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Bazar You Bet

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Printed Date: March 15 2025 at 7:31am

Topic: Bazar You Bet
Posted By: Sunduster
Subject: Bazar You Bet
Date Posted: January 13 2006 at 11:30pm

Now your going to chuck me in the trash. Yelp she's lost it. So here goes. You can give your dogs raw meat and bones. All kinds of bones. But do not cook the bones. If you do it will cause splinters. Other wise perfectly fine. Yes even chicken BUT DO NOT COOK THE BONES. Several people are doing it here. Ya cook those bones you'll run into trouble.

Also you can give your dog vitamin E to protect them from liver problems. But you will have to get dosage amount from a vet. I give 200 I. U. Goes by age or weight of dog. I forget. Well I'm not young any more. So I'm entitled.

I had my pom spayed. She was hurtin somthing fierce. Looked terrible when we picked her up. When I got her home she yipped, trying to get her out of the van. Didn't want me or anyone to touch her. She tried to jump up on the sofa. She is a lap dog. Well it hurt so bad she couldn't make it. I said that's it. I'm giving her a vitamin. So I gave her vitamin E. Within five minutes she was on the sofa. I remembered I had used it once before on a dog. When my neighbor's gets sick, she gives her Pepto Bismol. Most of the time it's caused by eating grass. Asked the vet one day why they liked eating grass. She said because they like to feel the texture on the roof of their mouths.

Super Simple - Dog urine, feces, and vomit clean up with water and vinegar. Just put two tablespoons of white wine vinegar in a spray bottle. Now fill with 1/2 cup distilled water, and 1/2 cup tap water. Shake up. Works terrific. I use this all the time. Or alternate with ammonia and water.

If your dog is fussy try this. Spray some chicken or beef broth on his dry food.  Vet also said you can mix in some stinky cheese. The stinkier the better. Or don't feed them for three or four days. It only hurts you not them. The next time you put the food down just leave it for 20 minutes. Then take it up. Do this three times a day. Sooner or later he'll realize he better eat, or go hungry. He'll give in. Oh he'll have those sad eyes an all. You'll want to give  him or her those table scraps. But it's the worst thing to do. Or he'll be eating table scraps forever. Having all kinds of problems.You'll be in the vets with kidney stones, gull bladder and you name it. 

Dog cooler- Get a man's large hankerchief.The westrn type. Fold it into a triangle. Now fold it over 2'' and keep folding to the poited end. Now wet it. Put in the freezer. When it's frozen wrap around your dogs neck and tie. When it gets warm, put it back in the freezer. Now go for a walk in the summer time. He or she will stay nice an cool. Star has four. I always have a spare to switch out.

I make Star doggie cookies out of dog food. That way I can add what I want. Their round and look just like a cookie.

I also wipe her hair down, with a fabric softener sheet when she sheds. It works, and it keeps her hair a bay. Or she gets sprayed with fabric softener and water. Then brushed.

I take a spray bottle of cold water, with me on the warmer days. Not hot. I don't want her to cook.Then I spray her before I go in the store. She does not like staying home. When we get ready to leave, she does circles in front of the door. She just doesn't like getting left behind. Now this keeps her cool until I return.

We also have a medium size plastic ball for her. We put her treat inside. She chases and rolls it all over until the treat comes out. This is good exercise for her to.

When we travel we tape a large photo, of her on one end of her kennel. Plus a write up on her.They give her a cup with ice, and a bag of food. Then they have some one down in cargo that plays with them. She's always made it, and very happy. She has an electronic chip implanted in her. That was her identification upon arrival in Hawaii. Their is no rabbies, or snakes in HI. So they put your animals through the first degree so of speak. 

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