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Bad Perm - Need Help Pls!!

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Bloopers
Forum Description: Share your hair horror stories...
Printed Date: March 06 2025 at 8:50pm

Topic: Bad Perm - Need Help Pls!!
Posted By: kkcarlton
Subject: Bad Perm - Need Help Pls!!
Date Posted: July 16 2005 at 7:56pm
Hi All,

I am new to this forum and glad I found it. Last Saturday I got a perm and I have wanted to cry ever since. I have fine hair, relatively long, and I had some previous color. The stylist recommended I get a body wave becuase my hair is so fine. Well, she totally messed it up. The bottom layer looks beautiful, soft and wavy and the entire top layer of my hair looks frizzy, dry, and crinkly. I hate it and I look horrible. Because the hair dresser won't own up to it (she says my hair is beautiful and I am too negative to see it!) I went to see another hair stylist. He said my hair is definitely fried and with as fine as my hair is and with previous color he would have recommended NOT getting a perm because the risk of damage is so high.

Anyway, what I am looking for is a good repair product. I have been using Redken Extreme Deep Fuel REconstructor, Biolage Conditioning Balm as my conditioner, Aussie 3-Minute Miracle, and coconut oil, but it just looks awful. Is there a product that will restore moisture to my hair that truly works? I read about Kerastase, but I can't afford to spend that much. Are there any natural things I can use? Also, in several areas you can still see where the rods were sitting and this after a week and having washed and conditioned it so many times.

Any advice you can give me is greatly appreciated. I am sooooooo unhappy and don't know what to do. The stylist is blaming it all on me, my hair, and my supposed negativity. I may be many things, but negative is not one of them and everybody who has seen me since Saturday asked what I did to damage my hair!

Thanks in advance,

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: July 21 2005 at 8:30am
Perms are terribly damaging.   Unfortunately, once it's damaged, there's no way to repair it, just ways to make it look better until it eventually gets trimmed off (and the products you are using are probably doing that).  As far as natural products, if you are already using coconut oil, that is excellent for your hair.  How are you using it?  Using a little on your hair after washing (once its dry) should add shine and tame frizziness.  People also use jojoba oil for the same purpose (and I personally love a shea butter/jojoba mixture - it makes my hair feel softer than jojoba alone - that's something you have to mix up yourself).

If the underlayer looks great and the upper layer is the problem, have you considered changing your hairstyle so you wear the top layer pulled back in a barette or ponytail so its damage is hidden and people see the underlayer?

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: fullxdiva
Date Posted: July 29 2005 at 1:24pm

sorry to hear that you had a bad experience with your hair, if you didn't have negative attitude before, getting your hair damaged and the stylist not owning up to it will surely give you one.

you know if our hair don't look good, we don't feel good.

it's pretty hard to undamage a perm, like Susan suggested the best thing you can do is try to maintain and repair it and try to control the frizz.

regular kitchen olive oil works good for restoring moisture back in the hair. one day when your just sitting around the house for a while try the olive oil on your hair and put a plastic bag over your hair and just let it sit in there for couple hours before you wash it out.

also try motions critical repair conditioner, it has lil herbs in it, i gave some to one of my Korean clients to take home and try and she loved it, do the same process like the oil, put it in your hair with a plastic cap and let it sit for a couple hours, this stuff makes your hair feel like silk when you wash it out, almost feels like you still have conditioner still in your hair but it just feels that good. don't worry if you still have lil pieces of herbs in your hair it's OK.

hope everything works out for you

"Not Lucky Just Blessed"

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