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Getting/Keeping Healthy Hair (Help)

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
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Topic: Getting/Keeping Healthy Hair (Help)
Posted By: MsVirgo
Subject: Getting/Keeping Healthy Hair (Help)
Date Posted: July 20 2005 at 3:27pm

Hello, I have a couple questions. I would love it if I could get some feedback on this.

I am currently growing out my hair for my wedding. I just put in blonde highlights (for the second time since re-growth)

Anyway... I have some damage or maybe it's dry I'm not sure.  It tends to be frizzy if I dont put product in it.  I am currently using Aussie Moist shampoo and Aussie Moist conditioner.. as well as Aussie leave in conditioner.  I also at times use pink light (on days my hair is really dry) I have tons of store bought oils and whatnot. I also try to use cholesterol once a week to deep condition my hair. I hardly ever use gels or hairsprays.

I wear my hair up ALOT! theres not a day that goes by that I dont have it up at some point in the day. Im wondering If I have breakage from wearing my hair up.. the breakage is around where the hair tie would be itself. How can I stop this from happening?? I use the so called safe kind

My hair is a bit on the wavy side.. natural (odd because when I was a child it was stick straight) 

Anyway my question is.. am I doing what I need to be doing to get my hair healthy and looking good? am I doing too much? Too little?

Im debating whether or not to get a trim, I really dont want to do that though. Im afraid that they will hack off too much! Im concidering doing it myself. But again.. am scared.

This is me.. after just washing and conditioning and letting my hair air dry with leave in conditioner If I dont use the leave in.. its a frizzy mess 

Also this is the longest my hair has ever been. (the back is down to my back bra strap) and the front past my shoulders

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: July 20 2005 at 3:56pm
You'll probably get some better answers but for now,

Hi, I'm Robert / PurpleBubba a long time HB'er.

Your routine doesn't sound like a bad routine. The breakage does sound like it might be from the bands but there's not much you can do about that except put the band in another spot if possible.

Sometimes less is more when it comes to a routine so one idea would be to cut down on the number of things used or try spacing out the periods between use.

I'm not sure but those Aussie products might have Cones / Silicones. entrytype=articles

Have you heard of CO / Conditioner Only washing? There should be some threads on that on this board. That might be an option for you.

You mentioned cutting it yourself, did you mean Feye's method?

------------- - My Journal

Posted By: MsVirgo
Date Posted: July 20 2005 at 4:04pm

Thank you for the link to cutting your own hair.. I just might give that a try!

As for the CO/Conditioner.. well I have been reading a little on it.. guess I just dont understand it LOL

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: July 20 2005 at 4:14pm
I posted this on another thread. This is how I do mine

I apply conditioner.

Since my hair is already kinda long I then grab my hair in a tail and kinda put it on top of my head like a horsehoe or upside down U shape.
I put a plastic bag / cap on. I then scrunch the bag down to make it close to my head. I then put a claw clip on the outside to hold it down. The reason for the cap is it lets your body heat stay inside and acts like a heat cap a bit.

I then sit for about 20 minutes, with a radio on and drinking my coffee.

I then rinse off conditioner.

I then apply the same conditioner and then rinse right away.

Sometimes I will turn the last rinse water from warm to cool to finish.

The only time I don't enjoy it is when the hot water runs out too soon. I don't mind cold water rinses, but I at least like to go from warm to cold rather than jump into the cold.

That's just how I do mine. You might like some other way?

Your hair might like silicones or cones? Or maybe it will like them sometimes but not all the time?

It's all about experimenting.

I have also at times done a quick wash where I applied the conditioner and rinsed it off, then applied and rinsed off. The same way you would do a regular S&C. I did those using V05 Kiwi Lime Squeeze Conditioner. It's a clarifying conditioner so I pretend it's a shampoo sometimes. Be careful though because some people don't like it. It can be drying or irritating to some. If you aren't sure about it only use it once in awhile.

Edited to add: I have used Feye's method more than once.

Date Posted: July 20 2005 at 4:14pm

Hello Ms. Virgo,

First, let me welcome you to the Long Hair Support Board. There are many friends and much advice here, hope you'll return on a regular basis.

Second, may I extend sincere congratulations on your upcoming wedding. Will we be invited?  When is the big day? You are going to make a beautiful bride indeed, look at those eyes!

Your hair may exhibit stress points from the accessory you use, especially if you use the same one all the time in the same place. I, too, wear my hair up on a daily basis, but I do rotate the styles so as not to over wear a section. It is also a good idea to vary the part in your hair, which I like to consider 'exercise' for one's hair.

Be careful not to put the hair doodle in too tight or too often. If you are taking it out and putting it back in several times a day, this could not only cause same spot friction, but unnecessary wear and tear.

I also use Aussie, and while it does contain cone ingredients, my hair type appreciates them. Some hair types do and some don't, but if it is working for your hair, . Are you familiar with the term 'clarifying'?

Hope you'll return again, and do post pictures, we love pictures!

Welcome aboard!

Karen Marie



Birds of a feather flock together & then crap on your car.

If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.

Member since 2000, not reg. until 2005

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: July 20 2005 at 4:27pm
I forgot to ask earlier,

What kinds of combs or brushes or other tools do you use?
Do they have seams or sharp edges?

Posted By: MsVirgo
Date Posted: July 20 2005 at 4:30pm

Im going to give that a try... No harm in trying LOL We will see how it turns out.


