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ChrissyV Glue

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 5:08am

Topic: ChrissyV Glue
Posted By: Koffee Brown
Subject: ChrissyV Glue
Date Posted: July 06 2005 at 1:42pm
Has anyone used Chrissy V glue and then reused the wefts for ChrissyV glue again? Can u remove all the glue from weft, or is it necessary before re-using?


Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: July 06 2005 at 5:51pm

hmmm well I generally never reuse the wefts, but it is hard to get all of the residue out of the weft. I dont like to do it but I have been able to reuse them. I think Chrissyv glue cleans up better than other glue if that helps any!

Posted By: Koffee Brown
Date Posted: July 06 2005 at 6:37pm
Thanks Sherrie. That does help. I would only be trying to use twice, and sounds like that might work

EDIT: I called Chrissy to make sure and she said yes I could reuse the wefts. So I ordered another bottle of the glue since I might be willing to attempt a full head w/ Chrissy V  now. Plan to use some Extensions Plus curly hair (which BTW ain't all that curly either )- If u reading this Cherry.


Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: July 06 2005 at 11:58pm
I have reused wefts that I installed with the Chrissy V glue, but you never get all the latex off the weft top.  So given that it builds up each time you reinstall the weft with new latex, I'd say you could reuse the weft about 3 times before it gets totally 'gunky' with latex at the weft top.

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Posted By: Koffee Brown
Date Posted: July 07 2005 at 12:27am
sounds good , metalgirl. Thanks!


Posted By: Kymiks
Date Posted: July 07 2005 at 11:10am

Hi there Koffee,  I have a suggestion for cleaning any glue residue off of wefts.  This has worked very well for me, use an old toothbrush and pick up some Goof Off or Goo Gone.  Try to get as little as possible on the actual hair because it does have oil and mineral spirits in it, but this washes out easily. 

Dab on with a cotton ball or just drip it on, work it in and let it sit for awhile(about 15 mins) and take your toothbrush and gently brush until you see the latex coming off.  Have an old rag handy to wipe off the gooey chunks(damn latex, it really gets gooey). 



You can pick up either of those two at any Ace, WalMart, Dillons(Krogers), even some Walgreens.  It works great for this, but for getting the latex out of your own hair, I recommend DeSolvIt citrus adhesive remover.  It might work for the wefts as well, I haven't tried it since I switched over to strand methods.







Good luck, hope it works well for you.



edited to add pix

Posted By: Koffee Brown
Date Posted: July 07 2005 at 11:47am
Thanks Kymiks. I had read something about the DesolvIt and already had that on the list. I'll look for Goo off too. Sounds like something that might come in handy around the house in general 


Posted By: cherrycoke
Date Posted: July 07 2005 at 2:09pm

Extensions Plus curly hair (which BTW ain't all that curly either )- If u reading this Cherry.

Hahah of course I am, any time I see the word curly I zoom in. Funny thing, I tried to order EP before I ordered anywhere else and they didnt have 24 inch. Glad that didn't work out because I'd just have another pile of hair I'd be wishing was curlier.   

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: July 07 2005 at 4:39pm
KB I think Id stick with the Chrissyv remover or acetone on the chrissyv glue. Im not sure if the orange/citrus solvents will work on chrissyv glue?? Maybe metalgirl will know? I guess it cant hurt ot try though.

Posted By: BirdOfEden
Date Posted: July 07 2005 at 9:39pm
I have used Chrissy V numerous times and the longest it stays in my hair is a week.  I do the sandwhich method too, and only wash it once every 3 days.  But yes, you can reuse the weft.  Just try to scrape as much off the weft as you can.  Use a toothbrush maybe and your nails to pick at the weft.  Acetone works great on it!

Posted By: Koffee Brown
Date Posted: July 07 2005 at 10:20pm
Bird: hmm... a week? That's all it lasts? I wash about every 2-3 days too. I like to wash everyday! but i know i can't do that w/ glue


Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: July 07 2005 at 11:08pm

KB....I wash and blowdry and curl EVERYDAY with bonded wefts. ChrissyV glue stays in my hair for 6 weeks easy. Ive had them in for up to 9 weeks. One lady that I used to do with CV got 4/5 weeks consistantly and I had another one that kept them in 12 weeks one time (although I wouldnt advise it) Oh yeah....also my daughter kept them in for 9 weeks with LG.

Now I will say that everyone of us has very dry, non oily hair. So someone with oily hair may not keep them in as long.

I think Metalgirl has had very good luck with CV bonds also

Edited to say...the first couple of times I didnt have great success with chrissyv. I spoke with her personally and emailed several times, she gave me lots of tips and pointers, which I found to be the key to making these wefts stay in.

Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: July 07 2005 at 11:20pm

I have had consistently good results with the longevity of the Chrissy V.  Most clients could get 7 or more weeks.

Do you have her video?  In her video, she offers a tip on how to make the wefts stay in longer.  You make the horizontal parting, and then spray some hair spray and tease along the parting, thus making a base on which the weft can adhere.  It's the same thing I do when I install my clip in wefts, I make a teased base to hook the clips into.

Anyway, so you have teased along the partline, then you apply the bond to that teased area along the part, and also to the weft.  Use your hair dryer to heat the bond for a few seconds to help it get tacky. 

Apply the weft, and then I always sandwiched it by bringing down more hair from above the part.

If you don't have the video, it's worth getting.  I don't think it was very expensive.

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Posted By: newhair1936
Date Posted: December 08 2010 at 6:06am
This product is intended for use by skilled individuals at their own risk. Users should verify by tests that this product, as well as these methods, are suitable with the products being used in their application.

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