By: broomeboy1023
Date Posted: June 28 2005 at 8:01am
amm i went to the sites, the methods seam great but the sites are not suppliers.

and god said let there be hair extensions.

Posted By: Bridget
Date Posted: June 28 2005 at 8:43am

Hey broomboy,

I have extentubes in and my hair is very thin/fine.  I've had a little bit of slippage, nothing too serious.  As Sherrie said up above, too much hair in the link will enable you to close/crimp the tube shut all the way.

Why don't you give fusion a shot?

Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: June 28 2005 at 10:22am

You have to be licensed to buy the Ultratress 2 and also I think the Raphael Basante Visions seamless weft.

I think that I saw seamless wefts for sale on -

I really like the Chrissy V bond, and I think it held well, 8-10 weeks even on fine hair.  The only things I didn't like was the fact that that when I was applying it on some people, the latex would actually make their head burn for a minute or two.  Also, it has to be kept in the refridgerator, and it has such a strong latex smell, it stunk up the salon's refrigerator!

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Posted By: Gina E
Date Posted: June 28 2005 at 10:40am

I second fusion, yeah It's got a bad rap...but I use x10 and am able to break down the bonds with the remover from -

My advice with fusion: tidy sections, don't get your bonds too big, and PATIENCE during removal.

Maybe practice a few by just adding a few hilites to her hair first. Rent a wand from amm, order the remover (if you don't already have it) and order the chips from - They both have hella quick shipping

Posted By: broomeboy1023
Date Posted: June 28 2005 at 11:30am
thanx gina, metal, and bridget i am going to give fusion a try. i just ordered a kit from glamour hair.

and god said let there be hair extensions.

Posted By: kateadreena
Date Posted: June 28 2005 at 11:35am
please please please please practise 1st, if you get fusion wrong, you will ruin your mothers hair.

Posted By: broomeboy1023
Date Posted: June 28 2005 at 12:54pm

believe me i will, i have seen disasters from fusion not applied correctly. i plan on doing a 2 full heads on my manequin (removal and all) before i touch her head.

and god said let there be hair extensions.

Posted By: Bridget
Date Posted: June 28 2005 at 1:09pm

Broomboy, have you tried the fusion clips from Kristin's site ( - ?)  I'm still waiting on some samples to try this out too. 

Posted By: broomeboy1023
Date Posted: June 28 2005 at 1:25pm
i have not, but i did get a sample. her microrings are much higher quality than docs or his and hers. and the clips seam to be really high quality to! i have not seen anything like them.

and god said let there be hair extensions.

Posted By: CyberMane
Date Posted: June 28 2005 at 6:58pm

Originally posted by broomeboy1023 broomeboy1023 wrote:

thanx gina, metal, and bridget i am going to give fusion a try. i just ordered a kit from glamour hair.

Something must be wrong with my settings- sorry for this late reply Broome, but this thread didn't hit my email.

Anyway, this is what I think about the fusion guns. - sp   Since it is a dispenser method, God knows you can't predict the amount of glue- therefore causing small to very large balls of glue.  And glue is extremely hot and drips and can be cemented to the hair that you don't want to apply extensions too.

I discovered something you may want to try: 

- take a shoelace pretip and approx same amount of mom's hair

- using a heat wand press pretip till flattened and melted and mom's hair together

- roll and Voila!

The look is less detectable and you don't have to worry about glue droppings and unpredictable sizes.  Hope I was helpful, but hey you may have luck with the gun.  {I used to offer gun fusions years ago, so I thought I'd give you my experience with them}


PS  Monkey Barrz is a gun method too and so is the Hair Xtend. - p


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Posted By: Gina E
Date Posted: June 28 2005 at 10:45pm

Hey Char... a lot of times (though not all) the shoelace tips are made of some sort of silicone or wax. It won't bond to the hair like regular fusion. (You are right about making inconsistent tips with the glue gun)

Broom...What I did with my EZ plugs from EP, was to trim them down just enough to keep the tip from shedding. Then, I applied a bead of x10 to the tip. All my "tips" were pre made and ready to go. I used my wand , reheated, pressed and rolled! You could always adapt this method by making your own fusion tips and applying the bead. Bottom line...You'll just need to get a wand. You'll have more control and consistency

Posted By: elvira
Date Posted: June 28 2005 at 10:46pm

Broomboy, in previous posts many have responded to you re: thin hair and which method works for them.

Something about that actavar............................

Posted By: broomeboy1023
Date Posted: June 29 2005 at 11:37am
thanx to all for your input. i am going to wait until the kit gets here and then i'm going to hit the doll. if i dont have control with the gun, i am going to pretip the hair and order a wand. thanx alot, you guys are sooooooooooooooo helpful. luv ya all.

and god said let there be hair extensions.

Posted By: CyberMane
Date Posted: June 29 2005 at 7:26pm

Originally posted by Gina E Gina E wrote:

Hey Char... a lot of times (though not all) the shoelace tips are made of some sort of silicone or wax. It won't bond to the hair like regular fusion. (You are right about making inconsistent tips with the glue gun)

I pretip my hair, which I hate, but the glue I use that works well is the one from Bohyme.  I also went to a NYC show and asked Oran {he also offers gun methods}; "do you know what kind of glue HairLocs uses?"  And secretly, he gave me some of his.  I don't know if he was lying to me or not but the glue is a bit sticky and I like sticky cause it holds better.  He sold them to me for $1 each. 

Originally posted by Gina E Gina E wrote:

Bottom line...You'll just need to get a wand. You'll have more control and consistency




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Posted By: CyberMane
Date Posted: June 29 2005 at 9:59pm

Broome- here's a diff. method I found for you- Tube X -


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Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: June 30 2005 at 5:43am
there were some discussions of that product here awhile back, and from what I remember that hair did not recieve good reviews

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