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What kind of person are you?

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 29 2024 at 2:33pm

Topic: What kind of person are you?
Posted By: LadyFrog
Subject: What kind of person are you?
Date Posted: January 04 2006 at 12:12pm
I thought it would be interesting to see if there was a particular concentration of one group of people on these boards. These labels are not literal, i.e. if you're not a hippy but you go with the whole attitude then you are hippy/pagan.


28.02.06 34 inches - Photos
Lifes a grave. Dig it.
-Wednesday 13

Posted By: Vicky
Date Posted: January 04 2006 at 12:24pm
My personality is arty farty, my look is classic and im a student so the last one got my vote. 

Posted By: SpecialKitty
Date Posted: January 04 2006 at 12:38pm
I'm a mixture of hippie/townie (grew up in Greenwich Village in NYC)/and outdoorsy. But I think probably mostly hippie/pagan.


Posted By: Hellfrozeover
Date Posted: January 04 2006 at 2:30pm
I'm a mix of prim, gothy and arty-farty. This means I'm always in conflict about my hair. The gothy side wants crazy aysymmetric fringes and black dye, the arty side wants natural,flowing hair and the prim side is left to pick up the pieces and balance the other two out.


Posted By: Longhairdreams
Date Posted: January 04 2006 at 2:41pm


edited:because this reply was plain rediculous


Posted By: Sugaree
Date Posted: January 04 2006 at 2:57pm
I voted Hippy/Pagan, but I'd have to say I'm many of those things. I can
tell you what I'm not...

I wouldn't really say I'm a hippy, but I do like to attend hippy jam band
festivals and everything that goes along with that. Plus I love the Grateful
Dead. I'm not religous though. I'm not gothy but I do have piercings.(non
on my face) I'm business like but not straitlaced. I'm not really a Chav,
bling bling, rapper, and I'm not a student. Nor do I have any kids. Not to
pick apart your voting choices, but I figured since I posted I might as well
get more in depth!

Don't let the man get you down ~ me

1c MC iii Dark Brown, 22" Goal: Waist

Posted By: Vicky
Date Posted: January 04 2006 at 3:05pm
For those who don't know what does prim mean?

Posted By: Sugaree
Date Posted: January 04 2006 at 3:11pm
I was assuming it meant "girly/proper" (like prim and proper) like
ummm....kind of a high matainance type girl

Don't let the man get you down ~ me

1c MC iii Dark Brown, 22" Goal: Waist

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: January 04 2006 at 4:30pm

Shoot, I could never fit any one of those. I would describe myself as a blend of:

  1. Spiritual but not completely fitting "Pagan", more ancestral than textual, more monistic than deistic, more Ubuntu than anything else.
  2. what I call Euro-chic, which is more casual than professional but more French than American
  3. Chagall or Klimt style artistic
  4. Cultural/ethnic (mostly Asian), or the kind of personality befitting a World Market store, but nothing to do with "bling" (what is "bling"?)
  5. Straitlaced only when I am corsetted.

Interesting poll!

Anais  the outlier

-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

Posted By: LadyFrog
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 11:22am
Lol, I just chose options that labeled people in to recognisable groups...

Yes, I meant prim like you said Sugaree.

Thanks for pointing out that Hippy/pagan might bug people Longhairdreams, I was just trying to get across a certain mentality

I put myself as goth as I am one but really I should have made it a multiple choice since I could have put student or outdoorsy as well. Glad you like the poll

ETA not pierced though apart frorm the standard earring holes and I fainted when I had them done! Plus I can only wear titanium earrings for any period of time


28.02.06 34 inches - Photos
Lifes a grave. Dig it.
-Wednesday 13

Posted By: Longhairdreams
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 1:09pm

No I was stupid to point that out. i just saw that they werent meant to be literal.I guess when I first saw it ,I didnt know what to think.But not much longer I realized that there's nothing about the way its listed that should bother anyone.

I love how unique some of you were with your answers.

I guess I'd say:Too busy with the kids to have a personality!lol

J/K  I guess so my answer makes more sense I start off saying I'm a gemini.

