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This is getting beyond a joke now

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: September 28 2024 at 5:21pm

Topic: This is getting beyond a joke now
Posted By: Amanda8Beechwoo
Subject: This is getting beyond a joke now
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 8:55am

This is what she's posted on my guest book after Shel and Kate did posts on it


Name: Shelly
Date: Thu Aug 18 23:28:22 GMT-12:00 2005
Excellent work! Beautiful hair! Wish all the extensionists were as good as you.

xx - Delete
Name: Kate
Date: Fri Aug 19 00:01:02 GMT-12:00 2005
I love your before & after pictures hun, sites looking good! \"big - Delete
Name: KateAndrogenous
Date: Fri Aug 19 01:37:13 GMT-12:00 2005
of course I love your before and afters, because I am a dumpling and those straight untalented installs are perfect for someone like me. Make me beautiful! - Delete
Name: Amanda
Date: Fri Aug 19 01:38:07 GMT-12:00 2005
of course I would love to do you, ermm your hair Kate, we lovely cheeky Brit gals need to stick together in our ugliness and I am doing my best to never have competition on my ugliness. - Delete
Name: Jules
Date: Fri Aug 19 01:39:24 GMT-12:00 2005
She deleted all of those posts from yesterday I see. I guess they must have been true about her ruining her own hair. Scared others will find out the truth.
I saw the pics, she broke off several inches of her own hair. Post those before and afters, AMANDA. - Delete
Name: Amanda
Date: Fri Aug 19 01:41:22 GMT-12:00 2005
it\'s true, I must admit, I DID break off alot of my own hair, but don\'t tell my clients that, they won\'t pay me to make they hair break off, so shush. - Delete
Name: Britney
Date: Fri Aug 19 01:44:08 GMT-12:00 2005
hey ya\'ll me & Kevin want some of them thar hillbilly extenshuns. Can Amanda give us that great mullet look she gave all them there gals. She can do our baby too, coursin gonna have to shave it\'s face first though hyuck hyuck. - Delete
Name: Kevin F. Spears
Date: Fri Aug 19 01:45:11 GMT-12:00 2005
now Britney, you leave them hefty Brit gals alone everybody need some luvin. Why Shar used ta gets her haar weaved and man was it hot. Fo shizzle. - Delete
Name: Jordan
Date: Fri Aug 19 01:47:28 GMT-12:00 2005
This person is trying to say that she is making women look like me \"mad\"
I should sue her for sullying my good name. - Delete
Name: Kate
Date: Fri Aug 19 01:49:55 GMT-12:00 2005
Mandy pandy hun, we should go into business together. We could make a clothing line for us big girls that disguise our whale like bodies, what ya think hun? Or maybe some huge scarves to hide these huge fat cheeks of ours. Sound good? - Delete
Name: Amanda
Date: Fri Aug 19 01:51:15 GMT-12:00 2005
chick <gasp> that is a brill idea! oh chick , I think I am in love with you. Call me hun again, please please, you call me hun, I call you chick, oh baby. - Delete
Date: Fri Aug 19 01:52:43 GMT-12:00 2005
Name: Amanda
Date: Fri Aug 19 01:56:15 GMT-12:00 2005
ok, alright, yes it is true. I admit it, I can\'t do hair It all started with my insane jealousy of my sister-in-law and mother-in-law. They made fun of me and tried to ruin my wedding. I bitched about them and made fun of them but I wouldn\'t dare say it to their faces. I am almost ashamed, but I need to work so I can get that procedure to lessen the appearance of my fat face. I have shared all the info, oops wait, does my hubby know about this? Oh shoot he was cool with me getting my willy removed, but he might now want me to change my fat face. Oh wait, that\'s right he is clueless as to what I tell other people. whew


Posted By: Amanda8Beechwoo
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 8:56am

I'm disgusted with this


Posted By: Amanda8Beechwoo
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 8:57am
Shall I just delete my guest book do you think, its such a shame.


Posted By: kateadreena
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 8:59am

I dont think you should delete it.. Perhaps theres an option to make all posts private until you have viewed them, and only let the positive things be viewable by the public?

Posted By: Kalika
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 9:15am
I agree, cant you set it up so you have to approve a comment before its posted?

Posted By: Amanda8Beechwoo
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 9:16am

No so I've just deleted it, my work speaks for itself.  I'll put a page saying that if they require recommendations they can have phone numbers or e-mail addresses xxx I'm disgusted


Posted By: Kalika
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 9:17am

she probably has herpes.  thats why shes so bitchy, because you can do everything in those tampon commercials (running, swimming bike riding ) and she's grumpy about it


... well its an amusing thought at least, lol

Posted By: Amanda8Beechwoo
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 9:20am
hhhaaaaa love it Kalika, well let her bring it on now cos she can't touch me now the sad cow!  She's got too much time on her hands !


Posted By: Aeone
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 9:29am

Wow.  What a loser.

What grown folks go around, and do childish sh*t like that?  What is she/he/it, like 2? :P

Really, if you're going to try to smear someone and throw a completely bullsh*t tantrum, at LEAST do it in a less embarrassing way.

