1 - Clean marks off from piano keys with an eraser.
2 -For a kitchen shower. You can take a pretty hand towel and wrap up your gift. Attach a pretty ribbon, with maybe some kitchen gadgets, cookie cutters, or measuring cups hanging down from it. You choose.
3 - Unwrap soap bars and let them dry out. Then use.They'll last longer.
4 - Smelly thermos, throw in denture tablets leave all night. Wash in the morning.
5 - Best to buy socks all in the same color. If one gets a hole, you won't have to throw out a pair. Take the holy one and dust with it.
6- To keep your socks together in the wash.Take that plastic ring off the gallon milk jug. Slip it over the socks. Now toss them in the hamper,wash or where ever. Collect a bunch of them. They get thrown out any way.
7 -Grease in your clothes rub in some dawn dish soap.
8- You can use ALL in your laundry, and your dish washer. Low sudsing. Cheaper too.
9 - Take that scoup out of your power detergent. Now collect four milk jug tops. You're doing good so far. Keep going. Now take and glue the tops on the scoup for a cart. You've got a planter for a small plant.
10 - If you have soft water, you only need to fill your dish washer cup half full. The company wants you to think other wise.