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Hi, anyone who can help me?

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Topic: Hi, anyone who can help me?
Posted By: romsky
Subject: Hi, anyone who can help me?
Date Posted: September 02 2005 at 7:22am
Hi there, i know it might sound weird but anyone out there who could possibly help me to improve my english? Can we talk? Thank you.

Posted By: Debbie
Date Posted: September 02 2005 at 7:55am

Hi Romsky and welcome!  If we were talking face to face you would have to keep going "what?"  "Huh"---I talk fast!  Growing up with 4 brothers and 1 sister I had to if I wanted to get my 2 cents worth in! LOL!
Your english seems fine to me.  You just need to post more and, if you feel it needs improving, it will in time!  In the meantime -even though I donot own the Forums- (Karen does!)  post away!  Have a nice day---eveing---what is the time difference in the Phillipines compared to ours anyway.  Now see---you know one that I have no clue about! LOL

There is more to life than hair...Come on---Go get a life!!!!!!!

Posted By: romsky
Date Posted: September 02 2005 at 7:15pm
Originally posted by Debbie Debbie wrote:

Hi Romsky and welcome!  If we were talking face to face you would have to keep going "what?"  "Huh"---I talk fast!  Growing up with 4 brothers and 1 sister I had to if I wanted to get my 2 cents worth in! LOL!
Your english seems fine to me.  You just need to post more and, if you feel it needs improving, it will in time!  In the meantime -even though I donot own the Forums- (Karen does!)  post away!  Have a nice day---eveing---what is the time difference in the Phillipines compared to ours anyway.  Now see---you know one that I have no clue about! LOL


Thank you Debbie. Time difference? I believe, about 12 hours? not sure.  I'm on the other side of the planet and you're on the other side, so it must be 18 hours?  Anyway, yeah I think it's one way of gaining some confidence to speak english. by the way, if you think that there's something wrong with my grammar, can you correct it for me please? It would be highly appreciated.  You know, I don't have enough courage or should I say confidence to speak in english that is why I can't practice it. well, hopefully i'll be able to improve my english. keep in touch. thank you. 

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: September 04 2005 at 1:48pm
Hi romsky!  Hi Debbie!

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: Debbie
Date Posted: September 04 2005 at 3:11pm
Hi Susan!

There is more to life than hair...Come on---Go get a life!!!!!!!

Posted By: romsky
Date Posted: September 04 2005 at 8:03pm
Hi there Susan.

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: September 07 2005 at 6:50am
So what topic would you like to discuss here to work on your english?

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: romsky
Date Posted: September 07 2005 at 9:02am

Are you from west or east? Can you pls tell me some american culture?  by the way, what do you do for a living Susan? kids? (if you don't mind me askin) Thanks.

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: September 08 2005 at 7:00am
Thanks for the compliment on my hair, yes, I'm trying to grow it long (that was from a pm).  I will tell you that I currently live east of the Mississippi river.  I do not have any kids.  How about you? 

I LOVE to talk culture!  You must also share with us your culture from the Philippines.  Have you ever met any americans in person?  Its hard for me to say what we look like to other cultures, but I've asked a few non-americans this question.  Some describe us as noisy, we laugh a lot loudly, and we can be aggressive.  (That's not everyone of course, I'm pretty quiet and gentle as many of us also are - quiet, gentle people.)  I said that because when I've asked europeans or russians their impression of us, overall they say we appear loud and like we laugh a lot...but some feel that makes us look fun.  My fiance (who is French) finds us kind of aggressive (physically) compared to French people, but not necessarily in a bad way. 

If anyone disagrees or has anything to share, please comment!

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: romsky
Date Posted: September 08 2005 at 8:15am

Don't have kids too.

I love to talk culture too. Never met any americans... and, I used to chat with americans but not meeting them personally. I agree with you Susan you're kinda aggressive (but as you've said, not everyone) -- that's your culture I guess. Sometimes also you tend to be more liberated. (sorry, it is my opinion) here in our country, well we're kinda conservative. We don't want being watch in the public, you know kissin and stuff. For us it's a big deal which I believe need to be changed! Hey, we're not in the stone age afterall. anyway, what i like 'bout you guys is that you are really friendly people, you trust people easily (is that correct?). Wait, is all my grammar correct? till then.   

Posted By: romsky
Date Posted: September 08 2005 at 8:16am
Hey Debbie, we haven't heard from ya. What's up?

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: September 09 2005 at 6:50am
I would say most people try to be friendly, there are a few who do not care if they are friendly or not.  Many people do try to give the appearance of trusting people easily, and many actually do trust people easily.  For some, they want to appear to trust people easily so that they do not make others think they are unfriendly or rude, but many are very careful about who they really trust, and it takes awhile to earn trust from strangers.  If you come from a place where crime is worse, you tend to be more careful.  Are people not as trusting of  strangers in the Philippines?

So you aren't allowed to kiss in public, how about holding hands?  What are your culture's reasons for being conservative?  Religious reasons?  Personally I don't think kissing in public is all that great, its not something interesting to look at, but it doesn't bother me to see it either.  I guess it would seem more important if it were forbidden. 

I have never been to Asia.  I know a few people from China and a few from South Korea, but you are the first person from the Philippines I have "met".

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: romsky
Date Posted: September 15 2005 at 9:13am

I agree with you. people try to give that appearance. about holding hands, it's so much allowed. we don't think that there's something wrong with that of course. philippines is, i would say religious country that is why we're kinda conservative. that contributes a lot. 

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