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Avoiding the thin ends

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 29 2024 at 8:30pm

Topic: Avoiding the thin ends
Posted By: LisaSue
Subject: Avoiding the thin ends
Date Posted: October 08 2005 at 11:56am
I recently had several inches cut from my hair, and it looks great now.  However, the reason for the haircut is that the ends were really thin and just didn't look good.  I want to avoid the thin ends in the future, so can anyone tell me what I can do besides using a good conditioner and being careful with curling irons and blowdryers?

Posted By: LadyFrog
Date Posted: October 08 2005 at 1:25pm
Ummm. nope. I don't really know what you could do except I know my ends used to be really thin but they thickened up once I started using a seperate conditioner instead of 2 in 1 and combed my hair more carefully. Maybe if you do S&D that would help. Sorry I couldn't be of any help.

Posted By: Katja
Date Posted: October 08 2005 at 1:48pm
Well... as hair gets longer, the strands are naturally designed to taper off towards the end.  How long was your hair before you cut it?  If the ends were really that thin and really didn't look good, consider what LadyFrog said about conditioners.  I use three (and sometimes four or five... though not all at once of course) conditioners to help thicken my ends because they're getting thinner and more fragile by the day.  I say let your hair grow back to where it was (if that's what you want, that is ) and see if it looks any better than it did before you cut it.

"If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative."
-Woody Allen

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: October 08 2005 at 2:03pm

You could try sock curling the ends to make them feel fuller. That's what I do to prevent the thin-ends feeling.


-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

Posted By: LisaSue
Date Posted: October 08 2005 at 5:30pm
I use Aveda shampoo and conditioner, and I do try to comb carefully through it.  Katja, my hair was right at my waist, and now when it's wet, it's about bra level, but when dry it's a good 3 inches shorter.  Anais, what is sock curling?  It probably is how it sounds, but how do you keep the sock in?

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: October 08 2005 at 5:45pm

The socks are tied in a knot. - Here is where you can look at visual instructions .



-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

Posted By: LadyFrog
Date Posted: October 09 2005 at 11:50am
Dear LisaSue, Maybe you're just one of those peoplewho's hair won't grow much longer than a particular length without getting wispy. I remember Dave said that his ends were about as thick as a pencil or something and he probably takes AWESOME care of his hair-maybe your hair won't grow very thickly past a certain point. I hope I'm wrong and you will be able to carry on growing like a WEED (who's sig is that???Oh yeah it's  Katjas. Nice one.)

My hair probably won't grow any more-it's been about waist length for a few years.  Maybe your hair  is similar.

Sorry to be a voice of doom and gloom.

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: October 10 2005 at 7:31am
I think the importance of trimming should be considered.  If you trim off very little every couple of months (like even if you only trim an eighth of an inch) it helps a lot.  I want mine to stay blunt cut as long as I can have it that way, so I keep mine trimmed. I usually cut an eighth of an inch every 2 months until it starts to tangle a lot in the last fourth of an inch, then I cut off that fourth of an inch (this is still only half a month of growth).  The result is it takes me a little longer to reach my goals, but my hair doesn't thin out on the ends like it did when I tried to grow it without cutting it at all.  (You also probably have to trim it yourself if you want to go that route, because its too much of a bother to try to find someone who won't hack off a few inches). 

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