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Im a newbie and need your help!

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 29 2024 at 10:31pm

Topic: Im a newbie and need your help!
Posted By: Glamourama
Subject: Im a newbie and need your help!
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 9:50am

Afternoon all! Im a newbie! I got a recommendation for this site from another site i use called handbag.

I am a long suffering hair grower - pleased to meet you all!

Here is my story in short,

I used to have have hair down to about halfway down my back. I got it cut up to just past my chin  about 3.5 years ago.

You won't beleive how little it has grown - it is JUST past my shoulders! And thats in 3.5 YEARS! It just doesn't grow at all and i really need your help guys!

I think my hair is actually quite damaged. I straighten it every day  and have lots of split ends but every time i have it trimmed it grows back to where it was before the cut, and i get split ends again so i end up having it cut - therefore going back to square one!

I use a heat protector which i apply on towel dried hair but this is only about two times per week as i dont need to wash my hair a lot.

What would you all recommend so as to start treating my hair with respect (!) and getting it to grow!

The other day i was straightening and a part of my hair went really frizzy and felt like straw! I knew then that it was so damaged and i needed some help.

Ihope you guys can help.  Thanks for listening.

Posted By: Tyranna
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 12:42pm

Sounds like your stylist is cutting off any new length you get because the straightening is damaging it. 

Forever, my hair used to be at that 'above the bra-strap' length of hair, and I was convinced that it could never get any longer.   Then I decided to stop going to professional stylists and lo and behold.  My hair in the back is now a little past my waist.  I trim it myself (there are some tutorials here on this site that can help).  Granted it might need some professional shaping at the moment, but it looks all right.

How does one straighten their hair?  Is it similar to a curling iron or something?  Maybe you should go au natural and take it easy on your mane.

And how bad or numorous are these split ends?  Contrary to what some stylists say, you do not have to automatically get two inches chopped off when the occasional split end appears.  As long as your hair does not get that dry fuzzy look on the ends, you should be okay.  My hair is thick, but fine in texture.  The wrong brush can cause split ends.   Be sure you use the correct and least damaging tools on your hair.

Try some intensive conditioning treatments on your hair and invest in a good shampoo and conditioner.  One of the best conditioning treatments I had done on dry winter fly-away hair was a heat-triggered clay treatment.

Some people have slower growing hair than others.  Do you eat a balanced diet?  If not, supplement your intake with a vitamin.  That will help the health of your hair and it might make your hair grow faster.  A co-worker of mine once took liquid collodial minerals and she told me both her hair and nails started growning faster. 

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: August 21 2005 at 5:02pm
Hi Glamourama,

I'm with Tyranna on this.  You'll have to decide what's more important - long hair, or straight hair.


Posted By: Glamourama
Date Posted: August 22 2005 at 4:52am

Thanks for your replies.

Well starting from yesterday i abandoned my straighteners! Tyranna - to straighten hair you use flat irons which cause just as much damage as curlingtongs. I use them at least once per day so thats not good! My mum cut my hair yesterday and she didnt take too much off - just the ends so i have officially began my 'i want my hair long campaign'!!!

Today i have my hair curly, which i dont like particularly much so i need some tips as to what else i can do without using my straighteners???

I had it au natural last night and its awful - really 'big' and wavy. And not nice wavy either - horrid wavy!!!

What is the best comb / brush to use?

And also, whats the best shampoo and conditioner? I used just conditioner yesterday as i heard that was meant to help growth. Is that right?



Posted By: Glamourama
Date Posted: August 23 2005 at 3:24am

I know im new but i really need your help and support in growing my hair...

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: August 23 2005 at 4:56am
Conditioner washing isn't going to make it grow but what it can do is give less damage to your hair and that lets you keep more of your hair.

What products are you using?

------------- - My Journal

Posted By: Glamourama
Date Posted: August 23 2005 at 4:59am

Thanks for your reply.

I used to use F.A.S.T shampoo and conditioner but found this really doesnt work so use Avon products. I use a gel to get my curly hair and also hairspray. Ialso use Aussie 3 minute miracle once per week which is a deep conditioner.

I have been told using gel every day is bad and wonthelp it grow. Is this true? What other styles can i do other than curly and straightening.

I want to get jojobo oil and also cammomile but dont know where to get these. Any ideas?

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: August 23 2005 at 5:06am
You can get Jojoba Oil at a whole foods or vitamin type store.

I got my Jojoba from Vitmain Shoppe. You can either shoppe their store, their web site or go to and buy it there.

I got mine through Amazon and then they put a store near me.

I like Aussie 3MM also but I change my products often so I haven't used it in awhile.

That does have a silicone / cone in it so watch out for buildup. I don't think it would stop your growth. Might dry out the hair though and then need more trims. Just guessing.

Some people use Aloe Vera gel. But I don't know where to get that.

are you using a can spray or the pump spray for your hair spray?

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: August 23 2005 at 5:10am
I meant the gel won't stop your growth

Posted By: Glamourama
Date Posted: August 23 2005 at 5:13am

Hey - i looked on Amazon and its $18.

I am not sure which cammomile oil to get though.

I think i will look in Crabtree and Evelyn store first as it seems a bit pricey on Amazon.

My hairspray is a can spray. Does it make a difference whether i use a can or pump spray then?

What can i use to get rid of buildup?

Im sorry for all the quesitons. Im just trying to find the best way to care for my hair so it can grow healthy and long, and quickly!

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: August 23 2005 at 5:46am
don't be sorry, the more you ask and the more you share the easier things get.

