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Little Help - Would Piercings Look Ok?

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Topic: Little Help - Would Piercings Look Ok?
Posted By: bumblingbee
Subject: Little Help - Would Piercings Look Ok?
Date Posted: July 31 2005 at 3:41am

Hi there, sorry if this is the wrong place to put this, but theres not really an obvious spot for it ;)
I'm 21, Male, and a Univeristy student in Australia, I've been debating about piercing(s) for a while, and I was wondering if I should take the plunge.
What piercing(s) do you think would look good on me, or do you think any would look horrid?
The pics are a bit.. dodgy, but they're the best I currently have. I've lost weight since they were taken, and my hair is a bit longer. I usually wear glasses, but these are with contact lenses in.

Posted By: _thumbelina_
Date Posted: November 02 2005 at 5:27pm

Personally I can't stand facial piercings, although many would disagree! If you get any piercing at all, just get ear piercings (lobe). But to be honest, guys look nicer piercing free 

"You were the movie of my life, starring you instead of me"

Posted By: Mzdeadlyspell
Date Posted: December 13 2005 at 9:56pm

I am a fan of piercings.  Looking at your pictures, I think a eyebrow piercing , or nostril piercing would be a good choice.  :)  Oh and the tongue is always a good one, though you really can not see it often. 


Just do not go over board with facial piercings.  Then it is hard to see much more then the metal. 

Posted By: Alayney
Date Posted: December 15 2005 at 12:01am
I could see you with an eyebrow pierce. I'd just go for one and enjoy that for a while and if you get the urge then get another ...

Posted By: Sakeenah
Date Posted: December 23 2005 at 12:29am
i hate men with percings! a tattoo or 2 is fine but not metal (lol i have percings though so dont listen to me)

Posted By: katay
Date Posted: February 08 2006 at 9:37am


 I personally feel if a person wants a tatoo, or piercing/s, that's their choice. I am getting married Feb 18th 2006! I already have a beautiful engagment ring, as well as my diamond wedding band. I don't need anymore diamonds. I'd rather put my money towards other things. I'm too conservative and practical.

 But then again, when I turn 40yr.s I may get that nose piercing after all, LOL, whatever, ;)

God Bless,...

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