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$1800, $2500, $4500?!?!?

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 12 2025 at 8:33pm

Topic: $1800, $2500, $4500?!?!?
Posted By: Tyranna
Subject: $1800, $2500, $4500?!?!?
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 1:41pm

Hello.  I don't were extensions or anything, but I do like to pop in here once in a while to see the pictures of the great hairstyles a lot of you come up with. 

Anyway, I noticed today several threads mentioned the cost of getting extensions.  Ye gods!  Talk about sticker shock.  I had no idea.

For $4500 I could probably get my house sided.  I am curious - how long do these extensions last?  I mean if I paid 2K for a style, I should hope they would be good for a year at the very least.

Posted By: Phenomenal Joy
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 2:31pm

Depending on the kind of extensions, they last for a few months.  Not all extensions cost upwards of $1000, but yes some do.  Hair is expensive too (at least good hair is).

But hey, I sleep good at night, and all the bills are house is brick (and paid for) so I don't need siding

Posted By: zapevaj
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 4:59pm
There is a world of extension options below $1,800. From what I can tell, most places that charge several thousand are Great Lengths places, who charge so much purely because they can (or places that do it on purpose, to seem "exclusive"). Oh, and I think Hairlocs and Eurolocs charge that much too- not that they're necessarily any good.

Bottom line: look at -all- your options, both in your area and not (for $700 you could fly to LA, have your hair done by Kristin of HairCandy, and still come out ahead). And look at all your installation-method options, too- there's a lot more besides fusion out there.


------------- - Hair Alchemy

Posted By: Kalika
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 5:41pm
I have thick, super red, butt length extensions.  The cost of the Plastikhaar, and shrinkies I used, the install was under $100.

Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 6:05pm
Most of the extension jobs that I do are under $1000, and that includes the hair too.

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Posted By: Bryan
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 8:10pm
kalika with red hair? hmmmm interesting. got ne pics u could email me?

learn to love what you were born with
you can do anything if you set your mindto it (just dont try this with hair,that could turn out bad)

Posted By: Cali-Kristin
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 8:21pm

Awe Thanks Rae. I typically charge $500 for a full set but there are more bargains out there. I've heard of other places also charging better prices around $600-800. The deals are out there, you just need to find them

I have a "find a stylist" page on my website if you'd like to check out some other stylist. Here's the link if you're interested: -



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Posted By: Kalika
Date Posted: October 14 2005 at 2:50am

Originally posted by Bryan Bryan wrote:

kalika with red hair? hmmmm interesting. got ne pics u could email me?

Im gonna post em on the forum.

Posted By: Bryan
Date Posted: October 14 2005 at 10:22am
that works. just wasnt sure how leary you were of posting pics.

learn to love what you were born with
you can do anything if you set your mindto it (just dont try this with hair,that could turn out bad)

Posted By: Kalika
Date Posted: October 14 2005 at 4:24pm
not at all, ask gina

Posted By: Gina E
Date Posted: October 15 2005 at 7:08am


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