Whoever you are, you're only making YOURSELF look like a fool, snicker!


Amanda, you do gorgeous work, and your website is pretty coolbean btw!  

------------- -

Posted By: amm
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 9:43am
I didn't know you had a web site before now. I love it! As always, your work is most superb.

There's always restraining orders. They cover the electronic landscape, too. And they're FREE!


Amanda sent me the headers of her email from this person and they match with an IP that is looking at my web site right now. We've pinpointed where this person is and what ISP they're using. Even using a free mail service doesn't hide that. :)

Just a reminder - you're never anonymous on the Internet.

------------- - Extension Supplies & Virgin Brazilian Hair

Posted By: swissmisshair
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 10:02am

I am new here and english not so good so pardon.

First for me to say, is this the kind of dramatics that goes to here all the time? Amanda, what you do to this person?  I check the website you have listed, not connect at first some extra letters in click link.

Your work is not bad, you look to be new is all.  The hairs all looks the same. Did you do this persons hair and that made to them mad? maybe to offer curls or styling for the hairs. Not to make critics at you, everyone learns this eventually. You keep trying and you do good soon.

Posted By: Amanda8Beechwoo
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 10:04am

That's brilliant Amm, thank god you don't have a guest book LOL.  I wonder why they've pinpointed us?  You are one clever chick.

I've only just started doing my bloody website as well, I haven't even began to put all the pictures I have onto it xxxx

Thanks Aeone xx


Posted By: Amanda8Beechwoo
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 10:16am

Hi there swizzmiss, welcome to the board, I'm so sorry you've had to be made to think that this is what this board is usually like because its not, its a lovely board.  I haven't done anything to this person at all, I don't know why she's targeted me.  I've been doing extensions for about 2 years now.  I have NVQ1 in hairdressing.  Therefore I can't get insurance to cut round people's faces only to install the extensions.  All my clients know this when they come to have them fitted so that is basically why my clients all look the same, they go away and have them cut after they have been installed if they want to but the majority of them love them and leave them the way they are.  I have only just started my website so curly photos will be on there I just haven't had time to load them so far.xx




Posted By: kateadreena
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 10:31am
wow amanda, so you can't cut with anNVQ1?
What can you do with an nvq1?

Posted By: Amanda8Beechwoo
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 10:36am
Not a lot chick, its assistant level really, the cutting comes on Level 2.  I was supposed to go back to college this September to do Level 2 but I've got that busy with the extensions that there's no way I can do it x


Posted By: gingerhead
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 10:45am

Amanda if I where you I would contact as I believe that they are hosting your website?  Am I right in this?  If so contact them and they could possibly offer you something where you can approve the comments before they go onto the guestbook, its an option and I believe that are suppose to be very good.


Hey everyone take a look at this I found it on the web then someone sent me an email about it!!

Posted By: mochachip
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 11:07am
Crap I had this really lovely reply that the system just ate.

it boils down to this

1) she's jealous
2) you do primarily straight installs beacuse that's what people want.
3) blending straight hair is harder than blending wavy

Posted By: leelou
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 11:25am
 Chick you do wonderfull work so dont worry about it!! ive been there when you have been doing clients extensions seen your clients after, coloured their hair with their extensions in and they have all been fab!!  this is a top compliment from moi with 20 years in the hairdressing business:- i liked your work so much i had you install my hair extensions too!! you are a diva!! i have seen hundreds of installs and yours is by far the best!! that idiot is just a narrow minded git with a personality bypass and the only thing in her life she can be proud of is being the worlds first living BRAIN DONOR!! i will endeavour to give her hell via email!!

xxx Leanne

Posted By: kateadreena
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 11:53am

Originally posted by Amanda8Beechwoo Amanda8Beechwoo wrote:

Not a lot chick, its assistant level really, the cutting comes on Level 2.  I was supposed to go back to college this September to do Level 2 but I've got that busy with the extensions that there's no way I can do it x

Ohh right, i skipped level one :P If your busy with extensions, your doing something right ;) keep at it.. Personally you and shell are my top favourite extensionists.  I love the work you both do, and i'm envious!

Posted By: Amanda8Beechwoo
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 2:09pm

Ahh thanks Kate  LOL that's supposed to be a happy tear face.

Leanne my little angel, thanks a lot chick and very happy birthday for today xx


Posted By: niftygirl
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 2:25pm

Kate, Amanda-and whoever else they are after here-you're awesome and we love you. This too shall pass.

I think he/she/they need a good nutbread recipe...I'll look for one.

Posted By: Longhairdreams
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 2:55pm
She has got to be kidding.Your work is really good.I have seen some some before and afters online that were nothing short of scary.And its pretty obvious from her comments that she has been lurking for awhile.That install where the girl wanted to look like jordan was quite some time ago.And why did she decide to pick on you and kateadreana? I sure hope she has better reason than you guys being brits.


Posted By: Amanda8Beechwoo
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 3:52pm
Its ridiculous.  It really is, it fair upset me that somebody can be so cruel.  I can't even have a guest book with proper posts on it now because of it all x


Posted By: niftygirl
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 4:19pm

Amanda, Unless you request that people email their comments and you post them on a comments page of your site after you review it. It's more of a hassel and you'd have to have a separate email but it's one way around it.

