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boy with long hair

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 29 2024 at 8:27pm

Topic: boy with long hair
Posted By: mollyhair
Subject: boy with long hair
Date Posted: August 25 2005 at 12:32pm
I am 14 and I have long straight brown hair past my knees. I started growing my hair 7 years ago. My mom likes it long but says I can cut it if I want to but she would be disappointed. I like it long but some say makes me look like a girl-and call me a sissy. I like it long but should I cut it? Any other boys out there like me? Any similar moms out there with ideas?

Posted By: buckiefairy
Date Posted: August 25 2005 at 1:11pm

Do you like it? It doesn't really matter what other people say. People may judge you by your hair, but if you have a smile aswell, people will think what a nice, happy person and it will make your hair seem all the better. Just think how unique and special you are. Loads of people would be so jealous. I dont know why long hair is associated with women, it doesn't make sence. Do what makes you feel happy and dont let others decide for you.


Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: August 25 2005 at 5:40pm
Wear the hair that You want.

I'm almost 30 and couldn't have long hair when I was under 18. I was so frustrated by not having a choice that after I turned 18 I went to get a short haircut by myself and asked for what I wanted. I got it cut to about 3 inches long. It was short but not a buzzcut. I have been growing my hair ever since then except for a few times when I got a lot of trims and didn't let it get longer. My hair is currently touching the top of my pants. I plan to grow it longer.

The moderator DaveDecker has hair about your length. I've seen several other men posting their pictures of really long hair. There's nothing wrong with that. The people that don't like it and think it's strange are the ones who are wrong.

------------- - My Journal

Posted By: laststar
Date Posted: August 26 2005 at 6:34am
If you like it, keep it long if you cut it you will regret it.  Dont't be like everyone else.

Posted By: Kalika
Date Posted: August 26 2005 at 9:07am

kids will tease you if you have long hair, short hair, if your white/black/asian/spanish/eskimo/a spaghetti monster, kids in genral suck.

*Im a ray of sunshine today huh? *

I think your hair sounds beautiful and exotic, and thats something most kids your age cant appreicate.  If you want to cut your hair then do it, but only do it if YOU really want to.  Otherwise I think you should go against the grain and wear it as long as  you like.

Oh, and I know your young now, but when you get older.... well.... girls will think its really hot  

Posted By: ChelseaB
Date Posted: August 26 2005 at 11:07am
Hey Mollyhair, I am 15 and a Sophomore in high school this year. Your 14 so are you going to be a Freshmen?You will get teased and called names. Your long hair will make it much much harder for you in high school then it already is for everybody. I am not telling you to cut it, I am just being realistic. I could tell you not to cut it and to not listen to what those idiots say. But this is the real world, you will hear what they say. But again it is up to you, I was just being honest. Maybe you are tougher then me and most of the teenage population. I am not saying that cutting is the right thing to do at all. Hope this little bit o' honesty helps!

Hair Type: 1a/1b-N-ii

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: August 26 2005 at 1:55pm
I agree with what Kalika said.

No matter what you do, if you are someone they want to tease they will find something to tease you about. If you cut your hair they'll pick on your shoes. If you change your shoes they'll pick on your book bag, if you change your bag they'll ...........  I hope you get the idea.

So the question is are you going to change yourself for them when you don't want to or are you going to change yourself for yourself when You want to? Or are you happy with the way you are and you're going to stay as is?

Do it for you. Whatever it is. It's yours not theirs.

If you are getting teased then find some of the other kids that get teased and be friends with them. Being teased can give you a lonely feeling. So find the other kids and be alone together.

Posted By: Vicky
Date Posted: August 26 2005 at 2:54pm
You could have your hair in loads of cool ways, like they have in japanise/ chinese samuraj movies. You could look way cooler than normal boys your age. And I agree with Kalika and PB, kids will find some way to tease you, even without the hair.
But if you have confidence in your self you can only turn it to your advantage

Posted By: Delenn
Date Posted: August 27 2005 at 6:26am
I have to agree with the others.  If you like your hair then I think you should keep it, being teased for whatever reason is unavoidable really.  And I'm willing to wager there's people around you who appreciate your hair, sometimes it's just hard to hear them over the jerks. 

Posted By: laststar
Date Posted: August 27 2005 at 9:53am
I agree with everyone else if you like it keep it,  don't worry about everyone else.     Plus 7 years of growing is a long time,  and you are already at knee length.  Aren't  you curious to know if you can get it to the floor that would be stunning,  and you are almost there,  I would go for it.  My hair is 1/3 down my back and I am aiming for waist,  but I think then I may go to the floor.  I think that it looks amazing I have seen it on other people before.

Posted By: Jared
Date Posted: August 29 2005 at 4:27pm
Hey ChelseaB how short did you get your haircut? I thought it would have been different since you are a girl.

Posted By: Sasumi
Date Posted: August 31 2005 at 9:10pm
Oh, don't cut it. I personally find myself attracted to guys with long hair... 

