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Questions to Master Dave

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 29 2024 at 6:29pm

Topic: Questions to Master Dave
Posted By: shreddy
Subject: Questions to Master Dave
Date Posted: August 26 2005 at 11:35pm

hello everybody ,

i have a question to dave , i saw the picture right now , and it looks like absolutely how the real long hairs should be.i m sure that a lot of members here will be glad to see your answers as me.

i have to present my self , i am a musician , metal guitarist , and longs hair are important for me (guess why lol) . i loss between 50-60 hair daily , its too much for me. i have my hair long a little closer to the middle of my back , the ya are a litte curly also. 

also i look further to purchase THE BALD THRUTH , it have a lot of answers to my pquestions i think

before dave , i ve tought that 's the longest one are , the hairs of herman li , a guitarist from the band DRAGONFORCE. -    by the way , go check this out , great band , great music , great hairs lol

so , my questions are pretty simple , here it is:

can i have a listing of all products you use for your hair (nutrition supplement , or external applications , oils , or special shampoo etc...) and what effect every pills or tablet have.

i have used before , pills , (phytophanére , nutricap  , and right now Anacaps from ducray , and also Anastim) i m not sure of the results of those. are you still using propecia? if not why have you stoped it

do you think that any of those have bad effect on hair loss and quality: sleeping too late , sexual activities , dont practice sports.

and for the last one  , its about the normal daily nutrition of Dave , do you follow a special nutrition programm , or its random and you dont mind of it?

so i hope that my questions are not so ''heavy'' for ya , i really look forward to follow your path and have same hair , you inspired me so much man , im always interested in breaking bounderies on playing as fast the guitar as fast as my muscles can , or writing the best music . and now having awesome hair , are a huge challenge to take and i love long hair for life....

THANKS DAVE for the huge inspiration

take care , and good wishes from canada , montreal.  

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: August 28 2005 at 8:49pm
Hello Shreddy,

Glad to be a source of inspiration for you.

I try to eat a well-balanced diet.  (try ).  Supplement daily with a one-a-day multi vitamin/mineral tablet, a vitamin/mineral/herb tablet formulated specially for hair, a horsetail herb tablet, a zinc tablet, a green tee capsule, a saw palmetto tablet, and yes, propecia.  Occasionally a biotin tablet and calcium tablet.  I use alcohol and caffeine in very moderate amounts.  No smoking.  Exercise twice a week.  Get enough sleep.  In general, take good care of yourself, and don't abuse yourself.

I hope this helps you.


Posted By: glorya_cam
Date Posted: August 31 2005 at 10:18pm

wwwowww... you deserve all the credit, dave...i have never yet seen a guy who would do that much to take care of himself...let alone his hair...i had this dislike for long-haired guys, because the longer they had them, the worse their hygiene...ugh talk about rockstar wannabes with unkempt, unwashed, un..whatever.. hairs!!!!

way to go!!!!

(actually, the best things you said were - no smoking, and alcohol and caffeine in moderation)

never liked guys whose long, ewww, locks smelled of smoke...



Posted By: shreddy
Date Posted: September 02 2005 at 11:34pm

oh coool , but propecia can be taken for life? or long term?



see ya


Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: September 05 2005 at 11:25am
Thanks Glorya!  Phillipine women have thick and lustrous hair... which looks lovely, even moreso when it's long.   Tell us about your hair?

Yes shreddy - I've been taking it for 7 years without adverse effect.

Posted By: glorya_cam
Date Posted: November 04 2005 at 4:54am
sorry, been out for a're right about our hairtype...unfortunately, i'm one of those few who weren't blessed with the thick an lustrous locks...that's why am working hard at it. my hair is just below the shoulders, slightly wavy with short curly unruly strands sticking out, especially during humid weather... well, that's the reason i found this board..i was researching about hair... am glad i found it coz i'm learning a, guys, are super...

and, thanks for the compliment on Filipino women's sure every Filipina would be flattered to know that you think our hair is great...

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: November 13 2005 at 6:44pm
Hey Glorya,

Have you found some techniques and products that have helped you with some of your hair concerns?

Posted By: glorya_cam
Date Posted: November 17 2005 at 10:09pm

still experimenting with products and processes...lots of help from anais...

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: November 21 2005 at 7:21pm
Originally posted by glorya_cam glorya_cam wrote:

still experimenting with products and processes...lots of help from anais...

  Yay for you and Anais! 


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