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Let’s give ourselves a compliment

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 29 2024 at 10:30pm

Topic: Let’s give ourselves a compliment
Posted By: PurpleBubba
Subject: Let’s give ourselves a compliment
Date Posted: August 22 2005 at 4:08pm
I know a lot of us are having problems with shedding, cuts, bad colors, etc.

But take a moment and go look in a mirror or look at your hair and find something positive. It doesn't matter what.

And say "I like _________ about my hair"

If you're having trouble try pretending it's someone else's hair and what you would say to them.

What did you say?

Right now my hair is clean, feels smooth, and it's not tangly when I run my fingers through.

------------- - My Journal

Posted By: dolcecasa
Date Posted: August 22 2005 at 7:50pm
I like the fact that my silver hairs look like
highlights amongst my strawberry blonde hair! Plus
its thick and healthy.(but sadly short,,,im growing it) Being patient as possible.


Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: August 22 2005 at 10:32pm

Hey PB, thanks for starting this thread  Everyone is their own worst critic most of the time. There are so many topics that have been updated since I last logged in.

I like... the fact that my hair is a heavy duty badarse mofo that doesn't get splits. Edited to add: that's not entirely true. I get 'em, but I don't find many because I make it a point not to look. Bwhahaha  

Hugs to go around


-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

Posted By: yeahyeahyeah
Date Posted: August 22 2005 at 11:55pm
I like the fact that my hair is easy to do things with; it likes to listen.  I also like that my hair isn't overly thick.  I think its just the perfect texture!


Posted By: Vicky
Date Posted: August 23 2005 at 4:44am
I like the fact that my hair is growing 

Posted By: Amazing Grace
Date Posted: August 23 2005 at 5:48am
I like the gray streak that is on my right side. It adds interest to my hair and my gray hair sparkles in the light. I also like the fact that even though my hair overall looks brown, there are lots of individual auburn and gold hairs.

Posted By: Katja
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 2:54pm

Great thread PB

My hair is super resilient.  All the chemicals and heat I put into it two years ago should've ruined it to the point where I had to cut it short, but that didn't happen.  It was severely damaged, of course, but it's making a beautiful and speedy recovery.  No matter what I do to it, it always seems to bounce back.

"If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative."
-Woody Allen

Posted By: Kalika
Date Posted: August 25 2005 at 2:02am
I like the fact that my natural hair is very soft and silky

Posted By: laststar
Date Posted: August 26 2005 at 6:40am
My hair is nice and straight with many natural highlights,  (I don't know if that is a good thing though).

Posted By: Sugarloaf
Date Posted: August 28 2005 at 12:31pm
My hair is lovely because it is growing its own highlights in long stripes of silver.  Gorgeous.  Unique.  Eye-catching.  MINE!!

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: August 28 2005 at 8:16pm
I like the natural color, and how it appears to change depending on the lighting.  I also like that it's looong.   And that it is in fairly good condition, too.


Posted By: KellyH
Date Posted: August 28 2005 at 8:29pm
I like that my hair is soft, shiny and glistens.....despite coloring once a month.

Posted By: buckiefairy
Date Posted: August 29 2005 at 1:45pm
I'm loving my hair just now because today it looks and feels smooooth shiney soft and healthy and it feels long I also love my boyfriend touching it: makes me feel sexy! Argh and my hamster has just decided to climb up it, that can't be good for it!!!

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

Posted By: sporty_chick
Date Posted: August 30 2005 at 4:22pm
I luv my jet black-thick-layered-shiney-straight-shoulder length hair!!!

Great thread PB, i'll come here when i feel that my hair sucks. 

Much Luv
Your Canadian Buddy :)

Posted By: Delenn
Date Posted: August 31 2005 at 8:20am

I love that I get compliments on my hair from total strangers, that has to be the best pick-me-up.  Now I make sure to compliment other people when I see beautiful hair.  

Posted By: glorya_cam
Date Posted: August 31 2005 at 10:06pm
my hair is growing, too!!! i like it bcoz it's sexy black and soft and finally responding to my CO-ing and growing, growing, growing...and did i mention it's sexy deep midnight black???

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