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Does damage always travel up the hair?

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 30 2024 at 2:22am

Topic: Does damage always travel up the hair?
Posted By: rainfrogg
Subject: Does damage always travel up the hair?
Date Posted: July 23 2005 at 3:52am

Hey guys, I was wondering if it is always true that damage will travel up the hair if you do not cut it? I take ridiculously good care of my hair, and I have about 8 inches of damage left (17 inch total length). I just really want to maintain some length and do this gradually. Also, if anyone has suggestions for shampoos, conditioners, ect. to minimize breakage that would be awesome. BTW, for those of you growing out damaged hair too, it is so rewarding to see how healthy your hair really is.  Later,


Posted By: Elizabeth
Date Posted: July 23 2005 at 4:18am
Yes, itīs true that damage(split ends)can travel up your hair.If you want to avoid that use deep conditioner and leave-in conditioner and avoid your hairdryer and flatiron.GOOD LUCK GROWING YOUR HAIR!!!!!!Wink

Date Posted: July 23 2005 at 9:47am

Hello Tracy,

Could you tell us a bit about your hair? Such as your hair type, what color hair, what caused the damage, etc?

This link contains a table which will help you to determine which hair type you have: -

 Karen Marie


Birds of a feather flock together & then crap on your car.

If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.

Member since 2000, not reg. until 2005

Posted By: Katja
Date Posted: July 23 2005 at 10:25am

Aww, Tracy, I feel your pain.  I'm growing out hair that's still recovering from extensive color treatment and bleach after almost a year.

Yes, damage will travel up the hair if it's not cut off.  Elizabeth gave good suggestions on how to minimize it, but obviously the only way to get rid of it completely is to cut it off.  Not all at once, since you want to keep your length.  What I've been doing to get rid of damage is cutting off my own individual split ends when I see them.  If you don't do that already, I'd definitely recommend it.

Good luck with your hair! 

"If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative."
-Woody Allen

Posted By: rainfrogg
Date Posted: July 23 2005 at 2:13pm

Thanks for the replies! And yes, since I was 14 (i'm now 20) I have not given my hair a break once from permanent dye (dying my entire length every month!) It's any wonder how I still have hair really. I lost a lot of my hair (fell out) from so much dying, but its finally growing thicker and healthier with just scalp massage alone. My hair is straight as a board,med- thick, slightly fine(not too fine, really) and naturally very light/dark blonde. The problem I'm having though, is (when I test my hairs durability) yes, it does 'stretch' well before it breaks, but it seems squishy, & mooshy lol., not as strong as I'd like it. Maybe I'm conditioning too much? Do any of the products they say help breakage really work?  Oh yeah, and once I get my hair all grown out and healthy, I want to do the unthinkable.... go blonde . But, i want to do it in the healthiest way humanly possible. I have enough blonde in my hair to where I shouldn't need too much, but I'll stay in the salon from when they open till when they close if it'll save my hair, any suggestions on that? Thank you guys!


Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: July 23 2005 at 4:16pm

I would think you could "get away with" trimming your hair a little bit at a time so that you can avoid losing length, until the damage is gone.

The darker your hair's natural color, the more harsh would be the process to lift your hair color to blonde.  No amount of money can make the process anything but hard on your hair.  It might come down to your having to choose between having healthy (longer) hair or having blonde hair.


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