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Growing hair (Again *cries*)

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 29 2024 at 8:29am

Topic: Growing hair (Again *cries*)
Posted By: Demilich
Subject: Growing hair (Again *cries*)
Date Posted: December 25 2005 at 7:45am

Oh my god oh my god oh my god I hate -HATE- HATE hair dressers...

I had 28inches of hair... wavy thick hair that fell down so nicely ;.;
I went to get it cut to my shoulders so ill start getting used to the idea of cutting it(Because I have to join the darn army in a few months, israel demands that:p)
So.. I tell my hairdresser to cut it to my shoulders and he starts cutting and cutting... then he pulls it back and tells me he is going to balance it a little and i'm like "Sure"... he leaves my hair and....


I can't BELIEVE he did that!! he keeps cutting like nothings wrong, by the time I actually say something all my hair is that length... then he goes on and says "It looks so good on you!"... and he does a little more balancing, I was rather shocked at the time, and I seriously wasn't capable of saying anything (Other than a few random insults, but that didn't do any good, my hair was lost).... I swear... by the time he was over I had this UGLY haircut of 3inches long ontop of my head and 1inches on the sides.. it looked weird (Leonardo-de-crap-e-o kind of weird)... I swear if my mom wasn't there I'd grab a razor and slice him to bitz...


I got home all pissed, and I hated it... So I shaved myself bald.
Now... I have the army in a few months and won't be able to grow my hair again...
But I'm planning on starting to grow it 5months before I finish the army.. after that I have around 8-7 months before I leave israel for university at england and I was wondering if its possible to get it to shoulder length during that time :(....


I hate hair dressers...

Posted By: Hellfrozeover
Date Posted: December 25 2005 at 8:41am
Aaaw that's terrible! Being forced into the army IMO is one of the most stupid things that still exist in today's society. Hope it all goes well for you.


Posted By: Demilich
Date Posted: December 25 2005 at 10:34am

the army isn't bothering me (I mean, sure its a delay of 2-2.5 years of growing hair but meh)...


Its the fact that I'm bald now that bothers me so 8(....


P.S.... I just found out I have a year, not a few months.
Thats kinda good because I was hoping i'd go to wacken open air festival this year... I was wondering, how much hair can I grow(max... include any costs for extra materials please XD) during 8months?
I'd like to headbang a lil there:<

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: December 25 2005 at 12:35pm

Eight months will get you about 4 inches of hair. I'm sorry to hear about your horrible hairdresser experience. Your 28 inches of hair sounded so awesome.

You've found the right support board.

Happy Holidays

-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

Posted By: Demilich
Date Posted: December 25 2005 at 12:48pm

It was the kind of hair that was like an afro while short but became really cool later:P...

I was so happy when it started dropping.... now I only have memories ;.;....



Hmm... 4inches, is there any extra care I can take to boost that?
It's still good though:O ill dye it black and use flatiron and ill be able to headbang it:d

Posted By: Sugaree
Date Posted: December 27 2005 at 12:27pm
Demilich - I'm sorry to hear about what that demonic hair dresser did to
you! I hate that, when they have it how you want it and then those
famous last words..."I'm just going to clean it up" or "I'm just going to
give you a few layers..." AND THEN THEY SLAUGHTER YOUR HAIR. I too
joined this hair board after a similar (but much less devistating) hair
disaster. Everyone here is very friendly and supportive. I'm so glad I found
this place, where people care about hair as much as I do. Anyhow, hang
in there...we'll have your hair flying around in time for your music festival,
no doubt!

Don't let the man get you down ~ me

1c MC iii Dark Brown, 22" Goal: Waist

Posted By: trophywife
Date Posted: December 28 2005 at 9:44am

Sorry to hear that.

Why couldn't he cut your hair straight to start with? Sounds like he messed up, or he didn't know what he was doing: hope you didn't pay him!

Good luck with the grow-out.

There are quite a few female students in England who have shaved heads or other really short hairstyles so you won't stand out there, don't worry! :) 

Posted By: MrsMNK
Date Posted: December 29 2005 at 4:49am
i would have killed him! good job hair still grows

Type *~2A/2B~* waist length

Aim *butt length*

Posted By: Demilich
Date Posted: December 29 2005 at 6:59am

Ehhhh... I'm not a female^^...

I'm a guy! and damn proud! hehe...
No I didn't pay him;)...

Posted By: trophywife
Date Posted: December 29 2005 at 7:52am
Originally posted by Demilich Demilich wrote:

Ehhhh... I'm not a female^^...

I'm a guy! and damn proud! hehe...
No I didn't pay him;)...

Oops...sorry about that.  Hope you weren't offended by my assumption.

