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How much do I tip???

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: September 28 2024 at 5:26pm

Topic: How much do I tip???
Posted By: Julzz
Subject: How much do I tip???
Date Posted: August 10 2005 at 11:22pm

I just went & had a consultation to get hair extensions (great lengths) I'm getting 18 inches of hair & the girl told me it will be 2,000 dollars.. which is okay because thats how much i expected... I want the best! 

But I was just wondering on how much I should tip... she said it could take anywhere from 3 to 6 hours... how much do you tip for something that cost 2,000 dollars???   & has anyone used  great lengths?? what did you think of them??  Is there anything better?


Posted By: marie87
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 5:42am
Frist do a search on the board  on the method your having done and see if its worth that price frist. If you still want to have it done any where between 15 and 20 percent is standard.

Posted By: Amanda8Beechwoo
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 5:47am
Why don't you just buy the hair yourself and do it x

Posted By: Julzz
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 8:08am

Thanks Marie.. I'm pretty sure that, thats usually what it runs... I've looked at so many different salons.. even out of my state and its anywhere from 1500 to 2000...  but, even though I could have gotten it cheaper I decided it would be easier just to go to the more expensive one... so I dont have to travel.

Amanda-- yeah that would be alot cheaper... but, I'm not good with stuff like that & my hair is kinda damaged from bleaching... flat ironing etc.... SO im scared to do it myself... Plus I've heard Great Lengths is the best & my hair girl told me that it causes the least damage... I dont know if thats true... but I hope it is! ;)

Posted By: niftygirl
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 8:09am

I stumbled on this board by accident when I was searching out hair extensions. I was headed for great lengths myself as there are salons in my area who do them. But after spending days reading every single post here, I promptly changed my mind.

I just did my first shrinkie install and saved tons of money. I'm not trying to talk you out of it (though it sure sounds that way) just be aware of the possibilities. You absolutely can do this yourself.

My mom helped me finish my hair extensions and kept saying "this is fun". She's going to be my hair extensionist from now on and all she wants is to be taken to lunch afterward.

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 8:20am

Julz...please do a search on this board. GL is a fusion method. And can be very damaging for someone with damaged or brittle hair. Unfortunately EVERY method claims to be the best and least damaging. There are gentler methods, for already damaged through the posts. Did your hair girl give you any other options? Does she do any other methods? If you dont think you could do your own, at least seek out a professional that does several methods. Not one method is good for everyone, and an extensionist who is only trained in one method of course is going to tell you that method is the best.

Honestly there are a few methods that a DIYer can accomplish easily. Either alone or with the help of a another person, and can save yourself BIG BUCKS!

Posted By: Julzz
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 8:37am

Sherrie, Thanks for the info.   this salon is the top salon in my city.. its where I started getting my hair done after it got so damaged from a previous hairdresser..   She is from L.A & she told me she used to do other methods but has come to realize that great lengths is the best & thats the only one she does.  She also told me that with everyones hair she has done it hasnt damaged it... but, Im guessing their hair wasnt as bad as mine.   I'm kinda scared because I hear so many diff things...  I just dont want my hair to be any worse then it is.. ;(

Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 8:52am

Great Lengths, like all other fusion methods are the worst extensions on the market for fragile hair types!

I have been doing extensions for several years, and I offer my clients about 5 different types of extensions, because as the others already said, it's not 'one size fits all'.

I would never charge a client that much.  Do you know that the hair probably only costs her about $300-$500, and the rest of that outrageous charge will be pure profit?  Now, I like profit just as much as anyone, but the girl is gouging you.

If I were you I would seriously reconsider.  At least have other consultations with other stylists who offer different methods and see what they have to say.

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Posted By: Julzz
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 9:00am

wow, i didnt realize that there was that much profit! 

The only thing is... I live in Tulsa, Ok... I cant seem to find any salons that do them....ughh its so frustrating...   What would be the best method for fragile hair?

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 9:44am

Thank you metalgirl for jumping in there as a professional  with some honest advise. I certainly dont want to badmouth any professional but when they only do one method and the most expensive method and also a method that can be very damaging I say....find someone ELSE!

Hang in there Julzz start reseaching the methods yourself, and we can help you locate a stylist or even someone in your area that would help you do your own. This is a very active board....

Posted By: Julzz
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 10:01am

what would you say is the best extensions for damaged hair?  thanks for the help!

Posted By: CyberMane
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 11:35am

Ok I'll jump in.

