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I know it’s a lot but...*favour to ask*

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 29 2024 at 2:24pm

Topic: I know it’s a lot but...*favour to ask*
Posted By: enfys
Subject: I know it’s a lot but...*favour to ask*
Date Posted: January 10 2006 at 1:59pm

Is anyone here Spanish-speaking?  A colleague brought me back some jojoba oil from Spain, which it great.  Except I can't read the label. 

Could a volunteer translate this:

Aceite de Jojoba (Puroba)

Proteger de la luz

Aspecto: liquido oleoso amaillo-dorado, intenso en masa, practicamente inodpro.

Description:  (n.b. followed by "resultados" numbers)

densidad (0.861 g/ml), indice de retraccion 1.4639, solubilidad :Ethanol (insoluble), Cloroformo (Soluble), Eter (soluble), indice de acidez (0.21), indice de saponification (87.0-98.0), indice de yodo (80.0-95.0), indice de peroxidos (0.01), insaponificables (53.80%), humeded + volatiles (0.01%), acido oleico C18:1 (9.50%), acido gadoleico C20:1 (70.70%), acido erucico C22:1 (15.50%)

Normas Utilizadas : Acofarma

That's all the labelling.  Any help with putting it into a language I can read would be much appreciated  Thank You!

And can I double check that it is suitable for use on hair and isn't for cooking or something.  Just in case, like...

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Ah-ha, a place I can soon add hair pics...once I do some

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: January 10 2006 at 2:38pm
I used an online translator gizmo.

It looks like it says Pure Jojoba

Those %'s are not ingredients.

Here's what I get using one translator

Oil of Jojoba (Puroba)

Protecting of the light

Aspect: I liquidate oily amaillo-golden, intense in mass, practicamente inodpro. 

Description: (n.b. followed by "results" numbers)

density (0.861 g/ml), indicate of retraccion 1.4639, solubility: Ethanol (insoluble), Chloroform (Soluble), Eter (soluble), indicate of acidity (0.21), indicate of saponification (87.0-98.0), indicate of iodine (80.0-95.0), indicate of peroxidos (0.01), insaponificables (53.80%), humeded + volatiles (0.01%), acido oleico C18:1 (9.50%), acido gadoleico C20:1 (70.70%), acido erucico C22:1 (15.50%)

Norms Utilized: Acofarma

and here's what I get on another

Oil of Jojoba (Puroba)

To protect of the light

Aspect: I eliminate amaillo-golden, intense oleoso in mass, practicamente inodpro.

Description: (n.b. followed by "results" numbers)

density (0,861 g/ml), indice of retraction 1,4639, solubility:Ethanol (insoluble), Chloroform (Soluble), Eter (soluble), indice of acidity (0.21), indice of saponification (87.0-98.0), indice of iodine (80.0-95.0), indice of peroxidos (0.01), insaponificables (53.80%), humeded + volatiles (0.01%), acido oleic C18:1 (9.50%), acido gadoleico C20:1 (70.70%), acido erucico C22:1 (15.50%)

Used Norms: Acofarma

Hope that helps.

------------- - My Journal

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: January 10 2006 at 7:35pm

Jojoba oil (pure)

Protect from light (most likely "direct light")

Qualities: golden-yellow oil ("liquid oil"),  for bath use or cosmetic use ("inodoro" = literally "toilet").

density (0.861 g/ml), absorption coefficient/rate? 1.4639, solubility in the following listed substances: Ethanol (insoluble), Chloroform (Soluble), Ether (soluble),

acidity (0.21), degree of saponification (87.0-98.0), something to do with iodine which is irrelevant to us (80.0-95.0), some degree related to peroxide which is also irrelevant (0.01), insaponificables (53.80%), something related to volatility which you won't have to worry about because all oils are volatile on a microscopic level (0.01%), oleic acid C18:1 (9.50%), gadoleic acid C20:1 (70.70%), "erucico" (another fatty acid) C22:1 (15.50%)

Normal use (?): Acofarma ?

Hope this helps


-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

Posted By: enfys
Date Posted: January 11 2006 at 7:57am

Cheers both!   I couldn't translate many words when I tried, so I'm really glad you had more luck!

With the "toilet" bit I take it it is safe to use on my hair lol.

Now I can join the ranks of Jojoba users

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Ah-ha, a place I can soon add hair pics...once I do some

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: January 18 2006 at 8:42pm
So, welcome to the jojoba fan base, enfys... how you liking it thus far?


Posted By: enfys
Date Posted: January 19 2006 at 3:51pm

So far so brilliant thanks

I never really get split ends (I'm a lucky monkey aren't I?) but I found the oil really helps to hide the healthy ends that are different lengths throughout.  The growing out bits.  You know what I mean lol.

Also, brushing is sooooo much easier because the oil separates the little clump of slightly drier hair I used to get at the very ends when I brushed through.  It's an absolute doddle.

With no unpleasant smell.  Is it normal for there to be no odour at all, because mine smells of nothing?  I was expecting a...well...oily smell.

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Ah-ha, a place I can soon add hair pics...once I do some

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: January 19 2006 at 6:20pm
That's something most people notice about it. Mine doesn't smell either.

Posted By: Karen Shelton
Date Posted: January 19 2006 at 6:50pm

The beauty of jojoba is that it is so much like the human scalp and thus does not get oily or greasy.  I use it on my scalp, my split ends (if I find any after Search & Destroy) and even on my skin.  I also mix it with my own favorite essential oils for all sorts of treats.

Just love it.  After 10 years of using it I am still finding new things about it to love.

That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger or drives you totally insane. :-)

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