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More Tips

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Forum Name: Friendship Forum
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Printed Date: March 14 2025 at 7:42am

Topic: More Tips
Posted By: Sunduster
Subject: More Tips
Date Posted: January 12 2006 at 7:00pm

1- Wrap gifts in tissue paper.Very pretty.

2 - Spray inside of aluminum foil with something like Pam. Then it won't stick to your turkey.

3 -Prell shampoo works on grass stains. Use a brush.

4 - Put jelly in squeeze bottles, less mess.

5 - When grilling spray the grill with a cooking spray. Meat and vegies won't stick.

6 -slice thin slices off of meat, when partially frozen.

7 - Scuffs on shoes  you can remove with a nail polish remover.

8- To keep buttons on your shirt, put clear nail polish on the back of the buttons.

9- Don't salt fish until it's done. It could fall apart.

10- Sink mats throw in your washer when dirty.

11- Use x mas tree bulbs in your night lights. They give off a nice


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