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Furious need to have a moan!

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: September 28 2024 at 5:23pm

Topic: Furious need to have a moan!
Posted By: Amanda8Beechwoo
Subject: Furious need to have a moan!
Date Posted: August 08 2005 at 4:13pm
I've just had a telephone call from my mum as her friend has asked her to ask me if I can teach her hair extensions.  She is going to rent a chair in a salon.  The thing that has infuriated me is that I have done six hairdressers from one particular salon and its that salon that she's going to rent a chair from.  It turns out that the girl who runs the salon (who's hair I've done also) is very good mates with my mum's friend's daughter and I think they've been talking and that my name has come up (cos its a small world in the UK) and they've realised that they both know me.  My mum says that its not a coincidence and that I haven't been discussed but I'm sure they've put two and two together and realised that its me and have tried to get me to learn them the shrinkie method.  I feel used like I'm being used to learn my mum's friend how to do the shrinkies so she can not only rent a chair in that salon but I'll probably lose all six hairdressers that are regular clients cos they'll get their hair done by my mum's friend and also I have clients who have their hair coloured there, so I'd probably lose them as well wouldn't I cos they could have their extensions done as well as their colour in the same place.  Well I obviously didn't say yes but I feel quite abused really.  I've done so much research and put so much hard work into my business and I'm starting to learn that its a pretty ruthlous world that frankly I'm not used to.  Sorry to ramble but I feel pretty insulted that they don't think I'd put two and two together  Now I feel guilty for saying no

Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: August 08 2005 at 4:19pm
Well I don't blame you for being pissed.

Could you rent a chair there?

But more importantly be pissed you deserve it!  They are ripping you off!

Posted By: kateadreena
Date Posted: August 08 2005 at 4:44pm
Good for you for turning it down! I feel us lot who do extensions get used by friend for it, i've had lots of people i know wanting it done for price of hair but i'm a soft touch so usually say yes... But not anymore! the latest girl is getting snotty with me for not doing it immediatly! How cheeky!

Posted By: marie87
Date Posted: August 08 2005 at 4:58pm
Just say no! No one would cut there own throat. Or how about a non compeat clause..Yes I will teach and you wont do a client with in 100 miles of ME!!!!!!

Posted By: TanglesRC
Date Posted: August 08 2005 at 5:52pm

first off DONT feel guilty for ANYTHING

good thing you did say no.

 i do like the non compeat clause and if you were to teach what would you charge>?

i would tell her what i have told others, look, its taken me so much time and money to learn and reseach, that my time and knowledge is really worth alot, and honeslty to have them so close to your area, really isnt a wise business plan.

Bringing beauty, one head at a time...

Posted By: elvira
Date Posted: August 08 2005 at 7:11pm

Oh Amanda, that's so rude of them. I'm so sorry to hear that. Some people have no class. It's a good thing you said no! You could always tell them you'll be teaching a class in the near future and charge some outrageous amount of money. As far as the no compete clause, it really doesn't hold very well. I had started my own business (private duty nursing) and it took off real well and the next thing I knew, one of my best friends who isn't even a nurse, started her own private duty nursing agency in the same town. I read a great book that got me started when I opened my business and the name of it is "rich dad, poor dad" by Robert Kwasiki (sp?) It teaches you how to make money but also to be generous, always helping others, the more you give the more you receive type book. I doubt that your six clients would all of a sudden say, oh ya lets switch to the new girl! Your work speaks for itself!


Posted By: marie87
Date Posted: August 08 2005 at 7:23pm
Great book Elvira!!!

Posted By: Scotchyroo
Date Posted: August 08 2005 at 10:33pm

Look,  I just say no.  I get tons of enquiries from people that just want information so they can steal my meagre business.

   This is what I tell them.  "You seem smart,  every bit of quality information I got was from research over telephone, by internet and by trial and error,  I'd be happy to talk to you about it after you've put 2 monthes into real research  yourself.  So give me a call when you have a real question."

   Seriously, what you have to discern, is the people who are really interested in being colleagues in a cool business, versus vultures who want a free ride. 

Nobody RIdes free the first time in my book.  Sorry to be hard, but I sympathize and think you're hard work has value.

