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how do you curl long hair

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 29 2024 at 6:31pm

Topic: how do you curl long hair
Posted By: person
Subject: how do you curl long hair
Date Posted: October 23 2005 at 8:50pm
i am trying to grow out my hair so its short which makes it easy to curl with when i grow it out to my waist how could i curl it before i cut it it was heavy and too much work so it was strait but frizzy.and i curl it every day so will gel work cuz i prefer low maintnaince hair not sock curling every day or pin curl

Posted By: missrini
Date Posted: October 23 2005 at 10:19pm

How do you currently curl it? Just scrunching with mousse? Does this mean your hair has some natural curl?  When it is long does it lose the curl? Is this what you mean?

I'm assuming you are looking for a gentle way to curl that does not damage hair.  Sock curling does seem like a good idea, however if you don't want to put in any time, then maybe a perm? Bear in mind that this will cause some damage though.  I don't really think that any of the "gentle" methods are particularly least at first.  Maybe if you practice enough, they will become easier and quicker.

If you do have natural curl, then I suggest having a read of Lorraine Massey's book "Curly Girl", maybe your natural curl will be enough when you learn to look after it so that the curl is maximised. Her tips are very time-saving anyway.

Good luck with your growing!


25 inches as at 1st Nov 06

Posted By: Vicky
Date Posted: October 24 2005 at 6:19am
Sock curling! Go to anais satins homepage, you can find a link under her posts. It's a great website with alot of humor 

Posted By: kimberlily
Date Posted: October 25 2005 at 10:10am

I have longish (BSL) hair that is resistant to curling. My hair does have natural wave to it though, and I find that if I mix 1tbsp jojoba oil, 2 tbsp aloe vera gel (not the green stuff you put on sunburns... the stuff intended for drinking - buy it at Whole Foods or other health food stores) and 3oz of spring water, and spray it in my hair after washing, it makes the waves more defined. It also cuts WAY down on the frizzies.

The other thing I do is I only shampoo my scalp. I put conditioner on the length of my hair to protect it from the shampoo, wash my scalp, then condition ALL of my hair.

My hair is happy now.

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