Posted By: michelitapolo
Date Posted: August 22 2005 at 7:47am
Hey, Amanda, long time no hear!! I've got a coupla things to say, well actually it's more like a book.......First of all, rise above it! You are an awesome extensionist, and I've had 6 installs now and done a lot of snooping around so I think my opinion is valid! I was a virgin when I came to you and you never forget your first time and if you didn't live so mailto:f@**!!g - f@**!!g far away I'd be in your living room every 2 months! Secondly, why do people think you are fat? To everyone reading this, Amanda is slim and toned and a reet bonny lass! Thirdly, I think I started something with the extend magic thing, unfortunately when I contacted the uk suppliers they wanted about £700 for it and I happen to know that the owners of my sister in law's salon bought it in france for less than £200.... what's the score on your door? Lastly I have had hair from all over the place, and twice now have bought AD premium £120 a weft for 18", and received 16" of what looked like lovely hair, but my head looked like a horses ass after 2 weeks....utter crap. So hard even at the beginning to make it look nice, the texture was coarse and thick, and my hair is really fine, What a bummer. I got their new black book and I see they are doing virgin, I'm happy to pay good money, but I want nice soft silky tangle free hair that moves like mine (don't we all) and I can't seem to get it. What do you think chick? Solve my problems and I'll be your slave forever lots and lots of love michele

Posted By: michelitapolo
Date Posted: August 22 2005 at 7:50am
ps, I have lost 4 stone since I saw you... I feel a goddess moment coming on!

Posted By: Amanda8Beechwoo
Date Posted: August 22 2005 at 8:08am

Oh my god chick, first of all congratulations on the weight loss, you weren't a big girl anyway, so I can't imagine there being much left of you after a huge weight loss of 4 stone, wow, you go girl, how the flipping heck did you do that, tell me your secret he he xx

Secondly thanks so much for the confidence vote I like the "virgin" comment, that made me chuckle, hair extension virgin LOL. 

About the fat comment.  I've always had the round fat, fat or thin so maybe because I've always posted head shots of my own extensions installs maybe I look like I've got a moon face LOL but hey it could be worse, I could only have one leg or no arms or something so I'll keep the "chip munk" cheeks LOL.  I think this girl just used anything she could with me and Kate, Amm never posts her full face pictures so on that instance she was probably glad she didn't.

The gentleman is offering me the extendmagic plus one tape cartridge for £499 so hollor if you want me to get you one chick.  I'm definitely getting one when I get back from hols on 7th September.

I would be happy to supply you with some bohyme if you want chick, same hair as you were installed with but they've since upped it and its even better now. 



Posted By: michelitapolo
Date Posted: August 23 2005 at 6:42am
Hiya luv..... wot you like?!!! I was the size of a house!  My secret is, give up squeezin' out the puppies, drink diet coke (bleugh!) instead of full fat and get back in the saddle, wehey!!! Darlin' girl, if you have good hair, I want it!! Same old story, 613, 22, and I'll have to check out a colour ring for the number for dirty dishwater blonde, unless you know where I'm coming from. Do you still have my email address? I can't find yours, but then my one year old is a dab hand at deleting, I have to say that I have switched to using amm's shrinkies, those little buggers are good eh? I had my horse hair in for 3 weeks and not even a smidgen of a slide.  Hope you see this soon, I am without hair and I don't want to leave the house xx

Posted By: Karen Shelton
Date Posted: August 23 2005 at 8:18am

Hi Amanda, 

So sorry to see this happening to you.  I agree with everyone who has posted about the various reasons of why someone would be so mean spirited.  In reality, you have to feel sorry for someone like this.  They must have sad little lives that they need to strike out at someone else in a guest book on the Internet?

I get attacking emails all the time from "anonymous" people who hate my AskKaren column or my hair care articles and say they could do it "so much better" or that they hate or HairTalk or our Gallery or whatever they feel like attacking at that point.  It used to hurt my feelings years ago but now I actually just feel genuinely sorry for them.  Of course when I ask them to email me a phone number where I can call them to seriously discuss their complaints...they never answer.  Which just tells me that they are cowards on top of it all.

And yes...the Internet is full of strange people.  But there are lots of great people out there as well and I receive 100x more positive and supportive emails then negative.  So it is just part of the territory.

I think that 99.99% of anyone reading the nasty posts will actually feel bad for you and realize that the posts are from some jealous, crazy, mean spirited person who needs to get a life.  :-)




That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger or drives you totally insane. :-)

Posted By: Amanda8Beechwoo
Date Posted: August 23 2005 at 8:44am
Thanks a lot for your support chick its much appreciated xx


Posted By: Karen Shelton
Date Posted: August 23 2005 at 10:48am

Originally posted by Amanda8Beechwoo Amanda8Beechwoo wrote:

Thanks a lot for your support chick its much appreciated xx

Hi Amanda,

My pleasure. 


That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger or drives you totally insane. :-)

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