Hi Julzz.  I have been doing Great Lengths for over 4 years now.  In addition I offer many other methods because I extremely feel that there is no such thing as a 'one-size-fits-all' method. 

I charge for my consults and apply that to their service should they decide to have the service done.  I give them as many samples as they need and let them play with them before they commit to a huge order.  I never give them deadlines too.  And I never tell them this method is better than this.  And since I have naturally long strong hair I have the luxury to wear whatever method I want so there's NO BIAS approach in my business.

Getting back to Great Lengths {GL}, in my experiences, I have to say that for wearability in comparison with other human hair- it's THE BOMB- especially if you need the blondes or any light colors.  If you need darker colors and want to save money than any other human hair is fine.  The GL coloring process uses no bleach {chemically stipping the hair's 7 color layers to achieve desired color} so the cuticle layers stay strong and remain healthy - virgin.

To figure out if your hair is in bad shape for human hair extensions, do some test strands and pull trying different areas on the head.  If it stretches, it is good.  If it breaks, refrain from any attachments that uses your hair for anchoring.  You may need a different solution.

Overall, I intend to have Great Lengths live on in my business as opposed to the others I have now discontinued.

Here are your pros and cons and in between

Pros- excellent wearability, no bleach so colors stay bright, bond is patented, very strong and does not disinergrate.

Cons- expensive {in order to keep my account open with GL, I have to charge $7-$14 per strand}, removal process is very long, high maintenance is required, anti-tap needed after every washing, hair roots must be dried to keep the bonds' integrity.  

In Between- GL uses Indian hair.  Indian hair genetically has a very strong curl and medium to thick hair shaft.   Now if you like a softer wave and finer hair shaft go European or if you like straight with a medium to thick hair shaft go Asian.

So I hope you at least got a hair sample to play with prior to spending your $2000.  As for the tip, I get anywhere from 0% to 100%.

Best of luck, Charlene

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Posted By: Julzz
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 11:52am

wow cybermane.. thanks for all the help!!-- no she didnt give me a hair sample ;(  

The thing with my hair is... like the top if it is pretty healthy I mean its okay... not so damaged... its just the bottom of it... its pretty damaged... towards the ends... so I dont know if that changes anything??

Posted By: CyberMane
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 12:23pm

Hi again!

Julzz, if you feel 101% very comfortable, I would jump in an Go For It.  But if you don't, I would seek elsewhere and get more consults.

But getting back to the ends of your hair.  That's fine.  It's the install site {the roots} that you need to worry about {in other words, how delicate are they to support the weight}.  To get the best results, you need to start with a strong foundation.

Sounds like you'll be alright.  Hey, post some before and after pics too!!!


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Posted By: Julzz
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 12:40pm

Okay I will def. post before & after...  I'm really excited...

By the way... do you know how much would be average to tip for 2,000 dollar extensions???  I have no idea!! lol

Posted By: CyberMane
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 12:57pm

So you have your mind set for Great Lengths- 101%, right?

Great choice!  .  I get anywhere from 0%-100%, so it's entirely up to you.  I own my own business so some feel that they don't need to tip.  But a lot of people do tip me and emotionally, I feel that they love my work when they show their appreciation in whatever percentages

Brad Johns owns a coloring salon in 5th Av in NYC.  He charges me $300 for hilites.  I give him a $60 tip, $20 to his assistant, and $10 to the person who gives me a complimentary blow dry and $5 to the coat check girl.  So altogether I spent 30% just on tips.



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Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 1:29pm
If you were my client and I was making $1500 profit off of you, I would not expect a tip!  She better buy you lunch too!

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Posted By: Julzz
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 1:50pm

I know that 2,000 dollars is alot for hair... but to me if it makes you happy then money isnt an object. yeah she is probably ripping me off... but, I've done searches for hair extensions in Dallas & all the top salons are from 1500 to like 3000... thats alot I know but... I just dont want to do them myself... & I want to go to the best salon... I guess I'm one of those people who still say "you get what you pay for"   I guess I will find out... LOL

Posted By: marie87
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 2:10pm
One thing I would watch is the length of time this person said they could stay in for. I find that they will say 6 months which would in your mind justify the price but 2 to three is more like it if your lucky and your hair isn't the type to matt up.

Posted By: Julzz
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 2:29pm
Marie, She told me 6 months! but, she said that I would have to come in for "touchups"

Posted By: CyberMane
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 3:11pm

Touchups are highly recommended at least every 2 months if you intend to keep it that long.

Tipping for excellent service is customary.  But it's entirely up to you. 

