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Laundry Tips

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Topic: Laundry Tips
Posted By: Sunduster
Subject: Laundry Tips
Date Posted: January 14 2006 at 12:23am

  Ok! Now this will help ya save some money.

1 - Liquid Laundry Detergent. Take the top off. Now you will find enough left down inside for one - two more loads.

2 - Liquid Fabric softener - Take that top off and do the same. You don't need as much soap powder or fabric softener as the company wants you to think. They just want you to hi - tail it back to the store sooner. Waist your money. So they can make more. Brands don't even make a difference. The guy that put a new thermostat in my dryer once, said it's the aggitation that washes the clothes. Not the soap. But the soap helps. So empty these out, than toss.

3 - Dish water soap - If you have soft water you only need 1/2 a cup.

4 -Dryer, Take an cut your fabric softener sheet in half. Use the other half for another load. That's all you need to dry a load. Works as good as a whole.

5 - Now take a small sponge. Cut in four pieces. Get out you liquid fabric softener. Pour some in a bowl. Put two of those sponges in it. Toss one each time in with a load of clothes. Keep these in a bowl or jar with a lid. Oh you goofed didn't catch the load in time when the dryer stopped. No problem. Take a spray bottle. Put in 2 tablespoons of fabric softener. Fill the rest of the way with water. Shake up. Now spray inside the dryer a few times. Turn on about five minutes. Problem solved. O r you can do this from the beginning, and you won't need sponges.

Washer- Put 1/2 cup of white vinegar in your rinse. No more lint.

Posted By: Sunduster
Date Posted: January 14 2006 at 12:28am
Sorry I meant Dish washer soap above.


Posted By: Karen Shelton
Date Posted: January 14 2006 at 1:58am
Wow.  Thanks for the tips.  My biggest problem is finding time to even do my laundry because I work 7 days a week - 18-20 hours.  But I will definitely keep these tips in mind.

That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger or drives you totally insane. :-)

Posted By: Sunduster
Date Posted: January 14 2006 at 11:20am

That's exactly what was said, from the feed back I got from over sea. The women were saying because of my tips, they were able to get out on the weekends and enjoy their families more. Prior to that that had to spend all day just catching up. Glad your enjoying them. Like I said, their cheap and worth a try. The choice is yours. I like to share with others. I'm not a greedy person. That's not my breading. Nor to do care to reap all the benefits.



Posted By: Debbie
Date Posted: January 14 2006 at 11:26am
Hi Sunduster!  And thanks for the laundry tips!  Now, do you have anything for a moldy smelling shower?  No bathtub attacked---that is seperate from the shower.  Any helps will be appreciated!  Thanks again! Debbie

There is more to life than hair...Come on---Go get a life!!!!!!!

Posted By: Sunduster
Date Posted: January 14 2006 at 12:40pm

For mold problems in the past. I have made a solution of bleach and water. Maybe 3 tbsp to 32 oz water. I'd put it in a spray bottle shake it up and spray. This got rid of mold on my side walk. Oh and I did it to my siding on the outside of my house. Used to have an under ground sprinkling system. They installed one so it was spraying my house all the time. But it worked good for that to. I'd try the bleach water. Mold is due to wetness. Oh and wear rubber gloves and a mask. You may also have to do a little scrubbing.

If you have a septic tank do this. Take a cup of baking soda, and pour it down the toilet. No, just the toilet next to the drain field. It will provide friendly bacteria, and help keep your drain field functioning properly.

Here's one I used all the time. I take my car paste wax, and polish my windows and mirrors. Use a circular motion, and wait for a little haze.  Gorgeous!  You'll have the whole stree envious of ya.

 When cleaning your windows. Clean the outside in one direction, and the inside in another. Now if you have any streaks, you'll know which side they're are on. Use an old cotton t- shirt, or an old diaper if you have some floatin around.

Also I take ammonia and equal parts of alcohol. Mix up and put in a spray bottle. Now clean my mirrors.   What a shine!

If you get a small scratch on a bathroom mirror, fill it up with toothpaste. No not the gel. I had to do my neighbors with it.

Can't think of anymore for the bathroom right now. When I do I'll submit some more.

Happy Cleaning!


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