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Finally losing weight!

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Category: Beauty Talk
Forum Name: Diet Days
Forum Description: A place for sharing ideas, tips and our daily struggles
Printed Date: July 27 2024 at 3:00am

Topic: Finally losing weight!
Posted By: Longhairdreams
Subject: Finally losing weight!
Date Posted: December 03 2005 at 4:10pm

So, I 've been trying to lose weight ever since I had my thyroid nuked.Its been hard and I had only been gaining weight up until this point.But after I had my son a couple of months ago I had gotten my dose  just right.Not only have I lost all my pregnancy weight.But I'm down another pant size from that.And It feels wonderful.I started out at 130.And It just wouldnt drop beneath that.But finally it has.I have now lost a grand total of 10 pounds in just 2 weeks.I know 120 pounds might seem heavy to alot of people,but since I havent seen myself this small for a long time its pretty great.

And this is how I did it:

First I cut calories.I'm on a 1200 calorie diet.which is healthy for my size and build.This has been alot easier since I dont eat to comfort myself or out of boredom anymore.Plus I make healthy choices.I dont eat fast food.Plus I substitute certain things like regular cheese for soy cheese.Regular bread for whole wheat bread with oats and grains.Plus my diet is very high in protein.Protein i found is very important for gaining muscle to replace fat.And for excercise I do yoga/pilates.(Ashtanga).And cardio.I mix it up so sometimes I might do jumping jacks and dance.And other times it might be an excercise bike.Plus I dont feel bad about not eating fast food or having to work out.The more my body changes the better I feel about myself.And When you feel good its easy to adopt as a way of life.


Posted By: _thumbelina_
Date Posted: December 05 2005 at 10:15am
Congragulations! Glad to see you've lost weight in a healthy way too, it's far much more rewarding and starvation diets are the biggest nono. I agree with feeling good about youself, when you start out losing weight it's tough as hell, but once the results start to shine through it's hard to slip back to old habits!

"You were the movie of my life, starring you instead of me"

Posted By: Longhairdreams
Date Posted: December 21 2005 at 12:22pm
Thank you thumbelina! Another thing for me is knowing how healthy and strong I am.


Posted By: Hanna
Date Posted: January 13 2006 at 3:28am

Well done Longhairdreams!

I wish I could change my eating behaviour too.

Hanna xx

Posted By: Longhairdreams
Date Posted: January 13 2006 at 6:01pm
Thanks hanna.I'm still eating right and taking care of my body,but sadly I've gained all the weight back due to an underactive thyroid. I'm going to stick with it.I'm to the point now  that even the sight of my fav. fast foods make me sick to even look at.I use to be the type to drink a 2 liter of pepsi a day! i know thats horrible.But now I'd rather have my flavored water.Eventually your body kicks in and the stuff that gives you energy and makes you feel better seems to taste better.If I can do it I believe anyone can.

Posted By: Blondie1972
Date Posted: January 13 2006 at 10:39pm

That is great to hear LHDreams.   It is such a great feeling!  I know it must be hard with the thyroid though.  I have a close friend who has the same issue and she has had a really tough time with her weight. 

A few years back, I as well lost quite a bit of weight the same way you have.  Counting calories and loads of cardio!  I struggled for years with my weight and then I finally learned to count calories and be very strict about it and it finally worked.  I also learned to find ways of getting my cardio in so I could at least enjoy it a bit. 

I used to get overwhelmed trying to keep up with calories, fat, etc~ so I eventually just kept track of the calories and it seemed by doing that, the fat counts and everything else just fell into place.  I am only 5 ft 1 and I started out at close to 150 lbs and eventually got myself down to 105 lbs.  I now fluctuate between about 105 to 108, but as long as I keep eating healthy and keep up with lots of cardio, it seems to stay where I am happiest.

Anyway~ I just wanted to say way to go!  I've been there and can certainly understand both the frustration of trying and trying and trying to get your weight down and then the sheer joy when you finally do!  Yay for you! :)

Posted By: gunnie71
Date Posted: January 17 2006 at 11:46am

Hi all,

 I've noticed since December, I've lost 2 pounds...

 I actually(along with my Fiance' Steve) eat only half portions, or we (save money and calories) and split a meal when out to eat.

 Plus we eat things that are healthy and bad foods in moderation...

 I'm nearly 5 foot 6 inches. I've always been an avid fast walker, plus I love to dance too!

 Hiking trails,Swimming(summer)are fun to do, plus I got a bowling ball, bag and shoes for my Jan 8th birthday! My highest bowling score was 125! My average is 75 to 85. Last Saturday I got exactly 100, my first 3 were Strikes(a "Turkey") LOL;)


 I'm having too much fun!

 God Bless, Bye for now....

Katie ;)

Posted By: Longhairdreams
Date Posted: January 17 2006 at 1:03pm

Blondie:I am the same way.At first I tried to keep track of all the different stats.But soon figured out that calories are what really matter.And carbs get such a bad rep..But honestly carbs are very good for you,as long as your not eating them in excess.

Great job Gunnie! Sounds like you are on the right track. I bet most of your weight is muscle.Plus Sharing a meal when you go out is a great idea.And I dont see anything wrong with eating something not so good for you every once in a while.Even celebs have cheat days. As do I.Yesterday I had chinese(buffet style,lol)for lunch,and pizza for dinner.But the rest of the week,it will only be soy and organic.Which i like,dont get me wrong.But I love chinese.

Posted By: gunnie71
Date Posted: January 18 2006 at 1:38am

Hi Longhairdreams,

   Thanks for your support!

         I think You're right most of my weight is muscle, I've got the guns! LOL!!I'm serious, my arms have great tone.

 But back to the weight. I'm currently 133 pounds and almost 5'6", (Still trying to get taller, LOL!)

 I wear a size 7/8

My friends are jealous, but ever since high school, I've always read "Prevention" magazines, and biked, walked alot, and I love to dance!

 Only in the last few months I have begun to enjoy Bowling alot!!! Dare I say, Bowling and Dancing are my(Excersise) Passions!!!

   Plus I think I inherited my Dad's lean body!!!

 My Favorite indulgences; Juicy Mushroom and swiss with sauteed onions Burger,with fries.

A turtle sundae,Pizza with pepporoni, or sausage,and Chocolate chip cookies!!!Opps, don't forget homemade brownies with or without nuts, and ofcourse my homemade Banana bread!!!!

                         Take care, and God Bless You!

Katie ;)

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