When I first started in this field, I was in the mind frame that OMG that is sooooo expensive.  I thought I would do better by charging less than the competition.  Little did I know, it was a huge mistake.

Consults, hair preparation, ordering, trimming the bonds, giving countless amount of education, post care visits, pitfalls, rent, electric, advertising, etc..., etc... - ALL THAT ADDS UP so the profit is NOT entirely based on the ACTUAL DAY-OF-SERVICE.

Now, I found a really great accountant who helps me determine my costs {he said to stay in the 80% tile of my areas}.  I'm in this business to profit and grow- never lose.  And if it's a project that's not worth it for me to stay in business or if I have to use my own money then I will reject that project.

Getting back to charging below my competition, well, over a year ago, I charge a lady $495 for a custom wig.  In my areas they start at $2500+.  Well now this a**h*** is taking me to court even though she said I can use her pics online.  She is even smiling in the after shot!!!  

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Posted By: Julzz
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 3:27pm

Oh WOW! that is awful Im so sorry to hear that.

What is your price range for great lengths if i can ask?

Posted By: Longhairdreams
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 3:36pm

fusion extensions should never stay in 6 months.Thats just crazy.I think its cool if you want to get them,but I wouldnt feel right not giving you these links first.Many people have had horror stories with great lengths.I realize that great lengths can be done right.But there are too many stylists out there who are ruining people's hair. - &KW=great+lengths

this one below is a common marketing scheme: - &KW=great+lengths - &KW=great+lengths

I am not trying to scare you.I just thought you should be aware of what can go wrong.Good luck


Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 3:45pm

The Great Lengths people lie to you and tell you that you can keep the extensions in for 6 months so you can justify paying them so much.  Due to the shedding of your natural hair, and also that the farther away from the head the extensions are the more likely they will tangle at the root, you should not keep extensions in for more than 12 weeks without taking them all out, removing all the shed hair or potential tangles,  and putting them back at the root area.

By the way, did they tell you you can't reuse the hair?  You pay a lot of money for it and must throw it away after 3 months.  There's many other extension method out there where you can reuse the hair.

If it sounds like I have an attitude toward Great Lengths, sorry, but I do!  Great Lengths trains their people to lie and swindle uneducated clients out of a lot of money!

I don't believe that 'you get what you pay for' crap.  I am a very good extensionist servicing many clients over the years, and I charge between $300-1200 for extensions, and that includes the hair.  I'm not getting rich or anything, but if I go home with $400-500 at the end of my day I'm happy! 

Charlene (Cybermane) , you know I have much love and respect for you girl!  I think in New York City people are willing to pay more for extensions.  I definitely would not get those prices in Shingle Springs, CA! 

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Posted By: CyberMane
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 3:46pm
Originally posted by Julzz Julzz wrote:

What is your price range for great lengths if i can ask?

$7 to $14 per strand in order to keep my account with them open.

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Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 3:51pm

I don't like any extension company that dictates what I should be charging my clients.

By the way, does that $7-14 include hair and install fee, or is it for hair only?

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Posted By: marie87
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 3:53pm
I have to say I dont get the whole touch up thing . All the strands grow out at the same time where the sides may need redoing sooner because the hair is finer there they all will need redone well before 6 months. I would rather charge less and have them come when they really need to and redo the whole set then allways have some that have been in to long.I can't stand when they grown out one inch let alone 3.

Posted By: Julzz
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 4:05pm

Im just torn.. lol I have no idea what I should do I really want to get the great lengths because alot of the girls at the salon have them & they look great.. but, I understand you having attitude about it MetalGirl.... it is pretty expensive & I've read alot of horror stories...

I looked at CaliforniaKristens website OMG I LOVE her before & afters... & shes pretty cheap... has anyone had their hair done by her???  I just dont want to fly to Cali... who knows though...

Posted By: CyberMane
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 4:08pm

For me, 1 month is enough, but that's me.

I've gotten clients, who yes, have left their extensions on forever.   I recommend keeping any extensions in for 8 weeks- the most 12 weeks.  Although, I never force a person to remove their extensions- just like I never force them on which method they should get for their hair.

So Julzz, I'm sooooo curious, after all this, which method are you going to put in your hair?

Metalgirl {Lisa} who is really great .  She's very helpful too!  Btw- Shrink Links are come in Indian too.

GL procedures vary from stylist to stylist.  NOT ALL STYLISTS ARE CREATED WITH EQUAL TALENTS.  I'm convince that those horror stories are either:

A- the person's maintenance AND/OR B- the sylist's install.

