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Let me introduce myself

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 29 2024 at 8:29pm

Topic: Let me introduce myself
Posted By: missrini
Subject: Let me introduce myself
Date Posted: October 04 2005 at 12:07am

Hello everyone. My name is Rini and I'm new to this board (but am a bit of a board veteran in general!). I've been posting over at another long hair board, but found it a bit strange.  I'm just looking for support and friendship and hopefully lots of GREAT ideas!

I used to have long red naturally curly (3A) hair, but cut it due to postpartum hair loss (3 babies in 2 years will do that to you!). I'm now considering growing it long again as my hair is no longer shedding (well, not like it was) and I have been able to give up chemically dying my hair (thanks to Henna).  I also use a sulphate free natural shampoo and conditioner (although I rarely shampoo), no styling products and don't use any heat on my hair.  I'm really hoping that this time I can get nice long healthy hair to enjoy :)

Currently, my hair is just shoulder length, but it seems to be growing quite fast.  I get a little bored with it, so I'll be looking for some upstyles from all you knowledgeable ppl.  Of course I'll have to adapt them for my length  

Anyway, just wanted to say "G'day" and I'm looking forward to trawling through the posts for some inspiration!

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: October 04 2005 at 1:32am

Well G'day to you too Rini! It's great to have you join us and I hope we can help you out somewhere. Your hair sounds fabulous. Hennaed curls are something I can only admire from afar, but they are so pretty

Welcome to our new veteran.


-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

Posted By: MrsMNK
Date Posted: October 04 2005 at 3:53am
 welcome rini! nice to know there is another red head  when i used henna on my hair before, i came to wash it out and my hair was sooooo knotty does this do the same for u??

Posted By: missrini
Date Posted: October 04 2005 at 5:11am

Well thank you girls! Anais, I checked out your site and spent way too long reading all your info (managed to burn the meal I was cooking!)...well done on all that work you've put in

MrsMNK, have you used Body Art Quality Henna before? It is quite different from the usual Henna you buy pre-mixed.  Much better dye release and AWESOME conditioning. I mix the pure powder with yoghurt and I get amazing colour and conditioning. It totally transformed my hair.  It's been my best discovery in recent years. I'm a regular on the hennaforhair forum, check it out if you want more info on Henna.

Posted By: MrsMNK
Date Posted: October 04 2005 at 6:56am
yes ive tried it twice and it didnt do anything to my hair but make it knotty, when i bought my powder i mixed it with water if i remember rightly. maybe ill try it with yoghurt! lol

Posted By: Bob S
Date Posted: October 04 2005 at 10:43am

Missrini, I think I got flogged on the "Short Hair" board for telling you how stellar I thought your long hair was. (lol) You'll have that! Anyway, I'm *very* happy to see you here, and thrilled you are growing it back. LOVE the red! (lol)

You are one of those women who could look great in any style, but those looong curls are simply tantalizing. Welcome, Bob

Posted By: gmoney
Date Posted: October 05 2005 at 9:21am
Hi Rini,

Nice to see a fellow Aussie here and just wanted to say hello and let you know that if you want to speak to a long haired lover from Australia at any time, that I'd be more than happy to help...and I am great at giving girls encouragement when growing their hair long.

I wish you all the best with your hair growing adventures.


Posted By: redhairedgirl
Date Posted: October 05 2005 at 10:35am

Hi Rini, I remember catching you one the Short Hair thread. Anyway I'm really pleased you're "growing-out". I'm another redhead who went short and then grew long it long again, so good luck and have fun.



Posted By: missrini
Date Posted: October 05 2005 at 8:43pm

Yay! Hi everyone :)  Such a lovely welcome!!!  And people that I actually "know" too.  Hi Bob and Sarah (yes....that WAS me when I cut my hair....and it turned out OK too, I'm just so happy that it's thickening up and looking healthy now, perfect for growing).  Redhaired girl, how long is your hair now?  I remember that you weren't too happy when you cut it.

John, where in Australia are you? I'm in Adelaide. Do you have long hair or just an admirer?  Anyway, thanks for the welcome and I'm really looking forward to the support that this forum evidently provides

Posted By: gmoney
Date Posted: October 06 2005 at 1:46am
Hi again Rini,

I'm in central Victoria, my sister used to be in Adelaide but has moved up to the Barossa now.  As for me, I can only wish I had long hair...nature hasn't been kind to me in the hair department, so all I can do is admire long hair on girls and offer all the encouragement and support I can to them.


Posted By: redhairedgirl
Date Posted: October 06 2005 at 2:43am

Hi Rini

My hair is shoulder length now...just . It's taken an age to get it this long, I'm just going to let it carry on growing and get it trimmed twice a year from now on. I hated short hair on me

Your hair looks so good whether it's long or short, good luck with the "grow-out"



Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 7:38pm
G'day Rini, and welcome to the Long Hair Forum!   

Your hair is very pretty (love the color and texture), and I'm sure it'll look great as it grows longer.


Posted By: missrini
Date Posted: October 14 2005 at 6:03am
Aww...thanks everyone for the LOVELY welcome   I'm already spending way too much time here! hehe


25 inches as at 1st Nov 06

Posted By: gmoney
Date Posted: October 14 2005 at 9:27am
Your hair is lovely Rini and it will look awesome once it grows out :)

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