I am artsy.I guess I'm a waterhouse girl.I'm old minded,a bit of a prude.But I'm not prim at all. I love the outdoors.I'm a horseback riding,hiking,mushroom picking country girl. I'm not afraid to get dirty.Big crowds give me anxiety attacks.but I love shopping. And hair obsessed doesnt even begin to describe it.



Posted By: enfys
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 1:12pm

I voted student because that's my occupation, but I'm an art student!  And people always think I'm a goth from how I dress, but I'm not pierced...And I'm quite hippy too.

So I'm mostly artsy, but voted student.

------------- -
Ah-ha, a place I can soon add hair pics...once I do some

Posted By: enfys
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 1:17pm
Anais, I always think of "bling" as being the over the top diamonds (diamante) and chinky gold chains.  if you can bear it, watch any rapper's music video and you'll see what I mean

------------- -
Ah-ha, a place I can soon add hair pics...once I do some

Posted By: Vicky
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 4:32pm
You have all shared so much..
I'll ad:
Im a painter, a student, spiritual, moody, I have been a goth with piercings, i don't like spending to much time in big crowds, i am and like being a hermit ( but i don't get the chance to be one because im hardly ever alone),  i can't stand screaming kids but think they are adorable when they smile, i want to adopt a baby rather than have one on my own, i love reading, i belive in intuition and natures healing powers.

etc etc

Posted By: missrini
Date Posted: January 06 2006 at 4:15am

Well goodness me.....I couldn't choose just one. I guess if I had to....I'd be a hippy/pagan.  I think longhairdreams described herself well...and it sounded just like me!

However, I own a fairly large and successful business, but I'm NOT straightlaced! hehehe

I am NOT three of the choices though: Gothy, Chav or student. So that narrows it down doesn't it?

And btw, my beautiful sons have expanded my personality to a level I never thought existed


25 inches as at 1st Nov 06

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: January 06 2006 at 2:39pm

Thanks for the explanation, Enfys

And it was really fun reading everyone's responses!


-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

Posted By: MrsMNK
Date Posted: January 07 2006 at 12:04pm

Im not sure which i fit into either  im not really any of the above, i dont know what i am lol

Type *~2A/2B~* waist length

Aim *butt length*

Posted By: Blondie1972
Date Posted: January 07 2006 at 3:15pm

I voted 'Townie' for myself~ but I think I am also high maintenance~ so 'Prim'  too~ even though I do have a laidback personality.  'Stylewise' I guess I am those things above.  I say I am those things because I like being pampered and enjoy staying with tends and high fashion etc. 

Interesting thread!

Posted By: laststar
Date Posted: January 08 2006 at 12:45am
None of the above I am A mix of of everything I am my
own person.

1b-M-ii type, 29.5 inches long as of 07/11/06, goal for now waist

Posted By: redhairedgirl
Date Posted: January 08 2006 at 9:42am
Definately a townie! I hate the country it smells and is dirty


Posted By: SpecialKitty
Date Posted: January 08 2006 at 1:17pm
Looks like there is such a great mix of varied interests, personalities, and fashion styles on this board. No wonder there is such good advice and information here.


Posted By: Nastasska
Date Posted: January 09 2006 at 6:32am
If I'd been around at the time I'd have made a great Hippie,mostly

[IMG]" />
Cats may have staff but dogs have slaves, tired ones

Posted By: Sugaree
Date Posted: January 09 2006 at 8:57am
Originally posted by missrini missrini wrote:

Well goodness me.....I couldn't choose just one. I
guess if I had to....I'd be a hippy/pagan.  I think longhairdreams
described herself well...and it sounded just like me!

However, I own a fairly large and successful business, but I'm NOT
straightlaced! hehehe

I am NOT three of the choices though: Gothy, Chav or student. So that
narrows it down doesn't it?

And btw, my beautiful sons have expanded my personality to a level I
never thought existed


What type of business do you own? I remember in another thread you
mentioned you were a graphic artist. The reason I'm asking is, so am I!
What kind of work do you do at your company? I work for a printer, we do
retail signs mainly.

Don't let the man get you down ~ me

1c MC iii Dark Brown, 22" Goal: Waist

Posted By: missrini
Date Posted: January 09 2006 at 5:23pm

Hi Sugaree, I own a photography studio with my husband.  The studio is a parent company which has many off-shoots.  One of the offshoots is a company called  This is my "baby".  If you want to see some of my graphics work you can go to the website -    We are franchising this business Australia-wide this year and have just sold our first one.