Posted By: youngermom
Date Posted: September 01 2005 at 4:18pm
WOW Molly, down to your knees, that is just GREAT! I am so impressed. I think that if you really like it that long, & are willing to put up with the teasing & the upkeep, then definetly keep it long. I don't know about growing it any longer thou; it seems to me that any more length might get to be a hassle. A few years ago I posted to this board about my son's hair. When he was ten he had beautiful blond waves down to his waist. I didn't want it cut, but I let him decide on his 10th B day. It took some convincing, but he decided to keep it growing. The teasing wasn't to bad, because he went to a private school, although strangers just always thought he was a cute girl. Right before he started 7th grade I got a new job. We had to move, & he had to attend a public school. It's tough being the new kid, but when your small, cute, & with hair down to your bottom it's really hard. For the first week or so all the kids thought he was a girl. He tried to deal with it, but it was just to much, so on his 10th B day we donated 18 inches to the Locks of Love. It was really neat because he got his picture in the paper along with a nice interview. He was very brave all thru the pictures and cut, but when we got to the car he broke down & cried all the way home. That was last Nov. & since then he has grown it down to mid back, & has no plans on cutting. What I'm trying to say is that if you cut it you will be sorry. I know Robbie is. I we hadn't cut it we would be approaching your length, although I really loved his length right before it was cut. Anyway best of luck & keep us posted.


Posted By: youngermom
Date Posted: September 01 2005 at 5:28pm
Sorry about the silly typo. Robbie got his hair cut on his 12th B day, not his 10th.


Posted By: laststar
Date Posted: September 02 2005 at 11:25am
I agree with youngermom,  you may not be happy if you cut it.  It takes so long to grow and it sounds like yours it quite long.  I had mine long several years ago and cut it short and I regreted it. Think about it.

Posted By: ChelseaB
Date Posted: September 03 2005 at 10:30pm

Hi Jared, II am not sure what you are talking about... the shortest my hair has ever been is a little above my shoulders and is currently about 4 inches past my shoulders now...are you trying to be sarcastic? If you think I was being mean to Mollyhair, that wasn't my intent. I was just being realistic. I don't think that he should get his hair cut at all. Just dont want him to have a  false sense of security for when school and reality starts. And yes...I am a Please clarify what you are getting at.

Hair Type: 1a/1b-N-ii

Posted By: BrooKiki
Date Posted: September 04 2005 at 1:06am
Originally posted by ChelseaB ChelseaB wrote:

Hi Jared, II am not sure what you are talking about... the shortest my hair has ever been is a little above my shoulders and is currently about 4 inches past my shoulders now...are you trying to be sarcastic? If you think I was being mean to Mollyhair, that wasn't my intent. I was just being realistic. I don't think that he should get his hair cut at all. Just dont want him to have a  false sense of security for when school and reality starts. And yes...I am a Please clarify what you are getting at.

I agree with Chelsea...and with everyone else.  I think that if Molly leaves his hair as is, he's going to be known as "the guy with long hair."  Now, depending on his personality, it could be said in a good way, a bad way, or a neutral way.  It's really impossible for anyone here to say either "Cut it" or "Don't cut it."  High school can be a really difficult time, but it can also be a fun time.  So the question is how comfortable is he with his hair?  How much of his identity is his hair?  Is having the long hair worth enduring nasty comments from insecure people (because that's the kind of person that's going to single someone out like that)?  Or is it worth sacrificing seven years of growth to try to blend in a little?  And even if you do chop the hair off, that's no guarantee you won't get teased.  Frankly, there are people that could shave their head, wear it sweeping the floor, or go to class stark naked or in the most hideous outfit known to man and not get teased.  And there are some people who can do everything in their power to blend in and still be hounded mercilessly.  I have no idea why. 

Also, what's the current situation?  Are you being harassed over your hair now or are you just nervous about starting a new school?  I honestly don't foresee things changing that much.  If no one is really bugging you about it now, they probably won't in high school either. 

Oh, and one pro for keeping your hair: you're almost a shoo-in for "Best Hair" when your class votes for senior superlatives! 

Posted By: peteboone
Date Posted: September 04 2005 at 7:20am
Mollyhair, good luck with the decision making. Having done research for
our documentary, we've found that in long haired guys of 21+, 13-14 is
when they make the decision NOT to cut (ever!). And it does pull in the
girls (if you pardon the expression!). Like everyone has said, it's your
choice, and we'll all be interested to see what happens, and what school
pressures you might survive. If you make it through, maybe you might
like to appear in our doco series... or, it sounds like you might even set a
few records (Dave, eat your heart out!) Here's a little titbit from our series
that actually might inspire Mollyhair....
"A Russian boy, Bruce Khlebnikov is known as the world's strongest boy.
He has broken many records in Russia and around the world, including, in
2002, pulling a train by his long hair. Bruce also holds the record for
having the longest ponytail of any teenage boy; now sixteen, Bruce's
ponytail descends to his knees and has been growing since he was seven
years old. "I don't like haircuts," he says in an understatement. Bruce has
been training with weights since he was very young...." Good luck. We'll
keep our fingers crossed!

Posted By: youngermom
Date Posted: September 04 2005 at 8:04am
Molly, Thanks for the message. I'm not really a computer person, so I don't know how to do that yet. I'm really glad that you are going to keep your hair. You won't be sorry. What kind of shape is it in? When my son's hair got below his waist we had problems with split ends. How do you deal with that? Also I just found all my old posts; they were moved to the hair politics section. I had no idea they kept them so long. My son tends to wear the unisex styles. It seems to compliment his hair, if you know what I mean. Good Luck, & keep us posted.


Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: September 05 2005 at 11:52am
Chelsea, perhaps Jared misunderstood you.  We can't know for certain until (or unless) he responds to your query.  FWIW I don't believe in sugar-coating the reality, although I suspect he already has a clue to what it is.

When I was 13-14, I had longish hair (about shoulder-length) and received criticism on it from other guys at school.  I didn't care and it didn't bother me.  I was content to let it grow, but parents and sports coaches had other things in mind for it.   Anyway, only the individual can decide if the "costs" are worth the "benefits."


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