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my hair is wavy

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Category: Curly Hair Talk
Forum Name: Straight Talk
Forum Description: Get the straight talk on hair straightening products & techniques
Printed Date: March 06 2025 at 8:30pm

Topic: my hair is wavy
Posted By: mizz_perfect442
Subject: my hair is wavy
Date Posted: July 11 2005 at 1:42pm

Ever since i started to straighten my hair my hair is gettin wavy. is it my hair being strightened so much or is it the fact i am gettin older so it wants to do its own thing. Cos my dad has curly hair and tht mite be another reason y it does tht.It used to b wavy but not as wavy as it is now.

roses r red apples r sour i am the teen queen and hav the power

Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: July 11 2005 at 3:04pm
If your hair wasn't wavy, why were you straightening it?


Just looking for a few good hair slaves - is that too much to ask?

Posted By: lil_ashie
Date Posted: August 05 2005 at 7:16am

I can't tell you for sure what's going on with your straight/wavy hair but what I can tell you is what happened to myself growing up.

I'm 22 now and I was born with straight hair.. then it was really curly when i was around 2-4 and then it went straight for about another 4 years, and then it went wavy and then curly.

I know this has happened to a few of my other friends, their hair naturally went through phases.. so maybe your hair is just trying to figure itself out.

Also, the length of your hair could be an issue. If you recently cut your hair shorter there may not be any weight there anymore which was weighing down your waves.  

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