Thank you for your kind words. I am so glad to have found this board.. I really was looking for information on making my own leave in conditioner LOL

Anyway, The wedding is in May of 2006 We have been togeter for nearly 6 yrs so it's time LOL

and as for the hair tie.. LOL Yep, normally I wear it in the same spot and only yesterday I moved my part. just for something different.  Its nearly impossible for me to go a day without putting it up at some point. and once its up its up for good because of that nasty crease!

I just conditioned my hair parted it down the center to the back.. and braided each side then twisted it up in a braided bun and will be keeping it that way until tomorrow LOL  Im not going anywhere so I can look as stupid as I want LOL

Posted By: MsVirgo
Date Posted: July 20 2005 at 4:34pm


I mostly use a wide tooth comb. I also have a new brush I just bought.. um.. its called a smoothing brush.. with the rubber tips??  I dont like it at all.. its the one where the rubber slides in the grooves.. easy for cleaning but slides out when brushing... so I just use the wide tooth comb mostly. and when puttin up my hair I normally huse my fingers instead of a brush.. its not at neat..but serves its purpose LOL

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: July 20 2005 at 5:17pm
The brushes I have are from Denman. They are black handles, red rubber with white nylon bristles.
You can see them here.

I have D3, D5 and D31 from the second link. I got them at Sally Beauty.
You don't have to get them. Most find that a wide tooth comb is good enough. As long as it doesn't have sharp edges or seams.

As far as trimming, it's good to use proper scissors. You can get a decent pair from Sally in the $10-25 range.

Posted By: Katja
Date Posted: July 23 2005 at 11:12am

Hey MsVirgo-

Sounds like you're taking pretty good care of your hair.  Like PurpleBubba said, it might be a good idea to try a CO routine for a while and see how your hair responds.  There is a detailed explanation and description of how to do it at - AnaisSatin's site .

As for your hair tie situation, try putting a dab of conditioner on your ties before putting them in your hair.  That way they'll soothe your hair while you're wearing them and slide off easily when you're ready to take them out.

Good luck to you- I bet your hair will look gorgeous by your wedding day!

"If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative."
-Woody Allen

Posted By: MsVirgo
Date Posted: July 23 2005 at 11:58am

That is a great idea! I will do just that!

Anyone know a way to make your own leave in conditioner??

Date Posted: July 23 2005 at 3:04pm

Hello MsV,

The following Leave-In recipe was once posted on one of my webpages:

1 part Shea Butter, melted, yet room temperature
1 part Conditioner
1/2 part Jojoba, coconut or Meadowseed foam oil
Essential oil of your choice

Store in a small sealed container. It is only necessary to use a small amount on the length or ends of your hair. Application to damp hair may feel a bit strange, but will feel soft and silky once your hair dries.

Here are a few links with recipes for shampoos and conditoners: - - - -

Karen Marie

Edited to add another recipe.

Birds of a feather flock together & then crap on your car.

If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.

Member since 2000, not reg. until 2005

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: July 23 2005 at 3:14pm

MsVirgo, I think your hair looks terrific  Just a note to say Congratulations, Welcome, and it's nice to meet you on board. That's AWESOME you don't use hairsprays or gels, because they tend to cause dryness or buildup.

in supplement to Accolady's mention of "clarifying": - vinegar thread 1  , - vinegar thread 2 - and an older vinegar thread - clarifying with a shampoo



-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: July 23 2005 at 4:05pm
Greetings MsVirgo, and congratulations on your upcoming wedding!

Robert, Accolady, Katja, and Anais Satin have all shared various portions of their wisdom.  The only thing I can think to add is to ask "how often do you wash your hair?"  I have found that washing my hair less frequently puts less stress on my hair (because there is less manipulation from fingers and combs of your wet and fragile strands).

Please let us all know what changes you make to your routine and if they help the condition of your hair.


Posted By: MsVirgo
Date Posted: July 23 2005 at 4:38pm


Thanks for all your help.. I just did a vin. rinse today to try it.. my hair isnt dry yet... we shall see how it turns out. Also I love your website. Very informative! Thank YOU.


Thank you so much for the links.. However I didnt find anything for a leave-in conditioner... I wonder if it is as simple as putting some conditioner in a spray bottle with good water??


I wash my hair maybe 3 times a week??  and sometimes.. I use just conditioner instead of shampoo.. because sometimes if I know I have to go out.. and have already shampoo'd my hair the day before or that morning.. whatever the case may be.. I will use conditioner instead of shampooing again.

I am currently doing a cholesterol treatment on my hair now. with my showercap on and a towel. Being that I put in highlights last week (not shown in the pic above) I feel its all the more important to condition and keep my hair healthy. I know coloring is not good for your hair. I just cant seem to keep away from doing it. I figure as long as I condition well and treat my hair well as far as not blowdrying or curling it should be ok. I sometimes straighten my hair too but not often. Only for special events. Otherwise my hair is always in a bun. I parted my hair on the other side yesterday and put it in a twist. (1st time I ever did a french twist myself! and it looked great! NO hairs sticking up OR flyaways!


Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: July 23 2005 at 5:07pm
I just mix regular conditioner with water for my leave in spray.

Posted By: MsVirgo
Date Posted: July 23 2005 at 5:14pm
Thanks, I will try that

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