Posted By: Demilich
Date Posted: December 30 2005 at 6:37am

Nah its ok




Meeeeeeemorieeeeeeeeeees danananananaaaaaaaa


EDIT 2: Alright, i checked my hair length atm and its 1cm(got shaved 2 weeks ago to 0)... thats decent, I hope.
i'll be checking every begining of a new month and post progress here! Also, looking at pictures from a few years ago I saw that my hair growing progress of a year or so(Might be less, not sure) was to my SHOULDERS.... thats fast, I think, and it gives me great hopes for reaching something semi-acceptable for the Wacken Open Air festival.
Whatever my length will be, i'm going to dye it black and straighten it for the heck of it, since i'll probbably have to shave 4months later for the army... Unless I get a premmison to grow.

Posted By: Torrie
Date Posted: May 11 2006 at 4:13pm

im not sure this is in the right place but i need major help ok i went to wallmart got some hair dye moco brown i have light brown hair so i dident think it would be to big a deal then i was horrorfide to find it was blue black missed moco altogeather my hair is realy damaged so i hated it so much i went to head start to see if they could do anything well the guy was entirely to rough when combing out my hair my neck was sore for a week and thats not the worst of it he allowed hair dye to drip down my face without trieing to wipe it off when washing it he skratched the back of my neck got dye in it and if you dont think that hurts try it sometime welll i couldhave delt with that if he would have fixed my hair but he lightened my roots to strawberry blond and black well i dont need to tell you that dont mix then i just got up and left without paying he was running after me wanting his money i yelled at him if you follow me ill give you more than your money i think if i had a gun i waoud have blown his head off i was so angry   ...well its been two weeks i feel like an idiot its so ugly i hate it but there isnt anything i can do except grow it out i dont think ill be leaveing the house for awile   one thing ill tell you im never messing with it again as long as i live

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: May 14 2006 at 3:19pm
Ouch, Torrie... Ouch  I'm sure it looks okay now and that it'll look better and better all the time.  Hang in there!

Posted By: Torrie
Date Posted: May 14 2006 at 7:54pm

thanks dave im thinking of sueing the idiots for false labeling on hair products   then at lease this couldent happen to someone else    oh it was hydriance  dont ever use that well its still ugly mabe in a few mounths itl fade  i just cant help feeling like its all my fault i got moco brown and it turned out black sure that was an accident but mabe karma or something i know its just hair and i should just stop complaing my friends accuise me of being to vain mabe so .but what coud i have done to deserve this .is god punishing me for something i dident think i was to bad a person but i must be to deserve this   im just gonna have to look on the bright side of things in this sititouwation there maynot be a bright side   trying to hang in there

Posted By: Torrie
Date Posted: May 14 2006 at 8:14pm

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: May 17 2006 at 4:40pm
Now is a good time to write down your hair resolutions, including such things as haircare techniques that will help preserve the condition of your hair, plans for schedules on how often to visit salons and precisely what you'll ask for (to help you achieve your goals) -- what will it take to restore your hair to its natural color, or at least simulate it along the already-colored strands?  Along with that, of course, is envisioning your goals, what you want your hair to be like, and given your hair's growth rate, when those goals can be achieved.  What do you want your hair to be like in 2007, 2008, 2009?  Try to figure out what can happen by then if all things that affect your goals are achieved, and do what you gotta do to get there.  HTH. Hug


Posted By: SpecialKitty
Date Posted: May 17 2006 at 7:37pm
Torrie, I agree with Dave. Write down your goals, check in to this forum regularly to get support, and above all, treat yourself well and kindly. You and your hair will be fine......Hug


Posted By: missrini
Date Posted: May 17 2006 at 10:16pm
torrie....have you tried Colorfix? It is available at Sallys (in the US) and will remove dye from your hair without damaging it.  It is not a bleach.  I have read many excellent reviews about this product. It could be something worth looking in to.


25 inches as at 1st Nov 06

Posted By: Torrie
Date Posted: May 18 2006 at 9:37pm
ty you guys im just gonna give it time to see if ill come out on its own ive been useing herbal essanses for colar treated hair it helps a whole lot if you everget urself into my situwation by the way i hope you dont its a great shampo to use ill see about colar fix  if its tough on my hair i guess its worth a shot ill keep you guys posted       

Posted By: Torrie
Date Posted: May 18 2006 at 9:57pm
ps i had to be hospitalized becouse the guy that scratched my neck had dirty fingernails and i got a realy bad enfection      yet anoth reason why im never dyein again .......natural is best

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: May 20 2006 at 1:09pm
OMG, insult added to injury... this is a mind-blowing experience.  When you're well, you may want to talk with an attorney.  A sense of justice suggests that the salon/stylist should be held liable for your hospitalization.  Let us know what you do, and what happens.  Hug


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