Most of my other work is just stuff I take on privately (I have been getting into designing stationery for weddings lately...the whole thing from the save the date cards, to the invitations, to the place cards, to the thank you cards...etc.etc).   My current project is a re-design of - which will take me a couple of months I think.   I also worked on - and occasionally do updates for that site.

So there you go!  I know you're not supposed to advertise here....but hey, I was asked the question so I answered it

With all that on my plate, I really shouldn't be hanging out on hair boards....but I can't help myself!!!!!!!!


25 inches as at 1st Nov 06

Posted By: Sugaree
Date Posted: January 10 2006 at 10:50am
Wow that's pretty cool Missrini, thanks for sharing! Congratulations on
selling your first franchise. My boyfriend and I have some (indefinate)
plans to move down under sometime within the next 5 years. He has
famly in Brisbane, so we'll probably want to live somewhere near there...
so I figured it's good to know someone in the biz. Anyway, BACK TO THE
HAIR TOPIC...when you do photo shoots, would you say that a lot of the
models have long hair?

Don't let the man get you down ~ me

1c MC iii Dark Brown, 22" Goal: Waist

Posted By: enfys
Date Posted: January 10 2006 at 1:05pm

Missrini, fascinating stuff about your job.  And I won't tell anyone you were advertising .  Since I look terribly unlikely to get on the architecture course I applied for this year, I may well be persuing a career in Graphic Design.  Maybe an option on the poll should have been "graphical"

Back to hair (again lol) - isn't it odd that no chavs have voted yet?  I wonder what that means...

------------- -
Ah-ha, a place I can soon add hair pics...once I do some

Posted By: missrini
Date Posted: January 10 2006 at 10:24pm

Sugaree, come on down! Brizzy is a great place to live and I'm sure there is lots of work for graphic designers....if not, then start up on your own.   As for long-haired models...yes, there are quite a few. I'd say more long-hairs than short.  Unfortunately alot of the long-haired girls don't have it in very good condition. Blonde hair is pretty popular and that means mega-bleach and processing.  But hey, we can always Photoshop it!

enfys, maybe "chavs" don't have long hair? I had actually never heard of that term, so maybe ppl don't know what it means so they don't vote for it? Hmm....I don't know.


25 inches as at 1st Nov 06

Posted By: Sugaree
Date Posted: January 11 2006 at 9:00am
I assumed "clavs" means urban, rap stuff like that. I hate using that word
"urban" because it's really misused a lot of the time here in The States to
discribe african american trends. Really anything that comes from a city
should be considered "urban" but hey, that's stereotypes for ya.

Don't let the man get you down ~ me

1c MC iii Dark Brown, 22" Goal: Waist

Posted By: enfys
Date Posted: January 11 2006 at 9:04am - refurl= &sz=25&tbnid=3Sf2c4iMMcIJ:&tbnh=120&tbnw=90& amp;hl=en&start=6&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dchav%26svnum%3D 10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN

I didn't realise that Chavs were a British thing, although it would make sense that no-one knows what they are if it's the case. 

Maybe this link will help clear it up

------------- -
Ah-ha, a place I can soon add hair pics...once I do some

Posted By: Sugaree
Date Posted: January 11 2006 at 9:38am
Hey! Kind of like Ali G. Now I get it! ( I just bought the second season of
the Ali G funny!)

Don't let the man get you down ~ me

1c MC iii Dark Brown, 22" Goal: Waist

Posted By: Sugaree
Date Posted: January 11 2006 at 9:56am


Don't let the man get you down ~ me

1c MC iii Dark Brown, 22" Goal: Waist

Posted By: LadyFrog
Date Posted: January 11 2006 at 12:16pm
Yep, Ali G, 50 Cent etc. 


28.02.06 34 inches - Photos
Lifes a grave. Dig it.
-Wednesday 13

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: January 18 2006 at 8:35pm
Maybe mostly business-like, then "hippy" (at least, concerned about the environment and frown on wasteful consumption), then maybe "outdoorsy" (even though I spend most of my time indoors, but I do love communing with nature on occasion).  Not easy to put myself wholly into one of these boxes.


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