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Dying black indianhairs >>> PICS <<<

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
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Topic: Dying black indianhairs >>> PICS <<<
Posted By: amm
Subject: Dying black indianhairs >>> PICS <<<
Date Posted: August 10 2005 at 1:02pm
Originally posted by FabulousHairExt FabulousHairExt wrote:

what did you do to lighten your rk hair?

First, let me recommend this site -- - Going Blonde Message Board . You will have to register for a network 54 account but it's as simple as when you signed up here. There is a gentleman there by the name of "Rick the Chemist" whom all should worship. The man's advice is awesome. Look through a few pages of stuff and you'll know more about dying up to blonde than the back of any box can tell you.

I am no color expert, I assure you. I can't give advice on going Gwen Stefani blonde. I absolutely have no idea how to get dark hair so blonde. I tried once and made cotton candy out of a small sample. It literally crumbled like dust in my fingers.

For what I'm wearing now, I used some professional bleach and a combo of 30 and 40 vol developer to get the very light blonde. 40 vol is not necessary and can do a lot of damage. 20 or 30 vol should be fine.



Two of the sections are VERY blonde and I forgot they were sitting in a 30/40 combo developer for about 10 hours. That hair is not as soft as the darker colors.

On the other colors, I used a couple powders. One was Quick Blue and the other was I think called Pure White.

They both worked really well but no matter how carefully I put the Pure White in a bowl, it drifted into the air like little wisps of smoke and I inhaled some without even knowing it was there. It really had me reeling back like, whoa sh*t, what just happened! The other powders I did not have that problem with. Be careful of those powders!

I also used Kaleidocolors tonal powder with the violet base to reduce the yellow. Bringing up the black to a softer brown without brass, you'll need something with a green base or ash. (Please someone jump in and correct me if I'm off here).

Here's the Kaleidocolors after mixing... very pretty

Before ya know it, ya got some seriously rockin' hair...

The best advice I received was making the mix to the consistency of yogurt. If it was too thin with developer, it never lifted the color enough. If it was too thick, I couldn't spread it evenly. I cut the wefts up and did small batches at a time.

Also, invest in a little wire whisk at Sally's. The bleach powder gets these little lumps in them that have to be worked out to make it smooth.

I'll always color my own raw extension hair now. It's actually fun and it's much better than buying it already dyed.

------------- - Extension Supplies & Virgin Brazilian Hair

Posted By: Longhairdreams
Date Posted: August 10 2005 at 2:00pm
The hair looks great amm.And I totally agree,rick is the guy to talk to if you want to go blonde.


Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: August 10 2005 at 3:04pm
Oh, I forgot about that site.......

Nice got it down!! I like the Super Blue creme/
oil bleach.....the condition of the hair feels nicer than a power
bleach I have found. Yup, the fumes can knock you out for a

Amm~I wanted to ask what ever happened to all the Indian
wefts that your friend sent to the stylist to be colored? Did she
have any of it installed and the other co-worker?

Posted By: FabulousHairExt
Date Posted: August 10 2005 at 4:07pm

Thanx so much amm, you rock!

fyi I know my spelling sux!

Posted By: Amanda8Beechwoo
Date Posted: August 10 2005 at 4:11pm
Wow that's some awsome colouring chick, I wouldn't know where to start x

Posted By: gsmilie
Date Posted: August 10 2005 at 4:36pm

Amm, beautiful hair, great eyes!!  but.......... You might want to do something about that black stuff on the rest of your face.


I did the same thing to my virgin indian hair, and it turned out great!!  I bleached the dark hair a little lighter than what I wanted, then used Redkin #5n to bring it down to my "head hair" color.   I also used the blue powder stuff, and I also invested (.99) into a plastic measuring cup thingy at sally's, that really helped me get the ratios right.

Good demo!!

Posted By: amm
Date Posted: August 10 2005 at 8:23pm

SAS - Let's see if I can relay this without spiking my Sicilian blood pressure. I told Sand the story so she knows how upset this got me.

One weft went to the stylist. It was the heaviest of the dark brown ones. The stylist ended up calling my work to talk to my friend who was the one getting the extensions. Next thing you know, I'm on the phone with her and she's ooohing and aaaaahing over the hair and asking me a million questions about extensions and how to do it and could she watch and learn, blah blah. "Sure," said me.

I keep asking my friend at work where the hair is because we're at week 2 and nobody's talking about it. She told me as soon as she gets her hair colored, the weft will be ready and we'll do the extensions. I tell her I need at least a week before to tip it. Now we're at week 4 and the stylist still has the hair and I haven't heard a thing. I tell my friend I want the hair back. The next day my friend calls and says she has the hair and it's been colored and she's going to bring it by work.

Get this - the hair is still wet in a towel and the stylist gave her a bottle of something and told her to keep misting to get the brassy out.

This hair wasn't just brassy - 2 sections of it were clown orange and the third was dark brown/red/bordering on black. My friend is an exact 18/22 with maybe 12 undercolor. This didn't match at all.

My friend is on the verge of tears and I can't believe her stylist thought everything was fine.

I said, "You didn't pay for this, did you?" She just sort of looked at the ground and I could tell she was ready to cry. The stylist charged her $100 and this is her regular girl.

Bottom line - I wouldn't install it. I couldn't. She would've been a laughingstock. That's like letting your friend walk around with the bottom of her dress caught up in the waistband of her pantyhose. You just don't.

I told her if her stylist called and wanted to know when to meet up so she could learn how to do extensions, tell her she has to pay me a couple thousand. And if she didn't want to tell her, hand me the phone and I'll kindly relay the information myself.

So, I still have the hair and now that I've learned a little about coloring, I'm going to try to fix it. Whether or not I install it for her is a whole 'nother drawn out story.

As far as the other hair goes, I still have it. The glorious curly is up next and I'm going to wear that myself with longer single remy blended in. I should have about 4 pounds of it next week. Yow! :D

------------- - Extension Supplies & Virgin Brazilian Hair

Posted By: Save~A~Stray
Date Posted: August 10 2005 at 9:15pm
Really......i would have been pretty upset myself......and it takes
alot to anger this Scot. Getting back orange hair from a stylist
would ruffle my feathers... I can't believe she actually paid $100
for something she could not use. I do not specialise in color
myself but heck ......i would never hand anyone orange hair.
Well, luckily it was only one weft that got botched.....if it is not
too damaged I'm sure it can be salvaged. I only use 20 vol/oil
bleach myself and sometimes do it in two stages....deep
conditioning inbetween and 48 hours apart and the condition is
still nice and that's lifting from a #1-1B. you are going to try the short lengths
yourself.....please let me know how it works for ya.

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