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Posted By: CyberMane
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 4:12pm
Originally posted by metalgirl metalgirl wrote:

I don't like any extension company that dictates what I should be charging my clients.

By the way, does that $7-14 include hair and install fee, or is it for hair only?

EVERYTHING-  Gift of hair care products and post care included

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Posted By: CyberMane
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 4:16pm
Originally posted by Julzz Julzz wrote:

Im just torn.. lol I have no idea what I should do I really want to get the great lengths because alot of the girls at the salon have them & they look great

This is what you should do-

Get a sample strand of GL, and a strand of Kristen, and a strand of this, and a strand of that B4 JUMPING IN!  Then you can play with them for whatever length of time you need!!!

Ya know what I mean???

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Posted By: elvira
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 4:30pm

I had GL done in MA and paid $800 for 1/2 my head. If it wasn't for GL I wouldn't have found this board! So I'm grateful to them for that. I liked the method and it worked well for me. I have very thin fine slippery hair and they weren't even sure if they would stay in my head! I would not pay that much again though. EVER!  I have been getting hair extensions of various kinds for around 20 years give or take (wig,hair system,cornrow,glue etc) I'd even try gum if it stayed and was easy to remove.

Thanks to everyone on this board I have learned so much. The best thing I learned that each different method is good for some people and bad for others. Choices are great as Charlene mentioned.

Another thing that I learned is research,research,research! Who knows, mabey someone on this board lives near you and can help you out.

Good luck and keep reading!

Posted By: Julzz
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 4:39pm
Okay... LOL this is funny but I have been looking thru kristens website & I LOVE it wow.. so pretty- Im almost thinking about flying me and a girlfriend there... just to see if i like it.. its cheap... I could fly me and my friend there for cheaper then the great lengths.... how rediculous lol.... Oh well I will contact Kristen & find out details! I do know that I would much rather have her do my hair just because of all the fun colors she has!! ;)

Posted By: marie87
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 5:32pm
Vaction and extensions for the same price! Sounds like a winner kristens work looks very nice. I think Metal girl is also in Calif.Check her site too.

Posted By: Julzz
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 5:47pm

Does anyone know how long Kristens hair extensions last??

Posted By: CyberMane
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 5:47pm


Great Choice!  Posts the pics!  And HAVE FUN!!!

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Posted By: marie87
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 6:08pm
The question is not how long hers will last but how long you should wear them before reinstalling them. Each client is diferent, some with baby fine hair matting is an isue so they should be reset sometimes in a month. Fast growing clients may allso need it by 2 months because it just has grown out so far. And then there are the princess! I call some of my clients who go three months with out a mat or getting them stuck in a brush that because they are the ones who take such good care of ther hair like little a princess. I swear they must sleep sitting up! She dose fusion and with proper care that stuff will stay in for quite some time but that dosent meen you leave them in till they fall out LOL

Posted By: Julzz
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 8:07pm

LOL...   I did all the reasearch & stuff on how much it will cost me... her extensions run from like 5- 600 dollars....(I found this on her website) & Im going to pay for my friend to go with me... so for 2 tickets and 2 nights in a hotel...(and the extensions of course) its like alittle over 1500... LOL  and the great lengths are 2000 plus of course the tip...

Posted By: zapevaj
Date Posted: August 12 2005 at 1:00am
It makes perfect sense to fly out there- airfare these days is like $200 round-trip, so even if there's no one in your area, you can fly out to New York or LA or Chicago and spend all that money that a GL stylist would charge (by marking up the cost, not for installation) on a mini-vacation!

And as far as the GL debate goes- I don't like fusion myself, but even if I did, I wouldn't go to GL. There are so many unaffiliated fusion artists that do just as good work and charge way less because they don't have a company telling them "buy the hair for $300 and mark it up to $600!"


------------- - Hair Alchemy

Date Posted: August 12 2005 at 2:19pm

not to knock calikristin (her work looks great), last time i looked she had mostly straight and i am more of a wavy hair girl.

i am more a or browser for inspiration. I am east coast usa and of course one is in Washington state and the other in the UK. not. a chance. in hell. (also both use synth hair which i love)

i tip as much as i can afford at the time.

i love plastikhaar

Posted By: amm
Date Posted: August 12 2005 at 2:41pm
Originally posted by MERGUTHRIE MERGUTHRIE wrote:

not to knock calikristin (her work looks great), last time i looked she had mostly straight...

You've never spent time in the beach communities in Southern California, have ya?

------------- - Extension Supplies & Virgin Brazilian Hair

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