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I need advice...

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 29 2024 at 4:29pm

Topic: I need advice...
Posted By: gemma
Subject: I need advice...
Date Posted: November 19 2005 at 1:35am

Hey guys,I've been reading you for a while and I know that u all don't like blow drying/ironing hair but given the nature of my hair and the climate I live in (Egypt) I unfortunately need this sorta stuff to manage my hair or else is just looks terrible once I step out of the house and since I wash it about once a week would ironing/blow drying it still be very damaging at that rate?

Also, I've notice hair falling out (at more than the normal rate) during my tests probably because they're so many and I don't get that much sleep on those days(med school), I was wondering if there were any vitamins I could take to sorta decrease the amount of hair falling out?

sorry for the long post, thx!


Posted By: LadyFrog
Date Posted: November 19 2005 at 11:09am
if you are blow drying every day, it will still damage your hair but unless you're trying to grow it very long it shouldn't matter too much. Quite a lot of peoples hair seems to be falling out at the moment so it might not just be the tests. haven't got a clue about vits but there are a load of supplement junkines on here. They'll be able to tell you more. sorry I couldn't help more.


28.02.06 34 inches - Photos
Lifes a grave. Dig it.
-Wednesday 13

Posted By: missrini
Date Posted: November 20 2005 at 3:23am

Hey gemma...welcome.

Have you considered wearing upstyles on a regular basis? It would take the hassle out of "managing" your hair in a bad climate, and would also be better for the health of your hair than using heat.

What is your hair goal? Is it long already? Are you happy with the health of your hair otherwise (besides the falling out)?


25 inches as at 1st Nov 06

Posted By: gemma
Date Posted: November 20 2005 at 1:26pm

hello Ladyfrog and missrini,thx for replying.You both have beautiful hair!

well my hair is medium thickness and between BSL and waist length ..I'd be very pleased if my hair reaches waist length because I honestly don't think I could take proper care of it if it gets longer than it....I actually do wear it up alot during the summer but it makes me look alot older and that's something I'm not too keen on right now lol besides the whole falling out thing and the occasional split ends, I think it's relatively healthy looking but I'm trying to take better care of it.

Posted By: LadyFrog
Date Posted: November 21 2005 at 10:40am
Thanks you!
When you say updos make you look older, what kind of updos do you mean? Do you mean scraped back buns etc. or the pretty fally down ones? Just curious. If your hair has managed to survive ironing and been healthy then you should be proud of yourself!


28.02.06 34 inches - Photos
Lifes a grave. Dig it.
-Wednesday 13

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: November 21 2005 at 11:25am

I agree, Gemma, It never hurts to take better care of your hair because.. it makes you feel great about yourself as well Welcome and nice to meet you.


-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

Posted By: gemma
Date Posted: November 21 2005 at 11:40am

I've tried alot of things actually and i can't really explain it but my face doesn't look that great with my hair completely pulled back ,some ppl say it makes me look older others say i look like a 7th grader and I guess the ironing hasn't killed it yet cos I don't do that in the summer almost at all because at an average of 38¢ªC/100 F I'd rather wear it up and away from my neck lol and not always through the winter, so it definately could be healthier but it doesn't look worn out or brittle or anything.

and thx Anais , nice to meet u 2  

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: November 21 2005 at 8:02pm
Hi Gemma,

I don't have any additional advice to offer ('cause LadyFrog, Rini and Anais) have shared their wisdom, but I just wanted to offer you my welcome here. 


Posted By: gemma
Date Posted: November 22 2005 at 2:53pm
Thnx, Dave.

Posted By: gossipqueen
Date Posted: November 23 2005 at 8:41am

Hi Gemma,

 Lady frog was right for some reason people are noticing more hair falling out, me being one of them. But I tried changing the brush I used and I’m finding that using a comb is reducing the amount of hair I loose when styling. I also have to use my flat iron a lot and I don’t think that it damages my hair any more then when I wasn’t using it. But try to make sure you use some protective products on your hair before applying all that heat,  I have to use my flat iron pretty much every day and have been for a long time but my hair isn’t any worse off. Just try and take care of it the best you can, finding a great conditioner also helped me.

Posted By: gemma
Date Posted: November 24 2005 at 2:06am

hi gossipqueen,

I have noticed some fall out at this time of the yr but the main problem 4 me is actually before summer during my finals cos i get stressed out a little 2 easily and i get about 3-5 hrs sleep/night (this lasts for about 2 months) and clumps start coming out without me even touching it, add some crash dieting 2 that throughout the yr and it's certainly lost some thickness over the past 3 yrs, i've done a search here though 4 vitamins (which i should've done to begin with)and i'll c what happens .Thx for all the advice!

Posted By: gossipqueen
Date Posted: November 24 2005 at 3:24pm


I had another post about crash dieting and hair loss. I had a lot of hair loss several years ago due to crash diets. It’s horrible and the thickness that I once had hasn’t really restored itself. I mean according to the hairdresser I have thick hair but that is because she didn’t see what my hair was like before the diet. It’s a good thing I started out with a ton of hair. But I would recommend that you try to eat right for you hair and your body’s sake. I have exams as well. I’m studying medicine I’m not in med school yet just doing my undergrad in nursing and then hopefully I’ll get in afterwards to do cardiology. I know how exam time can be but try not to let it get to you. All you can do is your best and no more so I think we both should try to relax and take care of our hair.

Posted By: gemma
Date Posted: November 25 2005 at 9:04am


u're right of course.i also used to have really thick hair(i actually wished it wasn't so thick but i totally want it back now) and good luck to both of us with our studying and our hair ,it's comforting to know that someone shares my pain lol

Posted By: LadyFrog
Date Posted: November 25 2005 at 10:45am
good to see you too have found your sould buddies


28.02.06 34 inches - Photos
Lifes a grave. Dig it.
-Wednesday 13

Posted By: gossipqueen
Date Posted: November 25 2005 at 2:43pm
I use to wish my hair wasnt as thick as it was too! But I do wish I could have it back as well. I guess we do have a bit in common lol

Posted By: gemma
Date Posted: November 25 2005 at 2:55pm
this is cute ,yet at the same time eerie lol

Posted By: Sunsailing
Date Posted: November 25 2005 at 3:21pm
I blow dry my hair. I let it air-dry for about 30-45 minutes, then blow dry. About 6 months ago, I purchased an "infar red" blow drier. It's supposed to dry the hair from the inside-out (instead of outside in). I have noticed a positive difference in the health of my hair.


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