Posted By: Amanda8Beechwoo
Date Posted: August 09 2005 at 4:41am

LOL I like your style Scotchy.

It really bothered me I tell you.  I said to my husband last night, why are people so conniving.  I would never dare have my hair done and then e-mail the person who's done it, tell them I'm thinking of starting up myself and ask them for instructions on how to do it, contacts and suppliers etc cos I've had that as well.  I really can't believe the cheek of some people. 

Kate, yes I agree, friends do take the p*** as well.  I had one fall out with me after I rearranged her hair four times to fit "paying" clients in instead.  Her reply to me when I told her I had to rearrange again was "I could have understood the first three times but four!".  I thought to myself, I'm trying to run a f****** business here.  She even asked, couldn't I rearrange the "paying" client so she could have her hair done that day still.  I was fuming.  I told her exactly what I thought of her.  Needless to say she texted me a couple of weeks later after I had left her to stew to apologise.  But being the soft idiot I am I did her hair FOR FREE!

Posted By: leelou
Date Posted: August 09 2005 at 2:50pm

hey chikkie tell them you went to america to train and tell them the only way they can do your method is by training with the same company as you have for them to be registered with them after training to be able to buy their products. if they wanted to do prostyles extensions thats the only way they could use THEIR products in the uk!! tell them it was a couple of grand to do the course!! that should put em off!! You are the diva of extensions and they cant steal your thunder!! NO WAY!!

NOTE TO ALL this lady is an absolute gem, she has been such a good help to me and such a good friend, MANDA POPS you are a super star!!

xxx Leanne

Posted By: Amanda8Beechwoo
Date Posted: August 09 2005 at 4:27pm

LOL you are too kind my little Lou.  I feel love on the board ha ha.  You are the angel sent from above that rescued my bad hair colour for my wedding which I will forever be grateful  x

Back on the subject though, that's a pretty good idea, I think I might start telling that to new clients and be sneeky like them are ha ha x

Posted By: zapevaj
Date Posted: August 09 2005 at 5:05pm
Just say you're not up to teaching. People seem to think extensions is like juggling, something you can pick up in an afternoon. "Oh teach me, it'll be so fun!" Translation: it'll be fun for them. It'll be a pain in the ass for you, and then after that afternoon course the'll probably wander off and start calling themselves a pro. 'Scuse my language, but I f**king hate it when people do that. You're a busy lady, you invested plenty of time and money into your own extension study, and there's no reason you should be obligated to teach someone just 'cause they ask. If you do feel like teaching, charge them at -least- as much as you'd charge for a similar amount of time doing an appointment.


------------- - Hair Alchemy

Posted By: Amanda8Beechwoo
Date Posted: August 10 2005 at 4:24am
I wish I was more hard and could just say exactly that, I'm definitely not teaching anyone though, shrinkies are hardly over here, I'd be cutting my nose off to spite my face xx

Date Posted: August 12 2005 at 11:20am

I am like that with computers. People want me to teach them computers, and though I coulnd't get paid for it, it's like I HAVE NO PATIENCE FOR TEACHING. I am completely SELF taught and have NO TOLERANCE for people not knowing how to do stuff. It's one thing if they TRIED but if they just are like, HOW DO YOU? and i'm like, did you click on help? it's like LOOK IT UP IN THE DICTIONARY AND IF YOU CAN'T FIND IT COME TO ME. I am a discuss not teach kind of person

(even though when it comes to extensions i have totally leeched off of all of you HAHAHAHA)


i love plastikhaar

Posted By: amm
Date Posted: August 12 2005 at 11:30am
Put them off if you have a difficult time saying how you really feel.

Say you'll get back to them on it when you have some free time and then... don't. If they come around again and ask when you can teach them, do it again. Say "ohhh, I meant to get back to you, I've been so busy. Let me call you when I have some spare time." And then....don't.

Man, that sounds bad when it's written out but it's a gentle way of avoiding it without any confrontations and keeps the professional relationship as you the pro and them the customer intact.

------------- - Extension Supplies & Virgin Brazilian Hair

Posted By: Amanda8Beechwoo
Date Posted: August 12 2005 at 12:46pm
Thanks Amm, that sounds more like a "me" answer LOL xx

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