Just make sure you get a bottle that only has jojoba oil in it and nothing else. Unless you want to try some other kind of oil. Not everyone likes Jojoba.

I'm not sure if there is a difference in sprays. The main thing is if you use things like that you need to clarify once in awhile to give yourself a fresh clean slate.
Kinda like scraping the house and then painting again.

Some people like to take a tiny bit of baking soda and lix it in with the glob of shampoo in your palm, or glob of conditioner and then wash with that.

Others use vinegar rinses. This is where you take a small amount of vinegar such as 1/4 cup and mix it with a bunch of water like 3/4 cup - 2 cups. Then just pour it on while you're in the shower.
It's up to you whether you use white or apple cider vinegar. ACV smells better to some.

Another option is to get a shampoo that says clarifying and then only use that like one or two times per month.

I guess the best thing is to try to simplify your routine. You don't have to give everything up. If you keep an eye out for split ends and snip them off when you find them you'll be able to keep your hair in better condition.

There's no such thing as the best shampoo or conditioner. Your hair might like one that's $1 and it might like one thats $20 and it might like both. You just have to try them.

I wish I had more advice with the curls. My hair has waves but it's still kinda straightish. But stick around with us and we'll get you on track. It might not happen overnight but it can happen. I've been around sites like these for 5 years so I've seen lots of progress and goals reached.

Read through this board. At least like the last 10 pages. There's lots of good threads replied to recently and you can learn most of what you need to know. I mean 10 pages of the long hair support board.

I need to get to bed now but keep us updated please. I visit here a lot so I'll see your post eventually.

Posted By: Tyranna
Date Posted: August 23 2005 at 2:24pm

Nothing wrong with big and wavy hair.  And the longer your hair gets, the less curl it will have because the length will weigh it down.

But if you want to manage the curl factor right now, I really don't think cool blow-drying would be too damaging to it with a little mousse as a styling aid.  I tend to blow-dry style my bangs (lol, or else I would look goofy).  And you can also start playing around with up-dos, braiding and pony-tails as well to manage your hair volume.

You can use tools to style your hair - even heated ones.  But one a daily basis they can damage, as you found out.  And sometimes there are alternatives.  I once found a set of steam rollers which were less damaging than the hot electric ones. 

Your comb and brush type probably depend upon your hair type.  And some people can get away with finger combing even.  I have thick fine hair and if all I did was finger-comb - it would be nothing but one giant rat's nest - lol.  Comb it loosely (or none at all if you can get away with it) while wet.

I prefer soft-plastic tipped brushes over the thick bristel ones.  Sometimes it is hard to find a soft enough brush because a lot of plastic brushes are quite stiff.

I like Biolage hydrating shampoo and conditioner.  Not sure what can make hair grow faster except maybe specific vitamins or something.  But check out the shampoos/conditioners at a local salon.  Sadly, the more costly salon products really are better than the cheaper store-bought ones.

Posted By: Glamourama
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 3:45am

Thanks for your replies - you are really helping me with trying to grow my hair healthily!

I have decided to buy the coconut oil as its only 99p and the jojobo oil is over £10. Iv heard they do pretty much the same job so hopefully the coconut oil will work well!

I am also going to look for a decent comb and a claryfying shampoo. I also need to find a decent shampoo and conditioner to use with every wash!

PurpleBubba - i have never heard of the vinegar rinse before! Do you put actual vinegar that you use for food on your hair?! Whats this meant to do?!

I havent used my straighteners for 4 days now - that is a record for me! I want to use them saturday night as im going out and my hair does look better straight. Do you think using them once per week with heat protection spray will be ok?! Its certainly better than using them every day i guess...

I have spent ages looking through - i have read every page on this long hair support forum! But i thought i'd post my own post to get some support and to get to know you all as you all seem nice!


Posted By: Glamourama
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 3:46am
P.S. Where are you guys cos it says im posting at 3:45am! It's 9:45am where i am!!!

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 3:50am
Go to your settings at the top and make sure you have your time set right.

It's currently about 5 am here

Posted By: Glamourama
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 3:55am
5am? Are you in America? Im in the UK

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 3:56am
You take about 1/4 cup of vinegar,
either apple cider or white, yes the grocery store kind.
then get like 3/4 to 2 cups of water. Mix them in a cup or pitcher or maybe an empty product bottle.

Then at some point during your shower, it's up to you when because everyone does it different. Pour it on your hair.
I prefer to do mine at the end before the last rinse.

It does 2 things

It removes some build up, might not get some harder to get build ups.
It helps close and smooth down the outer cuticle layer of the hair.

Cool or cold water also closes and smooths the cuticle.

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 3:57am
Yes, in Michigan

Posted By: Glamourama
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 3:58am

Thanks for that vinegar recipe. I will try that - maybe tonight.

Im sorry - i didnt realise this was an American site - just assumed it was a British site! haha

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 4:00am
Well it's founder is American, but we have members from all over the world. :)

Posted By: Amazing Grace
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 8:03am
Originally posted by PurpleBubba PurpleBubba wrote:

Some people like to take a tiny bit of baking soda and mix it in with the glob of shampoo in your palm, or glob of conditioner and then wash with that.

Is this to clarify hair? Or does the baking soda have some other purpose? And would you do this with every wash?

I live with hard water, so the minerals build up pretty quick.

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 8:09am
baking soda is for clarifying and I would recommend Not doing this more than 2 times per month.

It can dry out your hair if you use too much or too often.

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