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"Bye-bye to Bridget’s Bohyme!"

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: January 22 2025 at 5:14am

Topic: "Bye-bye to Bridget’s Bohyme!"
Posted By: Bridget
Subject: "Bye-bye to Bridget’s Bohyme!"
Date Posted: July 14 2005 at 3:49pm

  .... you've been good to me!  9 weeks of wear!  Hair is still in good shape... just way too warm & hot right now to do a maintenance and continue to wear this...

(nothing like taking your own picture, lol!  )

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(morning time... Sher, these are my P.J'!)

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Here's my attachments.. nice regrowth in 9 weeks... (& prob. some obvious slippage) With my blonde extentubes, the color never chipped away (like micro-rings) 

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Ok... here's my comb out.  Look at all my hair on the counter!  That's 9 weeks worth of shedding!

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(sorry if you think that's gross... i know it kinda is, huh  )

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Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: July 14 2005 at 3:57pm
WOw I love making the hairball too when I do a takedown.

Looks like everything was in good shape still.  They probably needed to come out with that much regrowth, but they still look good in the overall pics!

Posted By: Bridget
Date Posted: July 14 2005 at 4:04pm

Yea, talk about hair ball!  HaHa. my kitty has nothing on me!

I forgot to mention... I'm going swimming tonight!!  Ooooo it's gonna feel sooo damn good dunking my head this time!!    Yeeee haa !!

Posted By: cherrycoke
Date Posted: July 14 2005 at 8:26pm
Your hairball looks much prettier than mine do when I take mine down from a sew in. I get yucky build up. It's so embarrasing.  I wonder if I'd get let build up with micro rings.  Isn't it funny how decadent your naked head feels after you've grown accustomed to having extensions?

Posted By: Gina E
Date Posted: July 14 2005 at 9:11pm

RIP Boyme

So Bridget, Are you taking a hair-break?

I'm curious myself about HH vs PH against chlorine? Anyone have an opinion on this? (Pardon me for  jackin)

Posted By: Bridget
Date Posted: July 14 2005 at 9:54pm

Cherry, I know what you mean, my hair feels like nothing compared to all the extra!  Do you work out alot? maybe that's the reason for the build up... ?

Gina, just taking a break for a few weeks... this summer has been soo hot (you know you're in Ohio!)  I have so much going on w/the kids and working... my hair is always up or back.  I'm planning my next install, I'll go w/bohyme again, not sure on the method.  What's going on in your head?

I would think chlorine wouldn't be as harsh on the sythnetic hair, and would be easier to *restore*  but hh would prob. dry out pretty quick and get matty if it wasn't of good quality.  

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: July 14 2005 at 11:33pm
Bridget the hair looked really good for 9 weeks wear. Im not so sure this RK will make it that long

Posted By: Syren123
Date Posted: July 15 2005 at 12:03am
It does, Bridget! It looked very very pretty! That really long blonde thing looks really great on you! I'm in awe of those extendtubes - they sure did hang in there. And your hairball isn't sooooo bad...seems normal for such a long time. Great job.

Posted By: FinaFina
Date Posted: July 15 2005 at 11:51am

Wow Bridget! How is your own hair doing? ?

Re PH and Human and Chlorine - actually the PH is supposed to be just *fine* with chemicals - I think it will probably fare better than the Human if I had to guess. . . I've got both in my head right now. My PH install is (gasp) 10 weeks old and I'm rockin' it for another 3 weeks -

Sherrie - why do you think the RK won't last ???

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: July 15 2005 at 8:09pm

Fina Im finding the RK to be somewhat tangly and rough feeling so Im not sure how long it will last.

How is your PH holding up after that long?

That Boyhme sure looks good at 9 weeks.


Edited to clarify...Im not saying this RK hair is a tangled mess. But it is definitely more tangly than the Korean hair Im used to, and its not as silky. Which I suppose is just the difference in texture. I DO like the volume of this RK though.

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