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Copper,Zinc,Manganese, and Arsenic Ranges

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Hair Loss
Forum Description: Support group for those suffering from hair loss.
Printed Date: February 02 2025 at 12:00am

Topic: Copper,Zinc,Manganese, and Arsenic Ranges
Posted By: kevin_l
Subject: Copper,Zinc,Manganese, and Arsenic Ranges
Date Posted: October 27 2005 at 1:36pm


I am really not sure what causing my hair loss!  Over a period of 2 months I lost 30% of my hair.  My hair is almost stopped growing all over my head + my beard is barely growing!

Doctors are not providing convicing answers.  They only have one explaination which is "Male Pattern Baldness".  No one in my family, parents, grandparents (I know of) are bald.  So I don't know why a Ivy League trained dermatalogist would think it is male pattern baldness even without doing the smallest of tests?

I am trying to investigate the cause myself!

I recently did mineral checks on some minerals like Copper,Zinc, and Manganese.  I also did it for Arsenic.

I have three questions and I really would appreciate any help:

1. Is it true that low Copper and Manganeze can cause hair loss?

2. If so, what are the minimum levels of Copper, manganeze, and Zinc below which one can start losing hair and balding (I am 30% bald on top but I don't believe I fit male pattern progression ...)

3. I have Arsenic level above normal range.  Will that matter?

4. How do I correct the problem/defciencies in minerals ..?

My mineral and Toxic numbers are:

-Arsenic: 0.082 mcg/g

-Copper: 14 mcg/g

-Zinc 134 mcg/g

-Manganeese 0.08 mcg/g

Thanks For your Help



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