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What is hair supposed to "Do" for you?

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 30 2024 at 2:24am

Topic: What is hair supposed to "Do" for you?
Posted By: PurpleBubba
Subject: What is hair supposed to "Do" for you?
Date Posted: July 14 2005 at 5:40pm
Before we start I'd like to state that I am Pro Individual Hair Choice. I want people to choose their hair based on their own preferences and not based on other people's preferences. I believe any hair can look beautiful. Even if some of my comments below might sound otherwise. I'm a believer that hair should not be changed if the person wearing it is not going to have a matching smile. I hope this makes you laugh.

After seeing so many articles, makeover shows, and quotes from people on forums with stylists using the line, "Your hair isn't doing anything for you" I was wondering what it's supposed to do?

Is your hair supposed to cook dinner or wash the dishes for you?

Maybe if you get one of those weed wacker styles it's supposed to scare away criminals? Or maybe you can go ahead and stick your fingers in the electrical outlet because your hair is already sticking up?

Is getting a poodle perm supposed to help you win a dog show? Having a matching poodle might help.

Is going from a straight line to slightly layered supposed to help you get a job? I mean heaven forbid anyone not have some layers in their hair. The world will end.

If ponytails are so terrible why aren't hairstylists cutting real horse's tails into styles? Those horses must look really bad with those tails just hanging there. When people start putting scrunchies on the horse's tails they'll make their move. Speaking of hair that does something, horses do swat at flies with their tails. Kinda hard to do that with short hair.


Here is what cutting or changing your hair does. At least from what I've seen.

You get a day or so of people seeing you for the first time with your new hair giving their 2 cents on it. Then after that you just have different hair. All it does is make You different than You were.

Maybe just maybe it might make some guy or gal notice you that you might like. But do you really want to be with someone who doesn't see you unless you make a drastic change? That sounds like someone who would get bored with you easily. And it would be their problem not yours.

That goes both ways. Whether going long to short or short to long.


So what do you want your hair to do for You?
Does it do that now?

------------- - My Journal

Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: July 14 2005 at 6:06pm
When they say "your hair isn't doing anything for you", they say it because it puts the onus on you to make a change so that your hair does end up doing something for you.

What they're trying to say is "your hair isn't doing anything for me", for which the only appropriate response is, "And so...?"


Just looking for a few good hair slaves - is that too much to ask?

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: July 14 2005 at 8:26pm
Stylists or supposed "style experts" looking to exploit folks from all walks of life will make such statements in an attempt to tear down the self-confidence of the masses, and convince them to spend their money on the products and services offered by those in the fashion and beauty industries.  It's an abusive sales tactic that has been proven to be effective, so I forsee it's continued application.

When they say "your hair isn't doing anything for you," what they care about more than the way you look is that "your hair (as it is) isn't doing anything for me" -- isn't putting money into my pocket.  To them I say: "get your dam hands out of my pockets."

There are lots of things in this world on which to spend money.  I'd prefer to spend mine on things besides those offered by the aforementioned industries.


Posted By: cmesweet
Date Posted: July 15 2005 at 11:37am

My hair does what is suppose to do. Protective my head from the sun and shrinks when wet to retain moisture and keep it close to my body. That is the adaption of my hair before my ancestor were brought here and that is what it does for me now.  A heating system in the winter and air conditioning in the summer.

BC May 9, 2004

Posted By: Hellfrozeover
Date Posted: July 17 2005 at 3:49pm

My hair takes attention away from my face when I use a volumising shampoo which can be good. All it does really is sit and look pretty and shiney and gives me something to mess about with when I'm bored.

Posted By: Viktoria
Date Posted: July 17 2005 at 4:14pm
I think sometimes it can mean: "you don´t look like us, so we won´t accept you and you can play by yourself". Group psychodynamics can be cruel.

The more you complain, the longer God lets you live.

Posted By: Katja
Date Posted: July 17 2005 at 8:05pm

I agree that when they say "your hair isn't doing anything for you," they're really saying "your hair isn't doing anything for me." 

For example, I know someone who's had the same waist length, mousy brown hair (which she always wears in a medium-high ponytail) for over fifteen years.  She went into the Gap one day looking for a simple pair of straight jeans and apparently the saleswoman said to her, "oh, honey, those went out in the '80s... along with your hairstyle."

They just want everyone to conform to their standards and use their products and be the same as everyone else, because individuality is a hard concept to grasp.  When someone says "your hair isn't doing anything for you," they mean "I don't understand your hair, please change it to help me understand."

I say my hair should do what I want it to do, not what anyone else thinks it should.

*Edited because I can't properly type complete thoughts.

"If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative."
-Woody Allen

Posted By: Jade30
Date Posted: July 18 2005 at 12:09am

I don't think I've ever had a stylist tell me "your hair isn't doing anything for you" before. But I have ad plenty of "your hair is dry, your hair is long, I think your hair needs this and that".

I mentioned in another post that my hair is an extended expression of my individuality, personality and style.


Besides the fact that it is suppose to protect me from the elements, to me, my hair’s job is to make me feel good about myself.:)


Posted By: eatgreenjello
Date Posted: July 19 2005 at 2:13pm

IMO< hair should make you look the best you can look, just like makeup.  Some people choose to have hairstyles that look all wrong for their face shape, and some people choose to wear no makeup or too much makeup.  Hopefully, your hair stylist can make your hair the best it can be for your face.  My hair used to look terrible, and I realized that it was because I would pour over hair magazines and pick out some hairdo I wanted and then show it to my stylist.  What I realized is that particular hair looked good on that particular model, not me. 

Now I tell my stylist to do whatever she wants.  And I've never loved my hair more.

So, in answer to your question, "what does hair do for you", it should make you look thinner/fatter, younger/older, whimsical/classic, or any other characteristic that you are, and make someone look the best they can look.  Who doesn't want to look good?


**Hair type: 2a, which is wavy and fine.
**Color: Naturally dark brown, currently dyed reddish brown.
**Length: below shoulder length

Posted By: Viktoria
Date Posted: July 19 2005 at 5:51pm
Originally posted by Katja Katja wrote:

the saleswoman said to her, "oh, honey, those went out in the '80s... along with your hairstyle."

Well, I hope she wrote a letter to the manager! Noone should be treated like that anywhere, especially not in a place where they expect you to spend your money! Where do all these snotty people come from?!

The more you complain, the longer God lets you live.

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